Devolution TOC


Chapter Forty-Two

Monday morning…

Lucky walked over to the MIS department coffeepot and filled his cobalt blue GH mug with the hot brew for the fourth time in two hours. He rubbed his forehead tiredly in an attempt to soothe the three-day killer headache that refused to leave his skull. He felt like this was a hangover of major proportions. As he poured the generic powdered creamer into his murky coffee and stirred it in, Chad Brewer, a GH financial analyst, walked up behind him and clapped him on the back. Lucky jumped a mile high and spilled his coffee all over the countertop. Coffee ran in rivulets through the napkins and puddled around the plastic cafeteria tray containing the stirrers and sugar.

"Spencer!" Chad said loudly. "I wanted to congratulate you on the latest Windows upgrade installation. We never would have been able to complete next year's budgets without your help. Hey! Looks like you made a mess." Chad pointed at the obvious.

Lucky began furiously wiping at the spilled coffee with bunches of half-soggy napkins clenched tightly in his shaking right hand. "That's good, Chad," said Lucky distractedly. "I'm glad I could help."

Chad grabbed a handful of napkins and carelessly swirled them around the coffeepot. "You must have had an interesting weekend, if you feel the need to drink this crap," he commented smiling. "I guess so," Lucky replied without elaborating. Chad cleared his throat. "I have two tickets to the hockey game on Friday night. Do you want to go with me? It's supposed to be a close game."

Lucky looked surprised but recovered quickly. "Sure, Chad," he said easily. "What time is the game?"

"Game's at 7:00 PM," Chad replied. "We could meet here after work then drive over together. Hot dogs and peanuts are on me." Lucky laughed. "Sounds good."


Tony stopped by the nurse's desk and slapped his files on the countertop. "Hey, Bobbie," he said. Nurse Spencer turned around and broke out in a smile at the sight of her ex-husband. "You taking a break?" she asked.

"I'm just passing through, no break unfortunately," Tony said with a shrug. "I thought I'd tell you my news. I contacted a top attorney in North Carolina to represent us in a suit against Laura." Bobbie brightened up immensely. "This I've got to hear," she said excitedly. "Why don't we go to that rib place tonight so we can talk some more. Remember, the one you mentioned?"

"How could I forget," Tony teased. "I'm still dreaming of you in a bib with smears of barbecue sauce all over your face and no wet naps in sight." Bobbie picked up one of Tony's files and swatted his arm with it. "Call me after work," she ordered. "Yes, ma'am," smiled Tony as he walked off with a spring in his step.


5:30 PM

Lucky walked back to his desk at GH. He'd been on the road all day, fixing computers at off-site locations. He wanted to make sure that everything would run smoothly over the holidays since the MIS department would be off for one week, but the clinics would remain open. He dropped all of his paraphernalia on his laminate-topped desk: cell phone, pager, tool kit, and notebooks. He started tidying up his cubicle in preparation for his break. He liked everything to be neat and tidy, and he dusted off his framed photos of Emily and an Arizona landscape.

When Lucky was done at the office, he picked up his phone, dialed a number and spoke into the mouthpiece, "Hey. I'm ready. Why don't you meet me in the cafeteria?" Lucky paused for a minute, listening. "I know you don't like to eat there - who does? But it's convenient, right? Okay. I'll see you in ten minutes." Lucky hung up the phone and shook his head. He was a bit worried about this meeting and the conversation that would result, but he was determined to set things straight.

Nikolas was waiting at the entrance to the GH cafeteria. He had set up an office at the hospital to allow him to hold meetings concerning the sale of the facility. He was dressed in a black Armani suit with a white shirt and an interesting abstract-patterned power tie in a light blue and purple hue. With his carefully gelled black hair and chiseled features, he looked very Euro-GQ. Lucky was conscious of his own dirt-streaked chinos and polo, the result of hours of crawling around, laying cables and locating power sources. But, he'd washed his face and hands in the lavatory, brushed his hair out and pulled it into a neat ponytail, so he felt okay about his appearance even though his brother was expensively dressed to the nines.

