Chapter 118
I have slept and taken my
rest: and I have risen up, because the Lord hath protected me.
Two of the largest psych techs associated with the locked unit conferred outside of Lucky's room. One man was holding a tray full of food and drink. "The orders from Dr. Collins are to make sure that he has his meds and eats and drinks at least half of this."
"The kid won't cooperate?" the other man asked with a frown.
"Nope. He hasn't had anything to eat or drink for 24 hours. We're to explain to him clearly what the expectations are, give him his choices, and then the fun begins," the tech said.
"He's heavily sedated. That should make this easier - maybe."
"You take the food, I'll do the hold," the other man offered.
Lucky was sleeping off the heavy sedation that had made his MRI possible an hour earlier. He didn't wake up when the two techs entered the room and set up the tray and the medications. His hands weren't restrained as the sedation made it unnecessary. The larger of the two techs pulled up a chair and sat down. "Lucky," he said loudly. Lucky's eyes parted briefly and then closed again. His face was blank with sleep, and his chest rose and fell with his even breaths. The man jostled his shoulder lightly. "Wake up for a minute, Lucky. We need to talk."
Lucky ran the back of his hand over his eyes and frowned when he moved his head and took in the sight of the two men within several feet of him.
"My name is Joe. I'm a psychiatric technician." The man spoke in a low, calm voice and introduced his partner with the motion of his hand. "This is James. Your psychiatrist has ordered some medications for you to take, and also this dinner to eat. It's up to you how we proceed. You can willingly take the medications and food. If you're concerned about anything, I can explain what each item is and even sample the food or drink for you so you can see that it is safe. That's the easy way. If you can't accept the food and medications, we're under orders to make sure that you receive it. We'll have to help you take it. Do you understand?"
Lucky trembled and looked back and forth from the two men without speaking. He gripped his blanket with tense fingers, crushing the fabric as they tightened into fists. He felt groggy, too tired and confused to respond or contemplate what this all meant. All he knew was that he wasn't going to allow himself to be poisoned. It was never going to happen to him again.
Lucky shrank away from Joe when the other tech began opening the utensil packet and removing lids from the food. He broke out into a sweat when the man poured a glass of water into a cup. "No," he said in a low, dangerous voice. His eyes darkened, and he shot a fierce glance at Joe. "It's poisoned," he explained angrily as if the man were unaware of the true situation.
"No, it's not. The food and drink are safe," Joe refuted in a firm voice. "I know you're upset about being poisoned yesterday, but this is the hospital. You're in a safe place where people want to help you."
"NO!" Lucky shouted. His wide eyes switched back and forth between the techs, and he stared at the food with growing horror as he kicked off his blankets with a swift motion of his feet. He ran the back of his arm across his forehead.
"Lucky, you're going to take your medications and eat. That is a fact - it will happen. But it's your choice how it takes place. We can go slowly if you want to eat without assistance. Are you willing to try?" Joe looked encouragingly at the young man in front of him.
"No," Lucky protested.
Joe looked at James and gave him a small nod. "Then James and I will help you," he said firmly yet kindly. "I'm going to hold you while James feeds you. It won't be as pleasant this way. Last chance - are you willing to eat on your own?"
Lucky's lips trembled, and he shook his head and blinked rapidly as panic descended on him. He cried out harshly when Joe rose from the chair and approached him. "No one is going to hurt you," Joe said. He quickly maneuvered behind Lucky on the bed and held him firmly around the waist, effectively immobilizing Lucky's arms against his body and holding the young man firmly against his chest.
Lucky panted and shook his head when James approached him with the pill cup. Joe held Lucky's head still by firmly pressing his hand against Lucky's forehead and driving the back of his head into his chest. Lucky made a scared, whimpering sound through his tightly clenched jaws. James pressed on the sides of his cheeks, pressing painfully into the jaw muscles, forcing Lucky's mouth open and placing one pill on his tongue. Lucky was weak from the sedation but kept unsuccessfully trying to twist out of Joe's hold. By now, Lucky was too terrified to think, yet unable to swallow out of a preservation instinct.
