Chapter Ninety-Nine
"I decided to take my lunch early and visit Lucky. How's my nephew doing?" asked Tony.
"Oh, hi, Tony," said Barb. "He didn't sleep very well last night. He's been tense. Maybe you can help him relax and stuff some food down him," she laughed. "He seems to enjoy all of the goodies that you bring him."
"What?" Tony asked innocently as he held up a bag of donuts. "Like this you mean?"
"Exactly like that," stated Barb. "You two are partners in crime."
Tony smiled wistfully. "I guess we do make pretty good pair, don't we? Question is a pair of what?"
Tony paused at the doorway to Lucky's room, leaning comfortably against the doorjamb and taking a minute to watch his nephew.
Lucky was seated on his bed, shoes off with a book open, concentrating on the exercises that were designed to help brain trauma patients create new neural pathways to compensate for the brain damage that impeded their thought processes. He patted the page and shook his head, muttering to himself. His face showed an intense concentration with a frown and pursed lips, as it was obvious that he was trying awfully hard to come up with a solution to the problem. He repeatedly pulled on his white-socked foot as he rhythmically rocked back and forth.
Tony recalled Kevin telling him that Lucky had developed several mannerisms and traits due to his mental illness and the drugs prescribed to treat it. Apparently this was common in persons with severe mental illness, and Lucky was no exception. Tony reflected sadly that even though Lucky had improved immensely, he still had a hard fight ahead of him to regain what he had lost in his life and to move forward toward new experiences and challenges.
"Hey, kid," Tony said softly. Lucky looked up abruptly, and his face softened into a broad smile. "Hi, Tony," he said happily. "What did you bring me?" he questioned with his index finger extended in the direction of the bag that Tony carried. Tony held up the bag. "Oh, this?" he teased. "Some donuts for a Spencer. Know any Spencers that like them?"
Lucky held out his hands and laughed. "Me, me!" he said loudly with his fingers flexing in anticipation.
Tony took a seat and watched Lucky inhale a donut within five seconds. "I thought you weren't eating much lately," he commented.
Lucky laughed and licked the powdered sugar from his fingertips. "Oh. Sometimes that's selective. If there's a big old bowl of oatmeal in front of me, the appetite shrinks. If there's a bag of donuts in the vicinity, then it grows, like this." Lucky indicated his mammoth donut appetite with both arms extended straight out from his sides. "But mostly, I'm nervous, so my stomach hurts." Lucky's good mood dampened quickly and faded away. He closed his book and set it aside, turning away from Tony.
"You're not sleeping much are you," Tony commented when he took in Lucky's drawn appearance. Lucky shook his head and looked down at his nails. "I'm anxious about seeing my dad tomorrow," he admitted. "And since that hypnosis, I've been afraid that Faison is going to come back."
Tony looked puzzled. "Why do you think that, Lucky? You weren't worried before."
Lucky's posture grew rigid as his thoughts raced. "Before, I didn't know that I told. Before, I didn't know that I had talked to Faison after I returned home. Stefan had me kidnapped, and he held that threat over my head - until he died that is. Now, who knows? Maybe Faison is still under some orders from Stefan. I don't know. It makes me jittery to think about it." Lucky's right hand started shaking, and he abruptly sat on it to hide his apprehension.
"How would you like to leave the hospital for an hour or so and take a long walk with me?" asked Tony. "I left my car at the new house. We could walk the mile to the house, pick up the car and drive it back. How's that sound?"
Lucky immediately jumped up from the bed and began pulling on his shoes. "Great," he said. "Let's go."
Tony and Lucky walked through the back streets of Port Charles, past Cape Cods with neat lawns and fifties ranches inhabited by families with small children with the inevitable strollers and swing sets littering the yards. Mature trees grew tall and loomed overhead with a generous canopy of green leaves. Occasionally they passed a house that was hidden by a riot of floral color, the province of avid gardeners. Lucky jumped up to swat at one of the hanging tree branches with his hand. His step was light with a cocky spring in it that had been missing for the last two years. It was a nice day in early June with warm breezes blowing and the sun shining brightly.
After walking in silence for minutes, Tony spoke up. "Lucky, you remember my brother, Frisco, right?"
