Fallen Angel - TOC
Chapter 59
Live everyday like it's your last; one
day you will be right! - Frank Sinatra
Athena's eyes widened as she stared at her
lover. She couldn't believe her ears. Nikolas was proposing to her. He wanted to get
married. She looked down into his earnest
brown eyes and felt exposed, sitting up in bed naked and clutching a sheet to her chest.
"Let me throw something on," she said softly as she turned to open the dresser
drawer next to the bed. She nervously rifled through the neatly folded items until she
found a suitable negligee. Slipping the silky, midnight blue garment over her head, she
rose from the bed and flipped her long, black curls over her shoulders. Nikolas was now
sitting on the edge of the bed with a small, black box in his hands, and Athena sat down
beside him.
Nikolas looked into Athena's large,
doe-like eyes with more uncertainty than when he'd asked her the question a minute
earlier. He pressed the velvet covered box into her hand, urging it on her by cupping her
fingers around it and phrasing his question differently. "Will you be my wife?"
he asked in a small voice. Nikolas had expected Athena to react with more excitement - a
squeal, a quick hug, a bounce on the bed, anything but the calm front that she presented
him. "I love you," he added tenderly as his eyes blinked rapidly, brushing his
long black eyelashes against his cheeks.
Although he certainly possessed the
well-muscled physique and cultured voice of a man, Athena noted that he seemed like a
scolded boy sitting there with his shoulders slumped and a face that looked like it might
cry with the possibility of her rejection. He'd always been so self-assured and confident
in all of their previous interactions - almost cocky with athletic pride and sexy
manliness. Why hadn't she seen this side of him until now? Her long, slender fingers
opened the box hesitantly, and she gasped when she saw the gorgeous diamond ring that
nestled in its interior. It was a several carat yellow diamond in an emerald cut, looking
like the family heirloom that it probably was.
"Nikolas," Athena whispered as
she glanced back and forth from the ring to Nikolas' eager face. She instinctively reached
out to hug him in appreciation for his elegant, extravagant display of love and devotion.
She kissed him on the cheek and shut the box. Her green eyes turned serious as she looked
into his brown, almond shaped eyes. She stroked the bangs from his forehead and smiled.
"I care about you, Nikolas, you know I do." Athena took his hand into hers.
"But we're only seventeen. Isn't this too soon for us? You're still in high school,
and I start the university in several months. How can this work?"
Nikolas face tensed as he took the black
velvet box away from Athena. He opened it and ran his index finger over the long, smooth
surface of the diamond. "I love you," he said in a small voice near tears.
"I want us to be together - always. I don't want to be separated like we were with
you on the Island. I want to wake up to you every morning. Maybe I can join you at the
"That cannot work," Athena
disagreed gently. "You know that."
Nikolas rose from the bed with anger.
"Then why are we sleeping together?" he asked harshly with flaming eyes. He
waved his hands around the room. "What is this? Playing house? I'm serious. I've
always been serious about you. Why won't you marry me? I'm not good enough for you? So you
want to meet a real prince at Cambridge? Prince Harry perhaps?" He slammed the box
down on the nightstand and turned away from Athena with his arms crossed over his broad,
bare chest.
Athena rose from the bed, too, and
approached Nikolas, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her face against his
back. "I didn't say no," she explained. "I just can't answer your question
now. I feel too young to marry. I sleep with you because I love you." She turned him
around to face her, placing a finger over his full lips. "Plus you're irresistible. I
must have you." Athena tiptoed to lean in and kiss him on the mouth. "I'm so
flattered that you want to be with me forever." Her eyes took on an impish gleam.
"Besides, Prince Harry is too awkward and not handsome in my book. He can't hold a
candle to you. And, I hear his grandmother is a real beast."
"Mine, too," Nikolas said with a
small smile. "At least she's dead now."
Athena shook her head at his dark humor.
"Can we discuss this in a few years?" she asked with wide eyes.
Nikolas' cheeks colored as he hadn't
resolved his hurt, angry feelings over her gentle denial of his wishes. He shrugged and
reached for his pants. "I'm going out," he stated firmly. "I need to
"Nikolas," Athena protested with
a hand on his arm.
Nikolas shook off her touch and turned
away. "I'll be back in an hour or two," he stated with a heavy voice. Athena
watched him march out the door and sighed as she sat back on the bed. She shook her head
and stared at the floor. What is going on with him?