After a minute, Lucky grew tired, and James' soothing voice helped him to relax slightly. "Swallow," James encouraged as he held firmly to Lucky's jaw. When he felt Lucky's throat muscles move, he said, "Good, that's good. You did fine. Now let's have some supper."
"Ahhhhh!" Lucky screamed. "It hurts my stomach. Get it out, get it out!!!!" James looked questioningly at Joe who shook his head. They knew that Lucky was reacting out of fear from having been poisoned the day before.
James spooned up some yogurt first, as he thought it might be easier for Lucky to manage. He opened up Lucky's jaw again, quickly spooning some into his mouth, but Lucky struggled fiercely, and most of the yogurt dribbled out of his mouth and down his chin.
"Try the applesauce first," Joe suggested. "It's sweet and might not bother him as much." Joe adjusted his grip on Lucky's arms as Lucky almost succeeded in freeing one of them with a ferocious movement of his shoulder.
James wiped off Lucky's chin with a napkin and tried with the applesauce. He immediately closed Lucky's jaw this time and held it to prevent him from spitting it out. Lucky swallowed, eventually accepting each spoonful until it was gone. James continued in the same manner with the mashed potatoes and then offered Lucky a straw placed into a carton of juice. He accepted several sips of the juice with minimal fuss.
The process of feeding Lucky had taken the two techs twenty-five minutes, and both were becoming fatigued as Lucky struggled through much of it. "He's had about a third of it," James sighed as he looked over the tray. "I'd say that's enough considering the circumstances."
"Have him drink more of the juice," Joe said. "He needs more fluids."
"If you drink half of the carton, you'll be finished," James explained carefully. "I know this is stressful for you, so if you help us out, we can leave you alone." He held the straw to Lucky's lips, and Lucky sipped at the drink while glaring death rays at the tech. After several sips, Lucky struggled with all of his might, and Joe said, "That's enough for now. Lucky you did well. I'm proud of you for taking your medications and eating. I'm going to release you. Just lay back and stay still in the bed, okay?"
Joe moved out from behind Lucky and laid him back onto the bed, adjusting a pillow under his head. Lucky was crying earnestly and gulping. James came back from the bathroom with a washcloth soaked in cool water. He wiped off Lucky's sweaty face and neck and folded the cloth over to a clean side, placing it on Lucky's forehead to give him some comfort. "You're okay," James repeated as he worked. Joe walked around the room, flexing his muscular arms and shoulders to work the kinks out.
Lucky rolled over onto his side away from the two techs, curled up tightly and screamed loudly as he brought his arms over his head. His frantic, hurt cries continued for minutes, echoing throughout the hallway and down to the nurse's station.
"Oh no," Barb said in a low voice when Lucky's cries floated down to the nurse's station. She set down the chart that she was working on and met Rick's eyes.
"Is that Lucky?" Rick asked.
Barb nodded.
"He really sounds beside himself, like he lost his best friend. I don't understand it. He was fine just a few weeks ago."
"Dr Collins alerted us that he would likely return on Monday or Tuesday because his medications needed adjusting, and he was having trouble coping in the meantime." She shook her head. "There's a lot of evil in this world, Rick. We see the recipients of it every day in this hospital. Someone tried to murder him yesterday. It caused him to lose his hold on reality. It happens."
Rick studied Barb's face. "This case affects you, though. I can tell. How do you cope?"
"Not very well I'm afraid. I often submerge myself in quarts of Haagen Daz ice cream in the evenings after work. I've carried around an extra 30 pounds for years. I think it's permanent."
"I'll be working here until I graduate from the university," Rick offered. "I really do care about the patients, but I'm emotionally removed from the situation. I don't know if it's because I'm a man or because of personality. I don't know. But I admire you. You're professional, yet you manage to connect well with patients on many levels."
Barb flinched when the intensity of Lucky's cries went up a notch. "Blessing or a curse? You tell me," she said tensely as she reached into a drawer and pulled out a candy bar. "I have to go see him," she said resignedly. "See if I can help."
"What's all this?" Barb asked cheerfully as she entered Lucky's room. "I heard you down the hall all the way to the nurse's station. Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Lucky was turned toward the wall, crying loudly and desperately. His shoulders were shaking, and he still had his head covered protectively with his arms.