Lucky nodded seriously. "I remember him, but he moved away when I was a kid."
"Yes, he's now in management at the WSB headquarters and has lots of contacts worldwide. I have a suggestion, and you can tell me how you feel about it. I've considered asking Frisco to check up on this Faison, have him arrested if they can find him. Or at least keep tabs on him so we know where he is. How do you feel about that?"
Lucky shrugged. "Part of me wants to forget that he even exists - just look the other way. So, in a way I feel like, no, forget it." Lucky tapped his temple. "I want him out of my head. But, he's still out there, and that makes me worried. What if he kidnaps someone else or decides to finally kill me?" Lucky's face took on a dreamy, bland look. "I used to be so cool when I was younger. It was like nothing or nobody could touch me. I was positive that I'd always be too smart or too fast to catch. I know some of the attitude came from my father always drilling into me about how Spencers were all this or that. Tough guys, you know. So, some of it wasn't real, but I want to be stronger and capable of handling whatever comes my way. I don't feel like that yet. I'm still kind of freaked out I guess. So to make a long answer short, yeah, I think it would be a good idea for Frisco to find Faison and hopefully put him away in jail."
As Lucky finished speaking his thoughts, a black van roared down the street past Tony and Lucky. Lucky's face flinched, and he jumped slightly, stopping to stare after the vehicle. Tony noticed Lucky's reaction, and said, "Why don't you walk on the sidewalk away from the road." Tony switched places with Lucky who became quiet and withdrawn as they continued walking. Tony patted Lucky on the back. "One step at a time, one day at a time," he encouraged.
"Hey, your aunt and I have decided to get married soon by a justice of the peace," he said, changing the subject. "I'd like to know if you'd be willing to be my best man." Lucky's face beamed, and he asked excitedly, "Really?" However, a wave of uncertainty dampened his enthusiasm. "Are you sure you want me to do that?"
"Yes, I'm sure," Tony answered "You're the man who is responsible for bringing us back together, and don't you forget that! Besides, you've been one of my best friends for awhile now, and I'd be honored to have you stand by my side as a support and a witness."
Lucky brightened. "Well, yeah. Then, yes, I'll do it!"
Tony smiled. "Good. We can find you a real nice suit to wear this weekend. They're having some good sales at two of the menswear stores in the mall. We can try there first."
"I thought you were going to have a big old church wedding," Lucky stated. "Wasn't Aunt Bobbie excited about having two million flowers there and coordinating colors?"
Tony nodded. "She was excited, but later decided that this was more a renewal of our original vows, so we're going to do just that. Renew our vows. Nothing fancy or formal."
"What about a honeymoon?" Lucky questioned. "Are you going away?"
"We decided to hold off on a honeymoon because of our schedules and moving into a new house," Tony stated. "But we'll spend the night in a honeymoon suite here in town. Nikolas volunteered to stay the night at the house to help you with the kids."
"Nikolas and I have a session with Kevin at the end of this week," Lucky said. "I have to tell him about Stefan and what he did to me. It's going to be real hard on him to hear about it, so Kevin thought I should tell him in his office. I was upset after the hypnosis because I thought Nikolas would hate me since it's my fault that Stefan is dead."
Tony's ears perked up at the sound of Lucky's self-blaming attitude and wondered where he was going with this. "Why is it your fault that Stefan is dead?" he asked.
"Because I told my dad that Stefan hurt me," Lucky stated simply without more explanation. "But Kevin told me to look at it from a lot of different angles. I thought up twelve different ways that Nikolas could react and then picked the most likely one."
"Which is," Tony prompted.
"He'll be upset and feel sad for both of us," Lucky replied. "That's the kind of person he is. He's been real good to me, so I don't believe any longer that he'll hate me. That's the way I used to think."
Tony noted that Lucky's explanation seemed simple with the logic of someone younger and less experienced than age nineteen, but it was sound thinking nonetheless. "I totally agree with you," replied Tony. "Your brother loves you very much."
Lucky and Tony had walked over half a mile, and the camaraderie between the two men gave Lucky an extra shot of courage. "Tony," he said.
"Mhmm," Tony replied.
"I've been thinking lately. About General Hospital." Lucky hesitated and thrust his hands deep into his pockets.
