Author's Note: I'll be updating
Fallen Angel every other week.
Fallen Angel - TOC
Chapter Forty-Nine
Frankie stood stiffly in front of the
mirror in his bathroom, tugging on the bulletproof vest that his associate Jimmy had
delivered half an hour earlier. He gingerly pulled the vest over his abdomen and winced
with pain. His kidney and the surrounding area were still sore twelve days after the
kidney had ruptured, and he idly wondered if he could fasten the side straps without
killing himself in the process. He frowned as he pulled in a breath and held it. A fat
drop of sweat rolled down his forehead as the memories of wearing a vest over his severe
injuries brought a nauseous feeling of desperation reverberating through his gut. They'd
been trying to kill him for five years now, and he knew they had no intention of stopping
the attempts until the dirty deed was done. Frankie murmured angrily to himself as he
noted that the rough fabric of the vest burned and chaffed annoyingly against his tender
skin. The protective garment was tight, as it should be to protect his torso, but both the
kidney and the surgical incisions on his chest and abdomen reminded him loud and clear
that he wasn't out of the woods yet. Dey're not
takin' me out, he thought grimly. I got things
to do, and I'm not goin' nowhere. Maxie's pretty face surfaced in his mind's eye, and
he smiled as a ripple of warm pleasure ran throughout his body. I like dat Maxie. She's my girlfriend. She likes me,
too. She said so.
Frankie pulled on a pair of dressy blue
trousers with fashionably neat pleats and a miraculously correct length. Mama, she thought of everything - dey fit just right.
He pushed a shiny, new pistol into the waistband and gulped as the vest cut even tighter
into his abdomen. He sighed crossly and inspected himself in the mirror. Frankie rifled
his fingers through his short hair. Maybe I should
dye it dark again. I looked older and tougher den. Frank said I looked better with da dark - not as wimpy.
My baby sister has dark hair, too. Frankie's
hand fell to the sink, and sadness welled up inside of him. Frank's never gonna say nothing else to me again - good
or bad. He sniffed several times and ran his hand over his eyes to prevent them from
tearing up any further. Frankie picked up a second, smaller gun that was lying on the sink
and inserted it into his sock. I miss my dad.
"Are you ready to go, boss?"
Johnny laid his hand on Frankie's shoulder before he wheeled the chair out of Frankie's
room. Frankie squirmed under his touch and shot him a dirty look.
"Don't touch me," he ordered
crankily. Frankie didn't want Johnny to detect that he was wearing a bulletproof vest.
Next, the questions would come of how he had obtained it and was he also packing heat.
"Simmer down," Johnny sighed as
he wheeled Frankie down the hallway. Johnny's eyes registered the intricate wood paneling
lining the walls and the sumptuously patterned, reproduction Victorian wallpaper hugging
the eleven foot high walls. To the manor born,
he thought. Frankie has always lived in mansions.
Well, except for the apartment over the diner and Mrs. DeMarco's. Johnny chuckled at
the thought of Frankie stripped of all his wealth. It'll
never happen. He has the Midas touch.
"What are you laughing about?"
Frankie questioned sarcastically.
"Who woke up on the wrong side of the
bed?" Johnny asked. "You've been in a bad mood since I arrived. What's
They stopped in front of the small
elevator at the end of the hallway and waited after Johnny pressed the down button.
Frankie shrugged. "I don't wanna go back to dat hospital," he stated tensely. He
bent his head down and fiddled with his thumbs as he tried to regulate his breathing. It
had only been several days since the beatnik hitman had tried to smother him, and he felt
vulnerable and afraid - two emotions that he wanted to eliminate from his vocabulary or
die trying.
"Why?" Johnny probed. He wheeled
Frankie onto the small elevator car and pressed the button. "I'm going with you, so
you don't have to worry about an attack." Johnny adjusted his suit coat and revealed
his lethal hardware lining the brown leather holster.
"I'm not gonna stay dere,"
Frankie warned. "Nobody's gonna make me. I dont like dat place. It better go
quick or I'll be angry."
Johnny noticed that Frankie seemed to be
trying to prepare himself for bad news. "You have improved by leaps and bounds,"
he stated reassuringly. "Im sure the doctors will be pleased with your
"Dont care," Frankie
pouted as he crossed his arms. "Nobody better mess with me."