Barb didn't want to startle him, but she leaned over to gently touch him on the arm. "Lucky," she said. "It's Barb. Turn around so I can talk to you."
Lucky jerked away his arm and turned over to see who was bothering him. His face, neck and chest were soaking wet with tears, and his eyes red and swollen with the force of his weeping. Barb sat on the edge of the bed and said, "You remember me."
Lucky stared at her hard and said, "I don't know."
"Sure you do," Barb encouraged. "I'm the one who gives you hugs and candy bars." She pulled a chocolate bar from her pocket and held it in front of Lucky's face. She laughed lightly and set the candy on the small, utilitarian nightstand beside the bed.
Lucky continued to look at her with uncertainty but stopped crying and only sniveled as his eyes pooled with tears.
"I think you'll feel better with a hug," Barb offered as she held out her arms.
Lucky barely nodded in assent as he sat up, and she drew him into her arms and rubbed his back. Lucky laid the side of his head on her shoulder and sighed raggedly, grateful for a respite in the storm of his fears and racing emotions.
Barb talked to him in a quiet and calm yet authoritative voice. "You've been upset and rightly so." She continued to rub his back in a steady motion. "You'll start to feel better in a day or two when the medicine begins to take effect. I know you're having a hard time understanding what's happened and why people who you don't recognize are around you. It's scary, but it's not forever. We're here to help, not hurt you. I'll be working for the next three days from eight in the morning until eight in the evening. If you need a hug or want to talk, you ask for me, okay?"
Lucky raised his head from Barb's shoulder and wiped at the tears streaking his cheeks. "Barb?" he whispered tentatively.
"Yes, it's me," she smiled as she held her hand out and smoothed down the wild hair on top of his head.
Lucky grew angry and growled, "Don't touch me. I'm dead. You can't touch dead people."
Barb looked at Lucky with compassion, and said, "I'm sorry, hon. Didn't mean to upset you."
After a minute of silence, Lucky pointed toward the nightstand and shyly glanced at Barb from beneath his long eyelashes. "Can I have that candy bar?" he asked in a small voice.
"I am so glad to see you alive and in one piece," Tony's jovial voice called out to Nikolas.
Nikolas laid down the business weekly magazine that he was reading and smiled broadly. "Hi Tony."
Tony sat next to Nikolas bed and gave him an apologetic smile. "I am so sorry I haven't stopped by sooner. My brother Frisco had a heart attack last night and surgery this morning, and I'm assuming you know about Lucky."
Nikolas' face tightened with his intense focus. "Is there any news? I know he woke up and is in the psychiatric ward, but that's all I've heard."
Tony avoided Nikolas' gaze as he wondered what to tell him. He folded his hands and fiddled with his thumbs. "We haven't seen him, Nikolas. They won't allow us. He's in a bad way apparently. He's having another psychotic episode and needs the isolation to help calm him."
Nikolas gulped and sat up higher in the bed even though the movement hurt his arm and caused him to gasp in pain. "I want to see him, Tony. Maybe I can help. I'm the last person he saw before" Nikolas paused to regain his composure, and he took in a deep breath. "I was the last person he saw before he was poisoned. He must be wondering what happened to me. It was really intense, Tony. It's hard to explain, but it was life or death, you know? That little slice in time where you're not sure if you'll have another minute to breathe." Nikolas began rambling out of fear. "His face. Tony, Lucky was horrified when that man walked me out of the house. He kept begging Faison to take him instead." Tears filled Nikolas' eyes, and he wiped at them futilely as they kept returning. "I'm having enough trouble dealing with this; how was he supposed to react with his problems? And, he'd been with the man for a year. A year being tortured by a madman." Nikolas raised his cast slightly. "This is all that happened to me. I'm so fortunate. Lucky saved us, you know."
"What do you mean, Nikolas?" Tony asked. Fatigue was crashing down on him, and his face wore a tired, aged look.
"He created a diversion. He was almost passed out from the poison, and who knows where he got the energy, but he rushed the man that was holding me and enabled me to hit the creep."
Tony cleared his throat and sat back in his chair. "I spoke with the WSB. The man that broke your arm is the man responsible for the majority of the sexual abuse that Lucky endured while he was imprisoned."