Lucky walked with Nikolas to the start of the cafeteria line, grabbed a brown plastic tray and loaded it up with a napkin, fork, spoon and knife. Nikolas hesitated before placing his hand on the tray, and then sighed with resignation as he loaded his tray as well. Lucky noticed Nikolas' reaction and teased him good-naturedly. "Better hurry up, Nikolas. It looks like the tater-tot casserole is going fast. I know it's your favorite." Nikolas smiled weakly and placed a hand over his stomach. "I think I'll pass," he said laughing.

It felt good to laugh and be light-hearted with Lucky. It had been a long time since the brothers had felt comfortable enough to do that. There had been a short time, a reprieve of sorts, when Lucky and Nikolas had gotten along well and considered themselves to be family. But, Lucky's yearlong forced absence from Port Charles and the constant tension and resulting violence between their parents and parental figures had sent a rift into their relationship. They had become uneasy around one another, wondering where the boundaries were.

Lucky chose the lasagna special with tossed salad and fruit bowl from the cafeteria line, while Nikolas chose the chef salad, and a piece of cherry pie. The two paid for their meals separately and headed toward a vacant table off by itself in a corner. When Lucky set his tray down, the table started wobbling because it was missing the end piece on one of its metal legs. Nikolas pointed toward another table a few steps away, and the two settled down.

After the brothers ate in silence for several minutes, Lucky set his fork down and said, "I wanted to meet with you, Nikolas, to talk about the other night." Nikolas nervously looked up with a mouthful of salad, and the climate turned uncomfortable. "First of all, I owe you an apology," said Lucky firmly. "When I first refused the wine that you offered, I should have trusted you and told you that I was an alcoholic and that it wasn't possible for me to drink with you. And, I made quite a mess at Wyndemere, so I'm sorry if you had to pay any extra maid fees or anything. "Nikolas' eyes crinkled at the corners as he set his water down and laughed hard. "No problem there, Lucky. That's why they're paid. I apologize for being pushy about the wine. I had too much to drink that night, and I should have been more sensitive and asked if there were a problem. I was only thinking of myself as usual. Old habits die hard I suppose."

Lucky nodded. "Yeah, I suppose they do." Lucky shifted in his seat and folded his hands together, playing one thumb against another and seemingly engrossed in that activity. "You know, we haven't been very close for about two years," he said with a choking sound that he desperately tried to mask. "I wish that we would have kept in contact, even occasionally." Nikolas colored briefly and looked down at his salad bowl.

"Most of that is my fault, Lucky," Nikolas admitted. "I did the 'rich boy' denial and escaped to Europe. I was looking to leave the bad things behind, but forgot that I had a brother, and that was a good thing. To have a brother, I mean." Nikolas began rapping his spoon onto the table in an uneven rhythm.

"You have absolutely no musical talent," Lucky teased. Nikolas looked down at his spoon and stopped tapping it. "I concede to the master," he said, bowing with his head. "You always were great at playing guitar and singing. Eliz--, um, everybody used to like it a lot."

Lucky looked startled. "I totally forgot about all that. I loved my guitar, but I don't have it anymore." Lucky's mind went briefly went back to Luke's fit of grief and the piles of Lucky's stuff that currently were littering the Port Charles landfill. "Maybe I should buy a new one." Lucky stopped himself and redirected the conversation back to the original topic. "I know that you're planning on relocating to Manhattan, but can we keep in touch? For Lulu's sake and for ours?" Lucky looked sincerely at Nikolas and one brother's bright blue eyes met the other's warm brown ones.

Nikolas adjusted his tie nervously. "That's probably a good idea," he said softly. "I could call once a week or maybe once every two weeks if I'm on the road. Maybe we could take vacations together occasionally or visit sometimes."