"Heaven forbid anyone should try to
help you," Johnny replied wearily. "You'd accuse them of something horrid I'm
"Shut up!" Frankie snapped. They
crossed the threshold of the mansion and wheeled slowly down the driveway toward Luke's
"Respect," Johnny said lightly
to remind Frankie of his behavior. "Your dad will be glad to see you. Your mother
will be joining you at the hospital later after her charity function."
Frankie muttered and mumbled curses under
his breath as he was still wrapped up in his bad mood. "Luke," he reminded
Johnny. "Not Dad. I got a dad, um, I had one. You know what I mean."
"Hey there, sport. How's my
boy?" Luke smiled brightly at Frankie as he held his hands on his hips and inspected
his son. "You're looking good." Secretly, Luke was worried about Frankie after
Laura had called him the night before to inform him about the boy's disastrous muscle
spasms. He'd lain awake for part of the night and had slept fitfully the rest of the time.
*** Alexis sighed as she sat up in bed and
leaned on her elbow to look at her restless husband. "You know, Luke, when we
married, I didn't figure on signing up for sleepus
Luke lifted his head from his pillow and
laughed loudly. "Is that some lawyer-ese mumbo jumbo or are you making it up as you
go along?"
"It's three o' clock in the
morning," Alexis whined. "I have to go before the court with an important case
in the morning."How am I going to get some sleep with you tossing and turning and
sighing all night?"
Luke reached his arms out to pull Alexis
close to his chest. "How 'bout some coitus non-interruptus?" he whispered in her
ear as he lazily rubbed his leg against hers.
"Why don't you tell me what's on your
mind," Alexis replied dryly. "You won't relax otherwise."
Luke rolled onto his back and placed a
forearm over his eyes. "It's Frankie," he said leadenly. "I can't stop
worrying if he's going to recover or walk again. It's eating me up inside. I know all I
can do is support and encourage him, but I'm not used to being so passive. I'm a take
charge kind of guy. If it's broken, fix it."
Alexis leaned her head on Luke's chest and
said, "But this is your child, your son that you're talking about, not a home
construction project."
"Exactly. I'd move heaven and earth
for him, but I feel so helpless. What can I do? I keep wracking my brains, trying to come
up with a solution to all of his problems."
Alexis sighed and played with the hair on
Luke's forearm, stroking it absentmindedly. A minute passed before she spoke. "First
off, he has to accept your help. So far, that's been a problem. It's push and pull.
Sometimes he'll listen, other times he pushes you away. It's natural, really. He's testing
the relationship, sticking his toe in to test the waters. If he feels the least bit of
cold, he immediately backtracks. You have to be there for him, be the rock that withstands
the storms."
"And why do I suspect we're in for a
round of tornadoes and hurricanes," Luke said sullenly.
"Hurricane Frankie," Alexis
tittered. "I think it fits." She ran her hand lightly over Luke's forehead,
stroking rhythmically to ease the tension. "It's been less than two weeks since he
came back to Port Charles," she said softly. "Give him time to heal. It takes
time. You need to heal, too."
"I know," Luke said quietly.
"I just want to make sure we're all standing when all is said and done."
Alexis continued to rub his temples, and
then giggled suddenly.
"What?" Luke laughed.
Alexis jettisoned herself on top of Luke,
making him let out a surprised "oof" sound. He immediately rested his hands on
her hips and luxuriated in the feeling of her breasts and tummy lying on top of him.
"Oh what the hell," Alexis snickered. "I'm going to need some type of glow
to get through the day tomorrow. I'm out of blush, so you're next on the list. Make me
glow, Lucas Lorenzo!"
Luke made a secret sneak attack with his
lips on Alexis' throat to the result of a surprised squeal. "No hickies!" she
shrieked. ***
looked up at his father standing in front of him with his tossled hair and dark circles
under his eyes. He looks beat. Frankie lowered
his eyes. "I'm okay," he said softly. Not
really. Frankie was growing more nervous by the minute. Between the threat of hit men
and doctors with bad news, he felt extremely edgy.
"Need some help into the car?"
Frankie nodded and extended his hand
toward his father. Luke pulled Frankie from the chair, and allowed Luke to place an arm
over his shoulder for support as he hopped toward the back seat. Luke pulled the seatbelt
out and handed it to Frankie.