Nikolas' mouth hung down in shock. "What?" His mind reflected back to the look of horror on Lucky's face as his brother was marched to the putting green. Lucky had stopped beating on Faison and focused his complete attention on his brother. "He knew," Nikolas murmured. "He knew what would happen to me if they succeeded in the kidnapping." Nikolas' voice rose to a higher pitch. "Tony, he was offering to go in my place. I have to see him. I have to talk to Lucky."
"They won't allow me or Bobbie to see him yet," Tony reminded him. "They said to call after five for an update. That's what I'll do after our visit."
"I'm going to see him," Nikolas insisted. "Tell them that."
Tony pointed toward the cast. "You take care of yourself young man. You're important, too. The visit will wait until tomorrow when you're up to it. I can tell you need your rest."
Nikolas choked back a laugh, recalling all of the times that Lucky had labeled Tony a mother hen. "Sure," he agreed. Nikolas focused on the small brown parcel in Tony's hands. "What's that?" he asked curiously.
"Oh, it's Lucky's jewelry. They removed it for safekeeping. I've been walking around with it in my hands day and night wondering what to do with it."
"If you have his earring, you'd better give it back," Nikolas insisted. "He needs that."
Tony frowned. "I don't understand."
"Lucky had his ear pierced this weekend. Remember me telling you about that when you called? He told me he was reclaiming his "Spencerness," and that this was one way to do it. Tony, you can't take that away from him. He needs it."
Tony moved the parcel back and forth in his hands as he inspected it. "Maybe you're right. I'll tell the nurses that Mr. Spencer must have his earring." Tony laughed. "What is it with these guys? Luke and Lucky - gotta have their gold."
Nikolas shrugged. "I think it's weird myself, but then I'm not a Spencer."
"Me neither," Tony smiled wryly.
When Tony and Bobbie walked past the torn up lobby wall, Bobbie whispered, "Lucky did that this morning. Barb said it's been a rough day. Lucky did recognize her, though. That's what she said."
Tony nodded distractedly, only partially listening to his wife. All he wanted to do was see Lucky alive and awake. It's all he'd wanted for the past 24 hours. Tomorrow, he'd review Lucky's MRI to check for brain damage, but for today, he was grateful that his nephew had survived a moderately severe cyanide poisoning. That was a miracle in and of itself.
Lucky was asleep, and they stood watching him for several minutes, not sure whether they should wake him up when he'd had so many difficulties. Lucky was curled up on his side with one hand tucked under his chin and the other hand to his side since he was still connected to an IV. His lips were parted slightly, and he was breathing through his mouth since his nose was totally stuffy from crying for hours. Tony's heart sank at how miserable his nephew looked. His hair was a disaster - sweaty and disheveled, hanging limply from his forehead and covering his cheek. The bruises spread over the left side of his mouth were darkened to an angry bluish color, and his eyelids were puffy and reddened.
Bobbie sat down, and Tony stood behind her, rubbing her shoulders and kissing her on the top of her hair. "Love you," he whispered in her ear. Bobbie reached behind her to squeeze Tony's hand.
"He's alive," Bobbie whispered. "I'm so relieved. Last night we weren't certain what would happen. He almost died."
"I know," Tony replied. He fingered the brown packet that contained Lucky's jewelry. "I had to do some fast talking to let Lucky have this."
"Luke is very important to him. If he can feel a connection to him through an earring. I say we should allow him to wear it."
"Agreed," Tony stated. He patted Bobbie's arm. "Look."
Lucky's eyes were open as slits, and he seemed to be watching them. He curled up tighter as if trying to protect himself from whomever was in the room. He made several low noises.
Tony spoke first. "Lucky, it's Uncle Tony and Aunt Bobbie. We've been so worried about you. How are you feeling?"
Lucky moved his head back on the pillow and tilted it to get a better view of Tony. He blinked slowly as if trying to process the shape of Tony's face in his brain and identify him. Tony noted how slow his reactions were and wondered if it was a result of the poisoning or the sedation or both. Lucky's eyes were glassy, and he seemed to have trouble focusing. He opened his mouth to speak but coughed harshly. Tony went to pour him a glass of water, and Bobbie cautioned him. "Remember they said he wouldn't drink."