Why can't things remain as they are? I thought
we were happy.
Sly donned a pair of leather work gloves
that were hanging on a hook by Sheba's stall. He brandished a pitchfork and entered the
hay strewn area. Sheba was placed in the adjoining stall so he could clean out the main
one, and she eyed him curiously with her huge brown eyes. Sly frowned as she seemed to be
laughing at him; he could tell even though he didn't hear a whinny from her direction. How
could Nikolas stand this? I know they have servants,
but he took care of Sheba on his own. I wonder if she misses him and vice versa. He
turned toward Sheba. "You'll have to make do with me, sweet pea," he said with a
quirky smile. I know I'm not as handsome as Nikolas, but I'm not dog meat either."
Sly bent over to hoist a "pony patty" out of the stall and wrinkled his nose at
its abundantly fragrant properties. Horses sure must
eat a lot to make doo-doos this big. "You're not too delicate, are you? You just
go wherever and whenever it pleases you. Don't expect me to bring you flowers and candy
next time I come," Sly joked.
"Do I have some competition?"
Emily's voice floated through the stable, and Sly blushed at being caught flirting with a
"She was lonely," he explained.
"I was just keeping her company."
"Oooh, now I know why Quartermaines
don't keep animals on the estate," Emily complained with a finger and thumb pinching
her nose. "Wow, she's a load."
"You're not the one moving the load
around," Sly pointed out. "I'm almost done. They keep the stalls pretty clean.
Still, I wonder if she does miss Nikolas. He seemed devoted to her."
"I wonder why he ran away from home.
He seemed to have a good setup here. Anything a guy could want. Was he jealous of his new
baby sister?"
"Hard to say. I don't think so. It
has more to do with Frankie probably. They didn't get along, and Frankie was blackmailing
him. I'm not sure about his parents. They seem nice, but Nikolas never talked about
Emily lazily fingered the stitching on the
tan leather saddle that was hung up on the wall. "When are you going to be
done?" she asked curiously. When Sly looked up, he saw the mischievous expression in
her big, brown eyes.
"Come here, darling," he said in
a teasing voice as he approached her with his poop splattered gloves grasping at her.
"Want a patty?"
"No!" Emily shrieked as she
dodged and bobbed away from Sly and his marauding, steamy gloves.
Sly stopped and clapped his gloves
together as he laughed. "I'll only be a minute," he promised. "Then, I'll
wash up in the sink. Hey, why don't you check out what I brought for us? It's on the other
side of the barn in a less fragrant area. It only smells like fresh hay over there."
"Okay," Emily said brightly as
she skipped over to the far wall. "Ohmigosh," her voice echoed. Sly's lips
turned up into a lazy smile. She likes it.
"Is all of this for us?" she asked happily.
"Yep," Sly called out.
"Just for you."
Emily knelt on the floor and spread her
fingers over the smooth tablecloth. "A secret picnic. I like it!" Sly had
pinched an outdoor tablecloth from the kitchen's linen closet and had placed some snacks
and drinks in a basket. He'd picked several flowers from the abundant Wyndemere gardens
and had placed them in a drinking glass full of water. Their violet, green and yellow hues
blended into a perfect bouquet.
Sly rounded the corner with a towel wiping
off his hands and arms. "All clean and fresh now," he said in a lilting voice.
His eyes softened at the sight of Emily. "I'm glad you could come," he said.
"I couldn't stand another day without seeing you. I miss you. You're my best buddy
and my best girl." He collapsed on the tablecloth and reached for a can of soda pop.
"Gourmet all the way. I have some big cookies, too." He handed a packet of
chocolate chip cookies to Emily.
The two teens munched contentedly, casting
the occasional glance at one another and feeling embarrassed when caught looking in the
other's direction. Sly impulsively leaned forward and placed a surprise kiss on Emily's
lips. He smiled devilishly and winked at her. "Had to break the ice," he said.
He raised an eyebrow. "Besides, we were getting out of practice."
Emily broke out into a broad smile.
"That kiss was wonderful, but it wasn't perfect. Maybe you can try again." She
squealed when Sly launched himself in her direction and dramatically kissed her neck.
"How's that?"
Emily acted nonchalant. "More."