"What about the hospital?"
"I know I have to work after I leave the locked ward, but I want to work somewhere else - not General Hospital. If they'd give me my old job back, sure, that would be cool, but I feel like I need to be away from that place. I've been cooped up there for almost six months. And, I have a lot of bad memories there, too. Not to mention I'm embarrassed. I mean, what if I have to go fix somebody's computer in one of the psych wards or some other department where I've made a fool of myself, you know? And I'm sure everybody in MIS knows that I was in the locked ward for months and months. I want my space and my privacy."
Tony cleared his throat. "I think I understand how you feel," he said. "I had my own mental disability a couple of years ago after BJ's death. When I started back to work, some people accepted me back right away, and some didn't. That's the way it goes. But I do see your point. At the time, it was very hard for me to handle. But you have more choices in terms of potential places to work. I have a suggestion for you. Now, you won't be working while you're attending the day facility because that's an eight to five day. To ease you back into the work world, why don't we have you volunteer at the free-clinic with me while I'm there. I volunteer for two Saturday mornings a month. You can help us with some of our perpetual computer woes, do a good deed, and regain some of your job skills. After you're no longer at the day facility, then you can decide where you want to work. How's that?"
Lucky nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan," he said. "I enjoyed the free-clinic. They're so messed up computer-wise that it's more of a challenge there. I felt good after solving some of the harder problems." He shook his head and snorted. "Remember when Jill completely destroyed one database? It took me forever to restore it and recapture all the data. But if was fun, too. I like helping people."
"I really like this house," Lucky said nodding in approval as they entered the front door. "Does Lulu like it?"
"Your Aunt Bobbie is corrupting your sister," Tony moaned. "She's trying to teach her how to sew, and all they talk about is fabric, decorating, and other nonsense. But, yes, Lulu loves it. Lucas does, too. He spends a lot of his time in the yard. He keeps trying to con me into building him a tree fort. Just thought I'd warn you. He'll be hitting you up next."
Lucky smiled. "But I'd like to help him build a fort. I loved that kind of stuff when I was his age. It would be fun."
Tony waved his hand at Lucky. "Then he's all yours. It's official. You're the tree fort architect."
The two men climbed the stairs to Lucky's new room. "Here it is," said Tony, pointing to a room at the end of a hallway. "It's a little further away from the other rooms, so you should have some privacy. Unfortunately, you'll have to share a bathroom with Lucas and Lulu, but I'm sure you'll survive."
Lucky's face lit up as he entered his new room. He immediately walked over to the window, which had a generous view of the backyard and the mature trees that stretched their massive branches near to the house. He looked around the room and recognized his Arizona posters from Emily and the CD holder and clock radio that Tony had bought him so long ago when he'd first come to live with his uncle. "This is really nice," he commented appreciatively, running his hand over the smooth, wooden surface of the desk and the bright fabric of the curtains. "It feels like I could just move in here."
"It could use a few more lamps I think," said Tony. "Especially if you'll be studying in here. We could also put in a storage unit if you acquire some more possessions like sports equipment or other odds and ends. But keep in mind that you and I can still finish the carriage house to give you your own apartment. It might take us awhile, but if we're motivated, I bet we could move you in there by winter."
"Thanks, Tony," said Lucky. "I'm looking forward to this." In the midst of his good mood, his face suddenly tensed up as a stray thought assaulted his mind. "Is it safe here?" he asked seriously. "I mean, is it easy to break into? There are a lot of doors and windows."
"We have an alarm system," replied Tony. "That makes it very safe. It's monitored, so even if you're home, you can press a button to notify the police if there's a break-in."
"Okay," Lucky said hesitantly as if he still weren't sure about it. His eyes darted around the room as if trying to detect any security breaches.
"Let's find you a nice outfit that you can wear to your father's hearing tomorrow," suggested Tony as he quickly tried to steer Lucky toward a more pleasant subject. "I placed most of your clothing in the dresser, and there are a few dress shirts and pants in the closet. Shoes are in there, too. I'll go find a bag for your stuff while you select what you need."