"I can try to give it to him," Tony said shortly. His nerves were frazzled, and Bobbie's reprimand did nothing for him.
Lucky turned his head away when Tony held the glass to his lips. He placed the glass on the nightstand and told Lucky, "It's here if you want it."
Tony sat back in his chair and waited with Bobbie to see if Lucky would talk. Lucky coughed repeatedly and longingly eyed the glass of water. His eyes swept back and forth from Tony to the glass as he frowned. "You didn't poison it, did you?" he asked accusingly in a harsh, broken voice.
"No," Tony replied simply without elaboration. He watched to see what Lucky would do. Lucky's hand shot out and grabbed the glass. He tilted it slightly, smelled it, and took a tentative, initial sip to see how the water tasted. He never took his eyes off of his aunt and uncle and finally swallowed several times before replacing the glass onto the nightstand. He pulled on his gown and made frustrated noises as it was falling down one shoulder and bunching up in places.
Bobbie stood up, her nursing instincts intact. "Let me help you with that," she said matter of factly as her gentle hands positioned the gown back in place and retied it in the back so it would stay. "That happens sometimes if you move around a lot," she stated. Lucky watched her sit back down but said nothing.
Tony fingered the brown parcel. "I spoke to Nikolas," he said as he watched Lucky's face closely for a reaction. When he got no reaction to his words, he continued. "He said you had your ear pierced this weekend like you had before. I have your earring here if you want it back." Tony reached in and pulled out the gold hoop. "So you only had one hole put in your head? Not three like your dad?" he teased. He saw a spark in Lucky's eyes that had been missing before and marveled when Lucky held out his hand to receive the earring.
Lucky sat up shakily and tried to place the earring in the fairly new hole in his earlobe. He winced when it hurt him by jabbing it around to find the hole. "Ow," he complained. Bobbie's heart jumped to see her nephew show a little animation. Finally, Lucky had it fastened, and he lay back down on the bed while he held one hand over his ear with the hoop and smiled. He pointed at the parcel and waved his finger. Tony looked down and asked, "What?" He frowned as he tried to understand what Lucky wanted. When he placed his hand inside of the brown paper, he said, "Oh. Do you want the necklace, too?" Lucky nodded, and Tony handed it to him. Lucky fumbled around with the clasp, so Bobbie gently took it from his hands and fastened it behind his neck. "There," she said as she passed a hand over his hair and patted his shoulder. She sat back down when Lucky frowned worriedly in reaction to being touched.
Lucky lay on his back and began scratching and wiping his hands over his arms. He was distracted and seemed to forget that he had visitors. He brought his legs up to his chest and followed the same pattern as he made several frustrated sounds. When he grew increasingly upset and mumbled curses and exclamations, Tony walked over to him. "What's wrong?" he asked. Lucky grew more agitated. "Tell me what you're doing," Tony said firmly.
Lucky's mouth worked, but he spoke no words as he tried unsuccessfully to communicate. His eyes filled with tears, and he moved his head to the side. "I'm dead," he finally choked out. His chest heaved with deep breaths, and he had a hard time continuing. "No one can see me so they can't help me." Tony looked concerned, but he remained silent and allowed Lucky to continue. Several tears ran down Lucky's cheeks and dripped off of his chin. He ran his hands over his limbs repeatedly. "I can't get them off of me! Are they always going to be on me? I'm scared."
Tony took Lucky's hand again, and this time Lucky allowed him to hold it. "Why are you scared? If you tell me what you're afraid of, maybe I can help."
Lucky sniffed loudly as he continued to cry. "I'm dead and the worms are on me. They're eating me, and I can't stop them. I can feel them moving. They're trying to get to my face, but I can't let them."
Several tears escaped from Bobbie's eyes, and she discretely wiped them away.
"I can't see any worms on you," Tony said gently. "But I know you feel them. Maybe if I brush off your arms and legs, you'll be free to get some sleep. Do you want me to do that?"
Lucky nodded and held out his arm. He closed his eyes when Tony made cursory brushing motions with his hands over Lucky's arms. "Does that help?" Lucky nodded, keeping his eyes closed. "Better?" Tony asked when he was finished. Lucky didn't answer and rolled over as he gripped the pillow.