Sly picked up a piece of hay and slid it
up under her teeshirt, tickling her mercilessly. "More you say?"
"Sllyyyy!" Emily shrieked with
her voice echoing through the barn. Sheba neighed in response from her stall yards away.
"You're disturbing the horse,"
Sly whispered in her ear as he nibbled at her earlobe.
"You've been talking to Frankie, I
know it," Emily laughed. "You're getting good at this."
"I know," Sly murmured as he
silenced her with a passionate kiss.
"How do you like your
hamburger?" Luke asked Frankie. He set his own burger down on his plate and wiped off
his hands with a napkin. Frankie had been unusually quiet since Luke had shown up for
their shared dinner, not his usual wordy self. Luke was starting to wish his son would at
least show some of his famous temper.
"Tastes good," Frankie commented
halfheartedly as he slowly chewed. His eyes darted in Luke's direction and then remained
"You're just like your old man,"
Luke replied. "Lover of junk food. I never met a vegetable I liked."
"Me neither," Frankie said.
"Dey're a waste of time. Don't taste good."
"Got that right," Luke agreed.
"Sly is in our corner on this issue as well. Must be genetic."
"Do I look like you?" Frankie
asked out of the blue. He frowned and folded his hands on the table. "Sly looks more like you." He cleared his
throat and turned away from Luke. "He's taller dan me," he said in a strained
voice while he pulled at the tablecloth and rolled the ends between his fingers, not
looking directly at his father.
"Sly's father Bill was my
half-brother. We looked quite similar, so it makes sense if Sly looks like his natural
father, he'd resemble me in some ways," Luke explained carefully. "I'd say you
look half like me, and half like your mother, and that's a good thing." Luke fluffed
his hair and laughed. "I don't know about me, but your mother is nice looking. She's
not tall, either, so perhaps you'll be an in-between height. It's hard to say at your age.
But whatever you look like, you're my son, and you're very special to me."
Frankie stared hard at Luke. "I have
blue eyes. So do you."
"This is true."
Frankie shifted in his chair. "I
don't have my special shoes no more. Dey got burnt up in da fire. Dat's why I gotta go to Italy,
but Mama said no."
"What do you mean?"
Frankie sighed and stabbed at his plate
with a stray French fry. His eyes teared up, and he nibbled on his lower lip. "All of
my clothes were from Italy. I had dese shoes, dese shoes dat made me taller. I need to
have 'em to get da respect if I wanna be da CEO, ya know. I gotta keep da men in line or
else..." Frankie's voice trailed away, and he grew very upset. He rose abruptly from
the table and hopped around, trying to get his bearings to move directly to his
Luke jumped up immediately and wrapped his
arms around Frankie's shoulders. He leaned his chin on top of Frankie's head and hugged
him briefly. "You're fine just the way you are," he said softly yet firmly.
"If you want special shoes, then you can have them. But you dont have to wear
them unless you want to. We'll let you wear sneakers every day of the week or go barefoot
even. However, we do insist that you clean your feet, especially between the toes. We do
have our standards, you know. No unnecessary odors, house rules."
Frankie's shoulders shook as he tried to
stifle his laughter. "How come you're so funny?"
"Cause laughing sure beats crying any
"Yeah." Frankie turned around
and looked at Luke. He squinted as he examined his father's face. "Do you think I can
be da CEO?"
Luke nodded. "I sure do. You can do
whatever you want to if you try hard enough." Luke's face radiated confidence yet
concern at the same time. "However, I would like you to consider just being my kid
for awhile. You have the rest of your life to be CEO, but only a few more years to be a
boy living under my roof. I'd like you to relax and let someone else worry about business
and money and taking care of you. You deserve a break. Will you think about it?"
"I dunno. Dat's strange."
"New things often feel strange, but
after awhile it might feel just right."
Luke could feel the wall go up when
Frankie moved away from him and sat down on the edge of his bed. Frankie bounced up and
down on the bed in a rhythmic motion, and Luke thought he seemed nervous and distracted as
if it were too much of an effort to converse with his dad. "How are the tests
going?" he probed. "Knowing you, you're bored to death."
Frankie's lips tightened into a thin line,
and he shrugged Luke's question away. "Where am I going when I get da hell outta dis
stupid place?" he asked bitterly as he nibbled on the end of his thumb.