Luke's eyes met Johnny's when Johnny shut
the car door. "Thanks for coming," he said plainly. "I want him safe."
Frankie wasn't looking forward to this
outing, and he leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes, not eager to survey
the passing landscape or comment on the sights.
"We'll plan on eating out today for
lunch," Luke suggested as he briefly took his eyes of the road and turned his head
slightly to talk to Frankie. "I know a real nice burger place. You like hamburgers,
don't you?"
"Yeah," Frankie answered
morosely. "I can eat 'em again. Dey took me off dat liquid pea shit diet."
Johnny's shoulders moved up and down with
his silent laughter, but Luke bust out in a cackle. "Pea shit diet? What's
"Mama fed me dese horrible mushed
peas. I told her I didn't eat da round ones, why would I eat 'em when dey're all gross and
"A man after my own heart," Luke
intoned. "Vegetables are not welcome in my home. I'll take a vitamin any day."
Frankie laughed lightly, but the merriment
never reached his blue eyes, and he remained silent for the rest of the trip.
Frankie leaned in toward his bodyguard
when they were seated in the waiting room for his first appointment. "Johnny,"
he whispered. "You gotta go in with me to protect me. I don't know who could be da
next hitman. For all I know, it's one a dem nurses. Okay?"
Johnny's green eyes met Frankie's worried
blue ones, and he felt a wave of sadness at the life that Frankie had been forced to lead
and the obvious result in the boy's nervous, suspicious behavior. He patted Frankie on the
knee. "Sure thing, boss."
Frankie visibly relaxed some at the
reassurance that Johnny would be present to protect him. When his name was called, Frankie
looked at Luke seated beside him. "Johnny's goin' with me," he announced. Luke
had half risen from his chair, planning to accompany his son on an important appointment,
and he felt shocked and puzzled. He looked over at Johnny whose face tightened as he gave
a small nod toward Luke to confirm the appropriateness of Frankie's decision.
"Wait," Frankie said when Johnny
began wheeling his chair. He pulled up his blue sweater and pulled the gun out of his
waistband. "Give dis to Luke," he instructed Johnny. "He might need
Johnny accepted the heavy metallic object
and shook his head as he handed it to Luke. "Don't ask me," he intoned when Luke
gave him a shocked look. "I have no idea where he got it from."
Frankie patted his sock, secure in the
knowledge that he had a backup weapon. He planned on eyeing each person in that office and
would use the gun if necessary.
Luke looked around the small waiting room
and placed a two year old National Geographic over the large, wicked looking weapon,
hoping that no one had noticed the handoff. He felt a deep hurt licking around the edges
of his emotions. His son trusted paid associates over his own father. Luke sat all alone
holding a gun. When would things ever be or feel normal?
"How's it going?" Luke looked up
and smiled gratefully when he saw his ex-wife sitting next to him in the waiting room. He
glanced at his watch and winced. "It's been over an hour. Johnny came out and said
they sent him for a chest x-ray and some blood tests. Look what I've been holding onto the
whole time." Luke moved the National Geographic to one side of his lap in order to
reveal the lethal, gleaming firepower given to him by his son.
Laura gasped audibly and held a hand to
her chest. Her cheeks flamed even pinker than the rosy hue of her ruffled blouse.
"What are you doing with that?" she whispered harshly, her eyes flashing a sharp
question at Luke.
"I'm holding for my son," Luke
explained wryly with raised eyebrows. "He left it for me in case I needed it while I
was waiting." Luke flicked at the gun with an annoyed motion of his fingernail.
"It'll come in handy for shooting hit men and any other threats. I use one every day,
you know. I take out people standing in front of me in line, idiots talking on cell
phones, inept deliverymen. I find it very handy to get my point across. Death has such an
effective, elegant ring to it, don't you think, Laura? Oh, he wanted his bodyguard with
him, too, even though he has another pistol tucked in his sock. Is he ever going to feel
safe or happy?"
Laura's eyes flickered with compassion.
"Yes," she stated decisively. "I've seen him happy and content for brief
moments. We just have to find a way to make it permanent."
Luke looked appraisingly at his ex-wife.
"I'm glad we decided to bury the hatchet - for Frankie's sake."
"That's what's important," Laura
replied softly as she looked down at her folded hands. "Besides, he filled the hole
in my heart when he returned. There isn't any room for negative feelings. I'm so grateful
that he's alive."