"He's asleep," Tony mouthed to Bobbie as he motioned to the door.
Alexis held six magazines in her lap, and Nikolas regarded her with amusement as he pointed at them. "I appreciate your efforts, Alexis, but do you think I can read all of those? You've already brought me ten magazines earlier today."
Alexis looked down at her lap and shrugged. "I wanted to make sure you weren't bored or lonely."
Nikolas' expression softened as he regarded his aunt's discomfort. "You've been here for me all day - and last night, too. Thank you."
Alexis placed the magazines on her chair and bent over to hug Nikolas and stroke his hair. "You're very important to me," she explained. "I moved away after everything happened, and I'm afraid you feel like I've left you behind."
"I did my own runaway maneuver," Nikolas responded. "A year on the road with L&B, partying my brains out and picking up every girl in sight - every blond girl that is. All the while my brother was homeless on the streets of Port Charles with no one to look after him. Oh no, you owe me no apologies."
Alexis sat back down and reached for Nikolas' hand. "I'm very sorry about Lucky - everything that's happened." She hesitated as she was nearing uneasy territory. Alexis squeezed Nikolas' hand and looked him straight in the eye. "I had no idea what Stefan was doing, and I know you didn't either. We need to let this go. We're not responsible for his actions."
Nikolas' eyes filled with tears and his lips reddened with emotion. "Yes, but we're Cassadines, aren't we?" He turned his head away and sniffed back a fresh round of tears.
"Yes, we are," Alexis agreed. "We're Cassadines who have a sense of right and wrong, Cassadines with hearts and souls. We're not monsters, Nikolas. We're as human as the next person. Don't let the actions of several people mark you for life. We must move beyond this."
"I know," Nikolas said in a small voice. "But I still feel bad. I wasn't there for my brother, and now he almost died because of a Cassadine scheme gone wrong."
"I've done something," Alexis interrupted. She looked a bit scared and let her eyes roam around the room as she pressed her lips together. "I did something that might have hurt your brother. I didn't mean to. Actually, I was trying to make amends."
Nikolas wiped at his black eyelashes with the back of his hand and stared intently at Alexis. "What did you do?" he asked cautiously, almost afraid to hear about something else more awful than what he already knew.
Alexis pulled a few tissues from her purse and offered one to Nikolas. She dabbed at her eyes as they kept filling with tears. She played with the tissue between her fingers, folding it over and under into neat little squares. "I handled the estate when Stefan was murdered."
Nikolas nodded and watched Alexis closely as she spilled the story in bits and pieces. "Most of the transactions were straightforward - activated trusts, donations to charity - but there were several items that weren't strictly on the books. Stefan had hidden several items, but he left me instructions on their whereabouts." Alexis looked stricken and tried hard to swallow the lump that rose in her throat. She cleared her throat and looked down at her lap. "Stefan stored something on Cassasdine Island. It was the Ice Princess. You'd told me that Lucky had been kidnapped, in part, to retrieve the item from Luke Spencer. I flew to the Island and took the Ice Princess with me to Switzerland where I opened an account in the name of Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, Junior. It seemed like the only way to make sense of this tragedy, to take things full circle and return the Ice Princess to the Spencers. Since Lucky was the one who suffered, it was logical that he should have it." Alexis rifled through her purse and produced a key. "This is the key to the security box. The Ice Princess is in his possession."
Nikolas stared at Alexis, too shocked to produce a reaction or comment.
"So you can see why I feel so terrible. They wanted to kidnap you because they thought the Cassadines had the Ice Princess. I'd given it back to the Spencers without your knowledge." Alexis pointed at Nikolas' arm and blinked back a few tears. "It's my fault that they hurt you."
"No, Alexis," Nikolas stated in a calm, controlled voice. "What you did was sane and compassionate. Lucky has his Spencerness restored and renewed financial security. You made things right. Perhaps it was better I didn't know about it."
"I'm unhappy living so far apart from my favorite nephew," Alexis said, smiling. "Would it bother you if I moved back to Port Charles?"
Nikolas' brown eyes danced in surprise. "Bother me? No way. I'd love it."