Lucky smiled. "Sounds good to me. I'll keep you posted if there is any word on Lulu."

"Lucky…" Nikolas began with hesitation. "Exactly what happened with you this last year? You never told me and everyone around seems to clam up about it."

Lucky met Nikolas' eyes, and then looked down at the table for a minute. "You remember that I was kidnapped and held by Faison for a year?" he asked. Nikolas nodded. "When I came back…I had a hard time handling the abuse I'd received while I was captive. And, when Elizabeth and I broke up, my parents' marriage fell apart, too. And, you know what happened soon after that. Luke went to prison, and mom moved away with Lulu. I didn't have any education to get a decent job to support myself, and I got depressed. I started drinking to keep the bad memories away, and it quickly got out of hand because I'm an alcoholic. It got worse and worse, and I started doing drugs, too. I was living at Jake's, and she had to kick me out. I started roaming the streets, and then got sick with pneumonia, and that's about it. That's the short version," Lucky said with a dry laugh.

"Lucky, I'm sorry," Nikolas said in a small voice. "I didn't know, but I should have known. Do you still need anything…money…or…" Lucky cut him off by waving his hand. "No, I'm fine. I have a great job, and I'm starting college next month. Life's okay. But, I'll be sure to keep your cell phone number, especially if I find myself on the streets again," he kidded.

Suddenly, Lucky felt very overwhelmed and sad, and his eyes welled with unshed tears that he tried to keep from spilling out onto his cheeks. He wasn't successful, and the tears came fast and furious, much to his embarrassment. He didn't want to be crying in public and in front of his older brother, no less. Lucky was seated in the booth section of the dining ensemble, and Nikolas instinctively rose and seated himself beside him. He reached out and hugged Lucky, and Lucky placed his head on Nikolas' shoulder, letting the tears flow. Nikolas rubbed his back awkwardly and held Lucky for two or three minutes. After the sad feeling passed, Lucky separated from Nikolas and began wiping his tears away with a napkin. "Sorry for crying on you, bro," said Lucky sheepishly. "I think you earned it," sighed Nikolas as he moved from the booth seat.

Lucky rose from the table and put on his jacket. "Time to go home," he said. "Tony the mom freaks out when I don't check in. Call me and come over for Christmas?" he asked. "How about Christmas Eve," replied Nikolas. "That way I can take the train the next day to Manhattan and visit with Alexis." Lucky shook Nikolas' hand. "It's a plan," he smiled. "Do you need a ride?" asked Nikolas. "No," Lucky replied. "I have my own wheels now," he stated proudly.


"So tell me more," Bobbie said conspiratorially as she slurped the barbecue sauce off of her fingers. "These ribs are fabulous, by the way!"

Tony nodded. "Pork from heaven," he sighed. "And smoked real southern style, too," he added. He placed his cleaned off rib back on the plate and wiped his hands on a napkin. "Here's the poop," he said with a grin. "I hired an attorney, David Forensky, in North Carolina. I checked around, and he has a real good reputation for slightly irregular custody suits. He's gotten visitation rights and custody for grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, that type of situation. I spoke to him over the phone for about half and hour, KA-CHING, thank you very much, and he thinks we have a good chance. He wants to take the case."

Bobbie's eyes lit up. "What are you going to ask for?" she questioned.

"David seems to think that we should hire a private investigator to check on Laura's living arrangements and how she and anyone around her treat Lulu. If everything is fine, we go for visitation. If there are problems, we go for custody. And, it is definitely in our favor that Lulu's brothers are both legal adults with jobs. We would definitely ask for visitation for siblings and aunts and uncles. As far as custody, if it goes that way maybe a shared custody arrangement between all parties."

"So when does this whole process start?" asked Bobbie.

"Laura is being investigated as we speak," Tony smiled. "Do you want any dessert?" he asked as he handed Bobbie a small dessert menu. "Cause if I'm gonna be a bad boy, I want to go all the way."
