John Takao Collier 0N667 Courtney Lane Winfield IL 60190-1178 Phone: (630) 510-9791 Cell: (630) 337-4262 Email: ----------------------------------------------------------- Objective: To "drive order out of chaos" in organizations through creative problem-solving, building highly effective teams, and improving product and process quality. ----------------------------------------------------------- Profile: Information Technology (IT) and Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) professional with over 22 years of experience in diverse areas. Particular strengths in managing projects, designing real-time software, automating processes, and developing computer tools. Acknowledged self-starter that comes up to speed quickly and gets the job done. Experience Areas: * Requirements analysis * Software design * Software testing * Process improvement techniques * Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) * Project Management * Human-computer interaction design (human factors) * Training Languages and Environments: * C Programming * UNIX shell scripting * awk scripting * HTML * SQL * Unity database Technical Expertise: * Writing maintainable and efficient C programming language software for real-time systems. * Software quality processes, code inspection methods and the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM). * Leading effective meetings. ----------------------------------------------------------- Professional Experience: Lucent Technologies - Naperville, IL 1997 - 2003 Member of Technical Staff - 5ESS Switch Development Analyzed requirements, designed, coded and tested telephone switch software. Conceived and implemented process and product improvements. * Led a team of 6 software engineers that successfully ported and tested over 30,000 lines of C language code for a new processor. The porting was completed in less than 9 months under an extremely tight schedule. * Wrote and implemented requirements, designs, code, and tests for 8 medium-to-large software projects. All projects were delivered on time with above average quality metrics. * Took the initiative to redesign a portion of software that simplified over 30 code modules into one code module. This increased software quality and decreased development time. * Took the initiative to conceive, create and maintain 3 software design and coding tools that increased the speed and quality of the software development process. Motorola - Schaumburg, IL 1994 - 1997 Systems Analyst - Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Analyzed, evaluated and managed the rollout of HRIS projects. * Led a team that acquired and installed over 200 new personal computers across 3 organizations and 4 geographic regions. * Performed the budget analysis, vendor negotiation and contract evaluation for 2 human resources information system packages. Motorola - Arlington Heights, IL 1992 - 1993 Training Specialist - Training Organization Evaluated and acquired computer training and managed the computer training lab. * Evaluated training information management systems from 3 vendors. * Negotiated the on-going maintenance of the computer-training lab with the IT organization, thereby reducing computer lab downtime from once a week to once every 6 months. * Delivered the training for a new software change-management system. Motorola - Arlington Heights, IL 1990 - 1991 Software Staff Engineer - Cellular Switch Development Defined the configuration management and quality assurance process for a cellular phone software project. * Worked with the training organization to deliver a "Six Sigma" quality course for software engineers. * Wrote a section of the business unit's Malcolm Baldrige National Quality award application. * Took the initiative to conceive, write and deliver a software tool that simplified the drawing of cellular telephone message flows. This increased the speed and quality of design document writing. * Selected to present a paper on scripting languages at the Motorola Software Symposium. AT&T Bell Labs - Naperville, IL 1988 - 1989 Member of Technical Staff - Software Quality Organization Analyzed and modeled costs and benefits of organization-wide software process improvements. * Managed a 15-person team that organized and delivered the large company-wide conference "Quality Day". * Personally took the initiative to acquire "Quality Day" resources when a last-minute change in corporate policy disrupted the normal acquisition process. AT&T Bell Labs - Naperville, IL 1981 - 1988 Senior Technical Associate/Member of Technical Staff - 5ESS Switch Toll Development Designed, coded and tested telephone switch software. * Wrote and implemented requirements, designs, code, and tests for 5 software projects. * Conceived and implemented a software reuse architecture that saved 2 person years of effort. * Took the initiative to redesign a module of "spaghetti code" into a Finite State Machine (FSM) when the "spaghetti code" threatened to reduce product quality and delay delivery. * Selected to deliver a talk at the Bell Labs software reuse symposium. ----------------------------------------------------------- Education: * Master of Science in Computer Science - Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. * Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology (minor in Mathematics) - Lake Superior State College, Sault Ste. Marie, MI. Specialized Training: * The Engineer/Scientist as a Manager, University of Tennessee * Designing Effective Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), Human Factors International * W. Edwards Deming Quality Seminar, Denver, CO * Systems Dynamics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Facilitating Group Discussions, Chicago * Database Management, College of DuPage Publications: * John Takao Collier, Martha Evens, Daniel Hier and Ping-Yang Li, "Generating Case Reports for a Medical Expert System," The International Journal of Expert Systems, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1988. * John Takao Collier, "The Terror of Tiny Languages", Motorola Software Symposium, 1990. Community Service: * Implemented a neighborhood web-site that included a calendar of events and a community chat area. * President of a local philosophy group. * Founded a book discussion group.