"I'm staying at the Port Charles Hotel. It might take me a few weeks to locate a residence."
"I'll be moving as well," Nikolas stated firmly. A cloud of fear and shame passed over his features. "I won't set foot in Wyndemere ever again. I'll order the servants to pack the house and store the items. It will stand there empty and alone as it should. Nothing good has come from moving into that house."
"You discovered you had a brother and a sister when you relocated to Port Charles," Alexis offered. "And an aunt. It wasn't all bad, was it?"
"No. Good can come from pain and sorrow. I'm learning that." Nikolas frowned as he became lost in thought. "I always wondered if Grandmother had anything to do with my uncle's schemes, especially kidnapping Lucky."
"We'll never know," Alexis sighed.
"She didn't last very long after uncle died," Nikolas commented.
"Died of a stroke. Her revenge was complete." Alexis laughed bitterly. "We know she didn't die of a broken heart when her youngest son was murdered."
"She must have laughed all the way to the grave," Nikolas added. "Luke in prison, Lucky on the streets, my mother out on her own, and Stefan dead. What else could she want?"
"The love of a deceased husband and favorite son?" Alexis guessed.
"Magazines?" Alexis asked cheerfully as she hovered in the doorway of Frisco's hospital room and waved five or six magazines in his direction.
Frisco looked tiredly in the direction of Alexis' voice. When he saw her smile, he smiled in return. "Hi. Come on in," he said cheerfully.
"I heard a rumor that you'd had a heart attack," Alexis said. "How are you?"
"I'm surviving," Frisco related with an exasperated voice. "Now the nurses, they might kill me. They keep bothering me. How's a man to get any sleep?"
"Behave," Alexis teased as she lightly swatted Frisco on the arm. "Or else I'll read you an article from the Ladies Home Journal." She frowned as she held the magazine and flipped through the pages. "Whatever possessed me to purchase this for Nikolas? He must think I've gone mad. Oh, yes. Here's the article. How to Catch a Man with Makeup Costing $25 or Less. See? You can use that for one of your disguises." Alexis laughed, and her dimples showed with her merriment when she flashed the pages at Frisco.
Frisco's blue eyes swept over Alexis and caught her sense of humor and sparkling beauty. "Don't you dare," he answered. "Those articles are for beginners. I could teach them a thing or two."
"Have you had many visitors?" Alexis inquired.
"A few. My brother has been hovering around me all day, and my ex just left with my girls." Frisco reached for the nightstand and picked up a photo, offering it to Alexis. "These are my girls, Maxie and Georgie. They're growing up. But to me, they'll always be Pumpkin and Peanut."
Alexis laughed. "Edible food sources. They make the best nicknames. Oh, these are two very beautiful girls. Such pretty blond hair. You must be so proud. I can see a bit of you in their features."
Frisco chuckled. "I don't know if that's good or bad."
"Good," Alexis mentioned off-handedly.
Frisco grew more interested in this woman seated beside him. "How is Nikolas? He was sporting quite a cast on his arm when I talked to him last night."
"He's recuperating. They promised to release him tomorrow. He's not been a very good patient in his own hospital."
"Ah. It's quite an enormous pressure for such a young man. Being a CEO that is."
"He's going to give it up to study law in the fall. I'm very proud of him."
"Like aunt like nephew?" Frisco teased.
Alexis frowned lightly. "Why is it that I feel at a distinct disadvantage in talking to you? You seem to know everything about me, but I know nothing about you."
Frisco fought back a smile that played on his lips. "Privilege of the profession? How can I make it up to you?"
"Answer a few questions," Alexis shot back. She looked straight into Frisco's eyes. "You were having quite an argument with your brother before you collapsed last night. Don't you have a good relationship? Tony seems to be a nice man."
"He's a pain in the butt," Frisco replied hotly. He paused and glanced at the cardiac monitor when it began making faster beeping noises. "I'm not supposed to get riled up," he explained. "Okay, Tony is my big brother, he's a know it all, tells me what to do all the time, yells at me for not visiting. Is that enough?"
"Sounds like he's fulfilling his responsibilities," Alexis commented. "He loves you and wants the best for you. Is that so bad?"