Luke sighed and fidgeted, his right leg
moving up and down a mile a minute while his tired, blue eyes noted the bland, beige
wallpaper of the room plus the fish tank to the side, which was supposed to calm patients,
but failed to do its job with the depressing fact that it only had two live fish left in
it. "I want my boy healthy," Luke said tightly. "I'm nervous about these
appointments. I want to hear that he's fine, but what if they tell us something else? He
has a lot of problems."
"He's healing. I've been fortunate to
be able to see the improvement day by day. He's a lot stronger than only a few days ago.
He's getting around on his own." Laura tittered. "I met his girlfriend, you
"The police commissioner's
daughter?" Luke asked.
Laura's eyebrows rose. "So you
Luke nodded. "Not that he ever said
one word about her. He's pretty tight lipped about his feelings."
"We didn't talk about her. She seemed
nice, very concerned for him. She said she met him in the school cafeteria. Boy did those
two glow when they were around each other. Cute. They couldnt hide their feelings if
they tried."
"I bet Mr. Police Commissioner isn't
happy about this rendition of young love," Luke commented.
"If he knows about it," Laura
hours later...
Luke, Laura and Frankie were all seated
around a conference table with expectant looks on their faces, and Johnny was standing in
a corner, leaning against a wall, his hand on his hip, revealing a small portion of his
leather holster. A pall hung over the room as four people waited for the pulmonary
specialist to begin talking. The man shuffled through a stack of x-rays and cleared his
throat. Johnny shot him an annoyed look. Get on with
it, fella.
"In general, I'm very pleased with
the healing of Frankie's chest wound. It still is inflamed and probably sore, but it has
sealed up nicely with minimal scar tissue. There are no complications. I'm curious,
though, as to how the older wounds were received - quite a few for a young man. The
surgical techniques utilized seem rather crude. Was the surgery performed out of the
Luke and Laura shifted in their chairs
uneasily as they glanced at one another.
Luke spoke first. "Our son was
kidnapped as an infant. He's only been with us for two weeks."
Laura laid a supportive arm on Frankie's
shoulder. "He was injured when he was ten years old, isn't that right, Frankie?"
She smiled apologetically at the doctor. "We haven't been able to elicit a medical
history from our son."
The room filled with silence to the degree
that one could hear a pin drop. Frankie sighed and laid his head on the table, ignoring
the adults' conversation. Laura rubbed his back. "Honey, can you tell the doctor what
Frankie shook his head as he still hid his
face from the stares of the adults.
"Why not?" Luke asked.
Frankie jerked his head up and pounded his
right fist on the wooden table. "I don't remember!" he shouted with a red face.
"I can't remember much of what happened."
"What do you remember?" Laura
coaxed in a gentle voice.
"I don't wanna talk about it. It
hurts me," Frankie whined in a teary voice. "It's bad, Mama."
Luke met the doctor's eyes and shook his
head as his face tightened and his stomach clenched. A fierce determination rose up in him
from deep within the core of his being. His mind wandered to the gun that he'd hidden in
his own waistband. No one was ever going to hurt his son again.
"I believe the spells of
breathlessness that you've experienced are a phenomenon called hyperventilation," the
doctor explained. "It's partly physical, partly psychological. Some persons have
respiratory systems that react to stress by prompting the body to breathe in too quickly.
You can feel dizzy or like you're suffocating as a result. I'd suggest consulting with a
general physician or a psychiatrist. Antidepressants are often effective for the
condition. Perhaps it is reassuring to know that you're healing from your wounds, and that
is not the cause."
Frankie turned his face away and clenched
his teeth, causing his jaw muscles to twitch. He felt humiliated and ashamed by the
assumption that he was overreacting to his breathing problems. Good thing Frank wasn't
here to hear this news. He'd have a field day with him later on, taunting and teasing him.
Frankie shot a wary glance at Luke, wondering how he was taking this explanation. But, his
father's face was impassive and impossible to read.
Luke pulled out of the hospital parking
lot and headed for the highway so he could drive Frankie to one of the new restaurants
near the mall. "Are you working on an appetite?" he asked over his shoulder.
"Ya," Frankie answered. "I
haven't had no real food for...well, forever it seems like."
"How about a hamburger?" Luke
prompted. "What kind of food do you like anyway? I haven't seen you eat a morsel
since you've come back. Last time I saw you, fourteen years ago, applesauce was your fave
by far."