"If you mean where will you live,
you'll split your time between my house and Wyndemere. You'll return to Wyndemere and then
join us this weekend. We'll have the house all ready by then. Hey! You'll be happy to note
that your furniture arrived. It's all set up and looks fabulous. You have good taste,
kiddo. Sly is very happy with his furniture, too."
"Good," Frankie responded
emotionlessly. Secretly, he was relieved to hear that Luke wasn't going to send him away
because he'd messed up so badly. Maybe Luke was different from Frank after all. But then
maybe he was just weak. It was hard to tell.
"I'm gonna live where I want
to," Frankie announced as he unconsciously decided to bait his father. "Nobody
tells me da fuck what to do."
"Your mother and I are your parents,
and we do have that right," Luke said.
"Fuck it!" Frankie yelled
harshly. "I'm not gonna do nothin' I don't wanna. Piss off." He jumped from the
bed and hobbled to the window, parting the vinyl miniblinds to get a glimpse of life on
the outside and to distance himself from Luke.
"Swearing like a sailor isn't your
best habit," Luke responded with annoyance. "Why don't you lose the potty
"Fuck!" Frankie screamed loudly
in response to Luke's words. His face turned red with his exertion, and his emotions raced
a mile a minute as he clenched his fists. When he stumbled slightly and reached for the
miniblinds for support, Luke approached him to lend a hand. Frankie suddenly noticed
Luke's presence beside him and flinched harshly away from his father with a raised arm,
cringing and making a startled sound as if he expected to be beaten for mouthing off. His
breathing quickened with his sudden panic, and it made him angrier to feel so out of
control and wimpy. "No!" he shouted as he moved further away, turning his face
so Luke wouldn't see his shame splashed across it. With Frank, he'd noticed that he got
beat the same for one word out of place or fifty, and so he decided to make his conflict
with Luke worth his while.
Frankie's voice and body trembled with the
force of his emotions."You wanna control me! Nobody can do dat! I got my own money.
I'm gonna live by myself, and you can't stop me."
felt a heavy weariness rise within him as it seemed his relationship with his son was one
step forward, two back. Trust was definitely not a possibility at that moment in time, and
Luke wondered if Frankie would ever warm up to him or was their relationship permanently
damaged by time, distance and a madman named Frank Smith. "I know you have your own
money," he stated calmly. "This isn't about money; it's about family and
relationships. We want you to take your rightful place in our family. You're my eldest
son. I want you with me."
Frankie was growing frustrated with his
lack of ability to provoke Luke, and he upped the ante by picking up a hospital water
pitcher and lobbing it the direction of Luke's head. "Bastard," he said in a
seething voice as he turned away. He waited in cold, wary silence as he fully expected
Luke to grab him by the hair and kick him to the floor. Part of him wanted so badly for
Luke to do the familiar, to set his mind at ease with the familiarity of a beating, but
the other part yearned for Luke to hug him and reassure him that he would never hit his
son. Frankie was hunched over, miserable and defeated, unable to work his environment to
his satisfaction and feeling more powerless than he ever had in his young life.
Luke remained in stunned silence as he
waited for Frankie to say something else, something equally awful. Instead, Frankie gave
Luke a wide berth and hopped over to the bed, climbed in and rolled himself into a ball
with his back turned to his father. Luke sighed deeply and walked over to the bed, sitting
beside Frankie. He decided to treat his son the way he instinctively wanted rather than to
merely react to Frankie's behavior, and he reached out to stroke the boy's hair. Frankie
flinched, but remained still and silent. That's what
he really wants, Luke thought to himself.
Luke continued stroking the boy's hair and
said, "I hear you're finished with all of your tests and interviews. Did you
Frankie nodded wordlessly.
"You're almost wrapped up here,"
Luke stated. "Tomorrow, all you'll have to do is meet with me and your mother in the
psychiatrist's office to hear what he recommends for you. Think you can handle that?"
Frankie nodded again as he stared straight
ahead at the blank wall in front of him. Part of him was glad to communicate with Luke,
but he wasnt ready to have a full-fledged conversation with his nerves on edge as
they were.
"Does your stomach still hurt?"
Luke asked carefully. "I want you to feel better."
"Yeah," Frankie breathed out.
"It hurts."