Frisco ran his hand up over his forehead, fluffing his bangs. "I don't know. Probably not, but it feels bad at the time."
"Believe me, I'd rather have Tony for an older brother than the two that I received," Alexis said wryly.
Frisco's gaze softened when he saw the distress that lingered over Alexis. "I'll remember that. I'll try to be better. Thanks for pointing it out to me as an objective observer."
Alexis smiled, glad that her bluntness hadn't offended him as it did other people at times.
"I know one way to share some more information one on one," Frisco said breezily. "I know you don't live in Port Charles, and I don't either, but it looks like both of us are stuck here for awhile. Would you like to join me for dinner one evening?" Frisco laughed and batted at the wires crisscrossing his chest. "As soon as they disconnect me, that is. Should be in a day or two."
Alexis felt something spark within her. "I'd like that. Yes. Let's do it."
Tony whistled when he turned the key in the front door lock and entered the foyer of the Victorian. "Home," he said simply. Bobbie was walking through the house turning on lamps to brighten the rooms since it was nearly 10PM. "I'm going to sleep like a log tonight," he announced as he tossed the mail on the marble topped table in the foyer.
Bobbie stood by the answering machine and played the five messages that were on the phone. She paused the machine. "Emily called for Lucky to remind him about their dinner this Wednesday. Did you know about that?"
"No," Tony said curiously. "They must have worked some things out at the wedding. I saw them talking. But it's Monday evening. He's not going to be able to keep that date. What should we do? I guess Emily needs to hear about the whole situation this weekend. Maybe I can meet her at Kelly's. She's going to be upset."
Bobbie played the machine again and listened to the next two messages. "Luke," she stated wearily. "His psychic sensors are on overdrive, and he wants to know if something is wrong with Lucky. I always thought that Laura was the one who had the connection to the children." Bobbie made quotation marks in the air to emphasize her point. "I don't know if I'm up to telling my brother about the terrible problems his son has experienced. I feel like I'm the perpetual bearer of bad news." Bobbie sighed and plunked down into an upholstered chair. "I know I sound bitchy. I don't mean to. I'm just exhausted."
Tony squeezed beside Bobbie on the chair and drew her into a hug. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Three days of marriage, and now we're an ancient old couple, tired and crotchety."
Bobbie tittered and swatted Tony's arm. "Don't bother trying to humor me out of my mood. A hot bath and a long sleep are all I want."
Tony pouted. "I knew you loved that tub more than me. You only married me for that bathroom."
"Oh, yes," Bobbie said as she rose from the chair. "You received zero attention on the honeymoon."
Tony continued to pout. "You've spoiled me."
Bobbie and Tony folded their arms around each other as they headed toward the master suite. Bobbie pinched Tony. "I am not old," she corrected him.
"You'll always be seven years younger than me, sweetie pie," Tony laughed as he kissed her curls. "You're my trophy wife - and I won the grand prize both times."
Lucky fought off the sleeping medication that had been injected into his IV. He felt himself being pulled under, and he didn't want to go. He wasn't sure if he'd wake up, dead that he was anyway. He stroked and played with the earring in his left ear, and the cross pendant hanging from his necklace. The metal surfaces provided a distraction, and it calmed him to make the repetitive motions with his fingertips.
Into the ground with the worms and the rest of the dead, decaying matter. That is your fate, Lucky. Die!
"I heard you!" Lucky shouted out loud at the voice in his head. "I know I'm dead! Go AWAY!"
Lucky continued to stroke the cross. God? Do you listen to dead people? He began to shiver with fear. Am I in hell? I know I'm not in heaven. I can't find Aunt Ruby. They're trying to poison me, and I can't stop them. Only Aunt Ruby can help me. Lucky was now shaking nonstop in his terror. He panted and gulped for air as anxiety and a dragging sleepiness fought for control over his body. I know I'm dead, but will you help me?
Lucky slowly felt subtle warmth spreading in his chest, licking like a gentle flame. He stopped shaking, and sensed the silence descending in his room and mind. He held his breath at the presence and listened to the words that flooded his being, words not heard by his ears or mind but rather by his heart.
You did not receive a spirit of fear. You are my child, and you may call to me.