Frankie laughed. "Dat applesauce is
okay. I like a meat and potatoes dinner. Nothing too fancy or French or nothin'. Dose
sauces suck."
"What about Mama's cooking?"
Johnny asked. "You always seemed to gobble up anything Mrs. DeMarco made."
"She's a good cook - da spaghetti was
da best. I love dem cookies, too. I could live offa dem. Coo-keee!! Ha. I love dat Cookie
Luke smiled to himself, grateful that
Frankie was in such a good mood for a change. He'd perked up immediately after leaving the
hospital. Luke had thought he'd be cranky and unapproachable for days.
"You're certainly welcome to join us
for lunch," Luke offered Johnny.
Johnny shook his head. "I have a few
errands to run. Frankie, you'll be all right with your, um, with Luke, won't you."
"I think so," Frankie answered.
"I got my vest and guns."
"No shooting pedestrians," Luke
"Dat's no fun," Frankie joked
back. "I get an extra ten points if dey're pushin' a grocery cart. Ahaha."
"What did you think about your new
physical therapist?" Johnny asked. "He seemed very competent. You're lucky he'll
make home visits."
Frankie nodded as he looked down at his
useless leg and patted it with his hand. "I liked it when he said I could go on
crutches soon."
"If you do your exercises,"
Johnny prompted.
"I know," Frankie answered with
exasperation. "He's gonna show me how to do da weightlifting, too, so I can bulk up
some. It'll help me fight better."
Sly opened his locker and pulled out his
gym outfit - a tee shirt and pair of blue shorts. No one else was in the locker room yet
as he'd sneaked in ten minutes earlier to switch tapes in the audiovisual room off of the
main gym. His mind was occupied with Frankie's upcoming performance, and he didn't pay
attention when several boys entered the area. Sly pulled on his red Converse basketball
shoes, amazed as always at how huge they looked before he put them on his feet. Uncle Luke
had said he'd grow into his feet eventually, and maybe there was hope since Luke's feet
didn't stick out that badly. Sly fervently wished for a more defined, bulky musculature as
well. It seemed like all of his calories went straight to his spindly legs, making them
grow longer and longer. Sometimes he felt like Plastic Man, the superhero who stretched
and stretched out of proportion. Sly finished tying his shoes and leaned in to look into
the small mirror attached to the locker door. His black eye was already starting to fade a
bit - it wasn't the permanently disfiguring wound that he'd originally fancied it to be. How do those boxers handle getting beat up all the
time? What a drag.
Sly gasped loudly when someone came up
behind him and smacked him smartly in the back of his head, almost making him kiss his own
reflection in the mirror as his face flew forward. "Hey!" he protested as he
turned around to face three boys that glared back at him.
Sly stared directly into the squinty blue
eyes of Jacob, his primary tormentor. Jacob was blond and squat, a wrestler who fancied
himself a ladies' man and all-around tough guy. Secretly a coward, this pseudo tough guy
believed in stacking the odds in his favor by surrounding himself with an entourage of his
friends and supporters.
"What are you doing, Bigfoot?"
Jacob sneered. "If you're looking into that mirror, there's not much to look
Sly's face worked into a frown as the
anger built within him. Why was Jacob always haunting him? He seemed to be one step behind
him at all times and always ready with a smart comment or putdown. Where was Frankie when
he needed him? Sly's mind redirected to the tape that would be shown within the next hour,
and he took courage from the knowledge that Frankie would set them straight. "At
least I'm a natural blond," Sly answered boldly with a disdainful voice. "You're
a highlighted special. The bleach must have gone to your brain."
Jacob's companions laughed delightedly at
Sly's wrathful humor. Jacob was not amused. He pushed at Sly with a harsh motion, sending
the boy crashing back into the locker with a loud bang. "You want to fight me?"
he asked angrily with his face screwed up. "Looks like you're not much of a fighter
from the size of that shiner you're wearing."
Sly's eyebrows rose haughtily. "You
didn't see the other guy," he commented lightly, brushing past Jacob to leave the
locker room for the relative safety of the open gym. The cackling laughter of the boys
assaulted his back as he exited the door.