"Why dont you try and take a
nap," Luke suggested. "Maybe you need some rest. I want to let you know that
they'll be hooking you up to an IV tonight so you can take your medications that way and
get some more fluids in you while you sleep. Do you think you can cooperate with the
medical personnel?"
Frankie turned his face into his pillow.
"I don't like dose nurses," he mumbled "Especially da ones with da dark
Luke frowned at Frankie's assertion,
unaware of his son's trepidation at being around women with a certain look or age similar
to Frank's whore. "It's unusual, but I'm willing to ask for a nurse that has light
hair or a male nurse," Luke stated. "Do you want me to do that?"
Frankie nodded.
"Okay," Luke said as he rose
from the bed. "You relax. I volunteered to stay the night again. Ask if you need
"This place is spooky," Georgie
whispered to Maxie as they stood in the foyer of Wyndemere. "It's only five o'clock
in the afternoon, and everything is dark and gloomy. Look at that armor over there. I bet
there's a servant hiding in there recording our every move."
"Your imagination is running
wild," Maxie scolded her younger sister. Even as she scoffed at Georgie's fears,
Maxie felt out of place and strange in this large, gloomy, gothic mansion. It looked like
you couldn't break anything in there for under ten thousand dollars.
"He's peeping at us from behind the
holes in his mask," Georgie insisted.
"It's only a suit of armor,"
Maxie repeated. "No one is in it."
"How come I saw something glint
inside? It was an eyeball. I know it."
The two girls were interrupted in the
middle of their furious conversation by the entrance of Mrs. Cassadine. Laura breezed into
the foyer with her long skirts swirling around her. "Maxie!" she said excitedly.
"It's so nice to see you. Is this your sister?"
Georgie relaxed at Laura's open, easygoing
manner, and she smiled at Frankie's mother. "I'm Frankie's friend and his best
spy," she said proudly as she stuck out her hand.
"Oh!" Laura exclaimed.
"That's exciting. I bet Frankie enjoys having you as his friend."
"I think so," Georgie beamed
proudly. She stuck her thumb in Maxie's direction. "Maxie is his girlfriend. He's
crazy about Maxie. He even sent her a dozen roses. They smelled so good. Oh, and he always
wants to know how many times Maxie said she liked him."
Maxie poked Georgie in the back with her
fingernail, and Georgie frowned but closed her mouth. "We came by to see if Frankie
is okay," Maxie explained in a soft voice, slightly embarrassed at being identified
as Frankie's girlfriend to his mother. What if Mrs. Cassadine didn't like her? What would
Frankie think? "My mom told me what happened. We brought him a present. I know he
likes music. It's a CD."
Laura accepted the CD and smiled.
"That's very sweet of you to think of him. I'm sure he'll love it - especially since
it came from both of you. Frankie is doing fine. He'll be home tomorrow afternoon. We're
having a surprise party for him tomorrow night at Kelly's Diner. Would you like to come? I
know he'd love seeing you."
Maxie's eyes lit up, but then they dimmed
with her next thought. "I'm not sure my mom will let me. I'm grounded."
Laura's eyes turned down. "Oh, I'm
sorry. Perhaps your mother will make an exception this one time. Would you like me to call
her with an invitation? Maybe I can help."
"Oh, I'd love that, Mrs. Cassadine.
Thank you" Maxie beamed. Frankie's mom is nice.
She's not strange or anything.
"What about me?" Georgie's
small, hurt voice popped up. "I like Frankie, too."
Laura stroked Georgie's hair. "I'll
ask for you, too, sweetie."
"Great!" Georgie exclaimed.
"I want to surprise Frankie."
"Please try to talk my mom into
it," Maxie said tensely. "I really want to go."
Four adults and one teenager with zero
smiles were assembled in an office. Frankie sat in between Luke and Laura, and Alexis and
Stefan flanked their respective spouses. Frankie was fidgeting in his seat, humming
tunelessly, frowning when Laura placed a gentle, restraining hand on his arm. He colored
when Laura whispered in his ear.
"You must be nervous the way you're
moving around. Why don't you try to relax? We'll listen to the doctor and then take you
home to Wyndemere."
Frankie stopped strumming his fingers on
the table but made no attempt to stop his bouncing legs. He ran his hand over his hair and
sighed dramatically.
