Devolution TOC

Chapter Seven

Three days later…

Jake's bar was hopping. It was at that magic point where the music intersected with the smoke, the lights, the alcohol, and the loud conversation to swirl around the bar patrons and energize the joint with electricity.

Lucky had nothing to do that night and decided to stay in and play some pool. Jake didn't especially care if he drank, but she asked that he not do it in public in her bar so she wouldn't lose her liquor license because of serving to a minor. Lucky took care of that little problem by downing a whole bottle of vodka before coming downstairs. He'd gotten to the point where he could drink huge amounts of alcohol, but not appear terribly drunk. He just walked around in a perpetual, whacked out daze most of the time. Since that one night when he'd nodded off in the alley, he had avoided the white junk most of the time and saved himself some money. He still dipped into the powder occasionally and had a snort, but he hadn't shot up in awhile.

Lucky concentrated on his game while the music drummed into his subconscious.

~~ Can I have some remedy?
Remedy for me please.
Cause if I had some remedy
I'd take enough to please me.

If I come on like a dream
Would you let me show you what I mean?
Will you let me come on inside?
Will you let it slide?

Lucky's shot placed the eight ball right smack into the leather corner pocket, and he shouted triumphantly. He gave his partner a high five and laughed as the guy handed over $20. Lucky was feeling high and on top of things tonight.

The door to the bar swung open, and Carly Corinthos stepped in. She was wearing tight, leopard print capri pants, a black silk bustier and high, high, black heels. She looked a little upset, which is usually how she looked when she showed up at Jake's. She quickly scanned the room looking for a familiar black leather jacket and close-cropped hair, but Jason wasn't there. Her eyes finally rested on Lucky. She hadn't seen him in ages. He never was over at Bobbie's anymore or anywhere near General Hospital or the penthouse. She kinda missed the kid with his sharp wit and unusual take on life. She walked over to him and touched him on the shoulder.

"Heya cuz," she grinned. "Whatcha doin'? How come I never see my favorite Spencer anymore?" Carly drew a surprised Lucky into a firm bear hug and rubbed his back.

Lucky settled into Carly's soft, voluptuous warmth. Man she feels great, thought Lucky. He reached up and took a few strands of her long, blond hair. He played with the strands for a second, and then let them go.

"Jason's not here yet," said Lucky. "He usually doesn't come in until a bit later."

"How do you know that I didn't come here especially to see you?" Carly asked seductively as she placed her hand on his chest. Carly would flirt with the Pope. It was just in her nature.

"And what's so special about me?" Lucky asked, grinning. It felt good to have someone flirt with and pay close attention to him, and the alcohol was bringing his thoughts back to those condoms.

"You're the man who's going to keep me company," she purred. "I'm going to get a drink, I'll be right back. Don't you disappear on me, cutie," she said, flicking his chin, as she sashayed over to the bar.

Lucky looked on with a wide smile. He placed his cue stick on the pool table and leaned against it. The sight of Carly's ass-ets walking over to the bar sent a warm rush through his body.

"Here you go," Carly stated. "I bought you a rum and coke." Carly moved the umbrella to the side of her Tom Collins drink and took a long sip. "Thanks," Lucky said appreciatively, and he took a gulp of his drink with his eyes never leaving Carly.

"How come you're never over at Sonny's anymore?" Carly inquired.

Lucky's face colored briefly. "He cut me off after my dad was convicted. He couldn't take the heat by associating with me."

Carly softened when she recognized the pain in Lucky's eyes. "Well, his loss, he's a chump," she said.

"So that's why you're here looking for Jason?" Lucky asked. "Sonny the chump did you wrong?"

"How'd you get so smart," Carly laughed lightly as her eyes flickered with sadness. She took another long sip of her drink.

"Hey, you're getting a Tom Collins' mustache." Lucky reached out a finger and wiped her lip with a smooth motion.

Carly laughed again and moved to lean against the pool table with Lucky. "So, do you want to teach me how to play this game?" Carly patted the felt top table.

"Sure," Lucky said, handing her a pool cue.

After Carly made several clumsy attempts at shooting the white cue ball, one time even making it fly off the table, Lucky decided on a different approach.

"Here. Let me do it with you, so you can feel how it is to do it right," he suggested.

Carly bent over the table, aiming the cue stick, as Lucky wrapped his body around hers and grasped her arms. Carly aimed again, and with Lucky's assistance, hit the ball into the correct pocket. "Yay!" she screamed. Lucky laughed, but didn't let her arms loose.

Carly and Lucky both felt it at the same time. "Uh, Lucky," she said with a bit of hesitation.

"Shh," he whispered in her ear as he turned her and pulled her body into his.

Lucky dropped the cue stick and wrapped both arms around Carly, his right hand trailing to her rear. He leaned into her and lightly kissed her lips, then more forcefully applied pressure and parted her lips with his tongue. Carly tried to protest with "Mmppph…..mmmmMMM… " and other sounds. Lucky took this as mutual excitement and insistently explored her mouth with his tongue. He began stroking her body and rubbing himself against her. "Uuuha…ahhhhhhhhh…" Carly tried to protest, but Lucky was on fire and didn't hear her.

~~ Uhhm, I need a remedy, huh, yeah, for what is ailin' me you see ….
I really want it…I really want it…

Lucky was suddenly ripped from Carly's arms and thrown onto the floor. He looked up in shock at the angry face of Jason Morgan. "The lady said no, Spencer," he stated coldly. "Why are you trying to force yourself on her?!"

Lucky picked himself up and brushed off his pants. He darted out and pushed Jason's chest with a frantic force. "Keep your hands off me, you mob idiot!" he screamed.

"You force yourself on a lady like that another time, and you'll find yourself in the emergency room," Jason replied vigorously.

Lucky's mind finally focused on the meaning of Jason's words, and he attacked him with a vicious rage, punching Jason directly on the mouth. Jason stumbled back and fell hard against the pool table. Jason flew up quickly and hit Lucky directly on the eye. Lucky grabbed his eye and panted out a groan of pain as Jason wiped the trail of blood from his mouth.

Jake had been watching this scene all along and made her decision. "Lucky," she said as she took him firmly by the arm and turned him toward her. "You're leaving NOW - permanently. I'll give you one half hour to pack up your things, and if you're still here after that time, I'm calling the cops. GO!" Jake pushed him toward the stairs.

Carly stood there, shaking her head with tears in her eyes and holding a trembling hand to her bruised mouth.

* lyrics from The Black Crowes, "Remedy"