Lucky promptly picked out his favorite striped oxford shirt with chinos and his black leather shoes. His hand lingered over a tie for a second, but then he shook his head as he reconsidered. He was going to see his father tomorrow and wanted to look nice, but be comfortable at the same time. He rubbed his neck and grimaced. I hate ties, he thought. Lucky lay his clothes on the desk chair and wandered around his new room for a few seconds, fully taking in the atmosphere. It feels like home, he thought contentedly. He plopped down onto the bed and tested it by bopping up and down on it. It's softer than the hospital beds. I like softer beds a lot better. He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes, relaxing much more than he intended to. Soon, his breaths came heavier with the advent of sleep. He sighed and curled up, nestling his legs up against his trunk in the subconsciously defensive mode that he had adapted after his kidnapping.
When Tony returned to Lucky's room, he was surprised to find his nephew sound asleep. I've only been gone five minutes, he thought. He must have been awfully tired. I guess the walk took his energy away. We'll have to be careful to not tire him out after he comes home. He's on a ton of different medications. Boy, Lucas is going to be a real challenge. He adores his cousin, and I'll bet he follows him everywhere, pestering poor Lucky. Oh, it's going to be a difficult fine line to walk with him. I feel like I want everything to be perfect for Lucky, and I'm determined to make sure that he has all that he needs to be successful and stay out of the hospital. We can do it. I know that we can - we'll all pull together as a family. Tony looked at his watch. His next appointment wasn't for an hour and a half. He glanced over at Lucky. The paperwork at the office will wait. Let him have his nap.
Tony came back to Lucky's room forty minutes later, and he was still sound asleep, rolled over onto his other side. Tony lightly shook Lucky's shoulder. "Hey, sport," he said softly. "Time to wake up."
Lucky opened his eyes with a confused look on his face. It took him a minute to orient himself, and then he sat up with a yawn. "I guess I fell asleep. I just laid down on the bed for a second."
"I let you nap for awhile since you seemed to need the rest," Tony explained. "I called the hospital and let them know that we'd be back a bit later than we originally planned. I see you have your clothes selected. Let's pack you up and go."
Lucky frowned. "I don't want to go back," he said with a slightly petulant tone. Tony's face softened. "I know. It's only for a few more days. They need to arrange for your transfer to the day facility. Blood work needs to be done, and Kevin needs to debrief you before you leave. It takes time. Before you know it, you'll be home."
Lucky smoothed his hair back in place and reluctantly rose from the bed. "Okay," he said softly as he grabbed his clothes. He turned his head toward Tony. "Do you have any gum in the house?" he asked. "I want to smoke real bad, but I'm trying to cut back. It would help me to chew on something and ride out the craving," he explained. "I'm not allowed to have gum at the hospital. I guess I could choke myself on it on purpose or something." He laughed dryly. "I'll spit it out and throw it away before I get there."
Lucky chewed on three sticks of spearmint gum, his jaw working overtime on what looked like cow's cud or smokeless tobacco sticking out rudely from his cheek. When he and Tony passed the garage, Lucky made a phantom lay-up as if he were playing basketball. "Two!" he shouted and then laughed.
Tony looked at Lucky curiously. Kevin is right. He is fifteen. "Maybe we could put up a basketball net when you're home," Tony offered.
"Lucas might like that, too," observed Lucky. "I could teach him a few moves."
Tony grinned. "Actually, Lucky, that would be perfect. Lucas is so active and really wants to play sports, but sometimes I hesitate because I'm always in the mode of protecting my hands because of the delicate neurosurgery that I do." Tony held his hands out and inspected them. "If you could pick up the slack for me, he'd be one happy little boy."
"Sure," said Lucky as he jumped up and banged the nearest gutter on the house with the flat of his hand.
"You can let me out at the door," Lucky offered. "I know you've spent a lot of time with me. I can sign myself in."
Tony looked closely at his nephew. "I don't mind. I like spending time with you." He hesitated. "I have plenty of time until my next appointment. I'll walk you back to your room."
"I'm not going to run away again," Lucky said stiffly.
"I know that," Tony replied in an easygoing voice. "I'm responsible for you until you reach the facilities. Humor me. I'm a stickler for the rules. I know. I'm hopeless, a real stick in the mud." Tony laughed, and Lucky smiled in spite of himself.