Twenty-five boys galloped around the gym
in a forced run handed down as punishment for more hijinks and misbehavior. It was as if
the necessity of sitting still and quiet in their other classes brought out the animal in
the boys when they were finally allowed to move around. Inevitably, someone was pushed
down or goosed by a flying elbow. The teacher, with his past athletic ability, still had a
modest IQ and never figured out that his punishments were a futile waste of time and, in
the case of the boys, breath.
When he blew his ever-present whistle, the
boys stopped running and ceased muttering curses under their breaths. "To the
audiovisual room," Mr. Shank directed with a thick finger pointed in the direction of
the room off of the gym. A secret smile creased across Sly's expectant face, and he
laughed lightly in anticipation.
Predictably, Mr. Shank announced to the
seated boys, "I'm going to leave you in this room to watch the film. There might be a
quiz on the contents afterwards, so pay attention. John, you're in charge of running the
videotape." The boys watched as Mr. Shank left the room. One time, after the
videotape was over, they'd found him asleep in his office with his feet propped up on his
desk and his head bent back as a raucous snore emitted from his open mouth. More than one
boy was considering becoming a gym teacher later on in life - it seemed like such a cushy,
no-brainer job with summers off to boot.
John turned on the television as the boys
sighed and moaned, expecting another 1960's basketball demonstration movie complete with
the worn out groovy lingo and fab Beatles haircuts of the time. The attention of
twenty-five boys was immediately riveted by the person who greeted them via videotape.
"Gentlemen," the tough mob voice intoned as Frankie glared at them from the
small screen. The hair on the back of Rick,
John and Jabob's arms pricked with goose bumps when their names were mentioned
specifically with an implied threat attached. Rick looked around the room in bewilderment
when his name was selected as first official victim if the gym dynamics were not
immediately altered. He leaned in to whisper something to Jacob who looked equally
terrified as he nodded. A buzz of murmured exclamations floated throughout the room as
Frankie forcefully outlined his expectations.
"Hey, where's he been anyway?"
someone asked.
"I heard he was arrested,"
another boy replied worriedly.
"He looks messed up," a third,
more analytical boy mentioned. "He's sitting in a wheelchair."
"But he still looks like he could
kill somebody," a fourth boy pointed out.
Sly crossed his arms with a look as
satisfied as a fat cat who has eaten its fill flooding his face. This was working out
perfectly. He cleared his throat and rose higher in his seat, prepared to accept the
videotape after Frankie was through. Frankie made the cutting motion at his throat, and
Sly fully expected the tape to sputter and then run to a blank blue screen. However, much
to his amazement, the tape was continuing to run. His eyes bugged as fear electrically
jolted throughout his body. Oh no! Didn't I turn off
that camcorder? Oh no! Sly's head turned
abruptly as he looked in panic at the twenty-five boys who glared at him. They know I shot the tape! I'm on the tape, too.
<<<Too cool!>>> Sly said
gleefully on the tape as he ran up to Frankie to give him a high five. Sly started
sweating in his chair as he watched himself.
<<<I'll switch tapes during gym,
and they won't know what hit them. Everyone will see it at the same time. Of course the
stupid PE coach will be too busy romancing that ugly Ms. Perkins. Why does he even
<<<Have you seen his
The entire class broke out into laughter
and snickers of agreement. "What a dog!" one boy exclaimed to the resulting
barks and howls of other boys.
"Look at that!" John said.
"It's Nikolas Cassadine. What's he doing with that hood?"
"They're brothers," Sly stated
with a heavy, shocked voice. "Frankie's my brother, too." John shot him a
disbelieving look, and he turned to Jacob who shrugged.
<<<You bastard. You don't talk
about my girl!>>>
<<<Worried about keeping your
woman, pipsqueak? Maybe she needs some lessons from an older man.>>>
"Oooooooh!" the boys in the room
exclaimed simultaneously when Frankie's right hook solidly met Sly's eye.
"Yeah! Sly's the man," Jacob
snickered. "Watch him fight back."
Sly's face turned red as he endured
another round of teasing. "What a big baby. Look at him crying," Rick commented
as he pointed at the screen. Most of the boys were too busy concentrating on their fear of
Frankie, the enforcer who backed up his talk with a flying fist, to single out Sly.
"Nikolas Cassadine is his
brother?" one incredulous voice asked. All of the boys in the room were freshmen and
sophomores, not a respected, athletic upperclassman like Nikolas. Nikolas was extremely
popular and a burly guy in addition, a natural athlete. Conversations picked up when Sly
was lead out of the room by Nikolas and Frankie entered the bathroom. There was a lull
when the camera focused its static attention on a chair in the room.
Sly blinked rapidly as he tried to figure
out when he took back the camcorder. There was a good fifteen minutes or so of time from
when he left to when he returned. What would be on the film? He gulped as a lump rose in
his dry throat. Uh-oh, he thought when he saw
Maxie enter the room.
<<<I found out where you were and
decided to come visit. Sly was supposed to meet me at the front door, but I got tired of
waiting. One of the servants told me where to find you.>>>
"He really must live with Cassadine
if she's talking about servants," the analytical boy commented.
<<<I love dose surprises. See? No
more gowns. I'm a real guy now.>>>
The class started getting extremely
interested in the videotape and began hooting and making sex noises. "Show her you're
a real guy!" someone suggested loudly.
<<<Dat's me.>>>
"I'm taking notes," one boy
called out. "He's smooth."
"He's making his move!" another
The boys watched mesmerized as Frankie and
Maxie made out with a passionate intensity.
"I always knew she was a babe - I
just never figured she'd put out," Jacob stated.
"Not for you," his friend Rick
Sly sank lower and lower in his chair as
he covered his face with his hand and felt mortified. Frankie and Maxie were never going
to forgive him. He'd be a hermit with no friends and Jacob constantly on his tail,
tormenting and tripping him at every step. Maybe now was the time to apply for the
priesthood. A monastery, preferably on top of a hill in the middle of nowhere was looking
especially attractive. He'd take a vow of silence for fifty years.
Mr. Shank boldly entered the room, annoyed
that his class seemed to be having some sort of fun when they were supposed to be watching
the videotape. Would these hooligans ever be serious? All eyes were fixed on the screen,
and there were sounds of moaning and murmuring coming from the television. "Oh
yeah," someone said under his breath in an awed tone.
At the exact moment that Mr. Shank turned
to look at the screen, Frankie moved in for the kill and placed his hand on Maxie's
breast. The entire room cheered loudly as Mr. Shank blinked in confusion. "What is
this?" he asked loudly. Sly burst into the scene on the tape, and Mr. Shank's beady
eyes narrowed as he saw who was responsible.
<<<I'm going. You're a jerk. Not
you, Maxie, Frankie I mean.>>>
The tape ran all over the place as Sly
obviously picked up the camcorder and began walking with it. The class was greeted by the
sight of the Wyndemere green, red and navy oriental carpeting that lined the hallway.
Sly stared straight ahead in shock and
didn't notice that Mr. Shank was standing directly beside him until he felt the heavy,
thick hand rest firmly on his shoulder. "Come with me, Mr. Eckert," the stern
voice intoned. "We're going to pay the
principal a visit."
"Dis is nice," Frankie said as
he sat with Luke in the hamburger restaurant. "Custom made burgers," he noted
appraisingly as his eyes roamed the room. "A person could rake in da dough with a
joint like dis."
Luke smiled at the junior businessman in
front of him.
Frankie dipped his fries into a large pool
of ketchup on his plate and bopped his head back in forth in time to the music that was
playing in the background. He ate his fry and smiled back at Luke with his mouth full as
he munched happily.
Luke noted Frankie's impeccable table
manners and the fact that the boy never touched his fries, but used a fork instead. That's one thing Frank did well - he gave my boy
manners. Luke's eyes swept over Frankie, and he laughed. "I can tell you like
"Ya," Frankie agreed with a nod.
"It's da best."
"Do you play an instrument?"
"Nah. Frank said dat was for pansies.
I needed to concentrate on business and my other studies."
Luke thought. The bastard wouldn't allow him a
single redeemable hobby. He obviously has some talent.
"I sing," Frankie offered with a
twinkle in his eye.
"Oh, yeah? What do you sing?"
"Oh, lotsa stuff. I'm fond of Frank
"Well, me, too," Luke stated.
"That's why I bought you the CD. We used to play him and sing his songs to you when
you were an infant."
Frankie nodded. "I'm named after him,
too. He was friends with Frank, my Frank."
"Mhmm," Luke murmured.
"Have you met him?"
"Ah, sure," Frankie stated as he
took in another huge bite of his burger, being careful to chew and swallow before speaking
again. "He's kinda like an uncle? He was in da casinos a lot when I was growing up. I
usta sing with him sometimes. Dey'd put me on da table so I'd be taller. We'd share da
mike. It was fun. I like Frank."
Luke's brow furrowed with confusion. What
must it be like to mingle with the rich and famous like that? What an odd upbringing -
hanging out in casinos and crooning out the old tunes with the master.
When the waitress returned to bring the
check, she startled Frankie, and he tensed as his hand brushed his lower calf. Luke noted
his reaction and felt tense as well. He needed to have another discussion with Frankie
about his propensity for firearms, but this wasn't the time or place. He'd prefer to talk
to him alone and in private.
"I ordered the furniture you
wanted," Luke stated casually. "Do you want to be there to supervise when they
deliver it?"
"Oh yeah!" Frankie answered
enthusiastically. "I didn't have time to mess with da architect, but I think I can
direct 'em on how to place it. Cool."
Luke didn't want to break the good vibes
between him and his son, but he broached the next subject with seriousness. "You gave
Sly quite a shiner. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Frankie stopped chewing and frowned as he
carefully placed the remainder of the burger back onto the plate and wiped his hands on
the white, paper napkin folded across his lap. "It was an accident," he
explained. "I was aiming for Nikolas."
"And that's your excuse?"
Frankie shrugged. "He was being a
prick, insulting my girlfriend. He deserved it."
"No one deserves to be hit,"
Luke offered.
"Disagree," Frankie answered
impudently. "Anyway, I tried to call Sly and apologize, but he won't talk to
"Sly is sensitive. His feelings get
hurt easily. He usually needs some time alone when he's upset. He'll come around. It would
be good to try apologizing later, though. Give him a day or two to come around. And in the
meantime, keep your fists to yourself."
"Okay," Frankie agreed as he
resumed eating. He'd been worried that Sly might not speak to him again, and it was a
relief to hear that he just needed time. Nikolas was still a prick, but not quite as big
of one as Frankie had previously thought.
Luke's cell phone suddenly rang with a
crazy tune that made Frankie giggle and shake his head. Luke frowned as his hand reached
for the small phone in his jacket pocket.
"Luke Spencer."
Luke listened intently to the speaker on
the other end of the phone as his face registered his surprise. "What has Sly done? A
Frankie's eyes lit up with alarm. He
gripped his napkin so hard that it tore. Da tape!
Dey must be talking about the one me and Sly made. He got caught! Uh-oh, Frankie.
Backtrack. How am I gonna get outta dis one? It sounds like Sly went down hard. Did he rat
on me? Should I fess up? Shit.
"My other son is with me. I need to
drop him off before heading to the school," Luke explained. "What? You want me
to bring Frankie with me? I don't understand."
Frankie gulped several times as his mind
raced and his eyes darted around the room. He wished he could hear the other end of the
phone conversation. What was going down?
"Okay, then," Luke said solemnly
as he pressed the off button on the phone and turned his serious blue eyes to his son.
"That was the school," he stated.
Frankie just stared back at him with wide
eyes and no reply.
"Sly was involved in some mischief
with a videotape. He's in the principal's office, and I'm to come in for a meeting. They
want you to come, too. Apparently you're involved?" Luke's right eyebrow rose as he
regarded his son's reddening complexion.
"Can't do dat," Frankie replied
breathlessly. "Need my pain pills. I don't feel good." Grasping at the only card
he could play, Frankie effected a hurt, solicitous expression as he suddenly appeared much
smaller and sickly than he had the previous minute when he'd been enthuisiastically eating
his lunch. "I ate too much too soon. I need to lie down. Dat's right - I need my nap.
No can do. Some other time."
Luke looked on with amusement. He needs to add acting to his other list of abilities
- only he could use a few lessons. He's laying it on too thick."
Frankie held a hand to his forehead as he
sighed. "Yep. I'm getting more tired by da minute. Maybe I'm getting a fever,
Johnny had been calling around all
afternoon, and he smiled broadly when he finally hit the jackpot. This man is impossible to connect with, he thought.
"This is Johnny Callahan, Frank Smith
Junior's bodyguard."
Johnny listed to the retort on the other
end of the line.
"That's why Im calling you,
sir. I thought you'd like an update on him. A lot of things have changed as I'm sure
you're aware."
Next chapter...