Alexis leaned in to Luke and whispered,
"They ought to know better than to make a teenager wait. Look at him. He's just like
you when you're uneasy. He's rubbing his hand over his hair like his papa."
Luke smiled, grateful for the comparison
to a son who wanted to create distance from his father. Luke was anxious, too, at how
Frankie would react to the treatment plan. He wasn't sure how cooperative Frankie would be
given his recent behavior. Luke's eyes inadvertently teared up when he recalled the
doctor's earlier conference with the parents. The doctor had explained his diagnosis in an
honest yet compassionate manner; however, the words had bitten sharply into each of the
adults who'd hung onto each comment and phrase.
"Your son has a substantial self-reported history of emotional,
physical and sexual abuse. Some of this abuse is corroborated by two persons from his past
who were interviewed earlier. Based on his written tests and follow-up interviews, we
believe he has both depression and a panic disorder, likely caused by his past history and
recent events." Stunned silence filled the room as the adults listened to the
doctor's detailed explanation of the behavioral implications of the past abuse and tried
to relate it to their personal experiences with the boy.
"The medication that his personal
physician placed him on is adequate for treating this. He should be up to a therapeutic
level within a week and experience some relief from those problems. There is a larger
issue at the core of these problems, but I'm not ready to make a firm diagnosis at this
point, and I won't place it on the court ordered report."
The doctor paused to allow the information
to sink in, and Luke glanced at Laura, whose complexion had turned a sickly pale hue. Luke
didn't notice that his hand was trembling until Alexis reached over and grabbed it into
her own. Alexis blinked back her tears, and Stefan's face was rigid as a muscle twitched
in his cheek. Each had suspected that Frank Smith had abused Frankie and placed him in
harm's way, but not to the extent that the doctor was insinuating.
The doctor cleared his throat. "Tests
and interviews with your son indicate that he might have a serious dissociative disorder,
but I'd like an expert in the field to interview him before making a diagnosis. Therefore,
this information will not be placed on the court report and no treatment plan for it will
be developed at this point in time. I'd like to concentrate on stabilizing him. It's
important for him to regain his physical health and to settle into a comfortable routine.
I'd recommend a scheduled living arrangement."
"We have a custody schedule,"
Luke mentioned. "But we haven't followed it yet because of his injuries. It was
easier to care for him at his mother's home."
"I'd recommend beginning with the
permanent living arrangements now," the doctor stated. "He needs to be able to
count on where he'll be staying and to solidify his relationships with each of you. He's
feeling at loose ends right now, and this would help him to feel comfortable. As far as
the treatment plan that I will recommend to the court, I believe he would do well with a
program that focuses on his substance abuse. This would take the form of adolescent group
therapy specific to substance abuse issues, which should help him begin to relate better
to his peers as well as educate him about alcohol."
"He's never lived with other
children, only briefly when he was dropped off with Mrs. DeMarco," Laura inserted.
"He's good with his baby sister, but he has a hard time relating to children his own
"Frankie will take over any
group," Luke stated. "Fair warning. He's manipulative as well as a natural
The doctor smiled and nodded. "Duly
noted. The group therapy should help with both his alcoholism and with developing insight
into the thoughts and feelings of children his own age. His medications should help with
the depression and panic disorder, but I'd like to hook him up with a counselor to talk
with on a weekly basis so he can have a sounding board and be assisted in developing new
coping skills. Several family therapy sessions to establish house rules would be helpful
as well."
"He doesn't trust anybody," Luke
interjected. "How is he going to open up to a stranger?"
"That is a real issue," the
doctor admitted. "It may take time and perhaps several therapists until he feels
comfortable. That's normal."
"What is this more serious problem
that you briefly mentioned?" Stefan asked in his usual manner of cutting directly to
the heart of matters.
"As I mentioned, there is not a firm
diagnosis at this point; however, Frankie may have a dissociative disorder somewhere along
the range of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder to Dissociative Identity Disorder. We should
have some answers for you within several weeks."
Stefan's eyes looked sad as he was in the
health profession and knew what the terms meant, but the other adults looked confused.
"What does this mean in terms of
treatment or how we interact with him?" Alexis questioned with her attorney's tone.
"I'll give you some reading material
to take home," the doctor explained. "Mainly, don't be surprised if he has
extreme mood swings, appears spacey at times or has rapid changes in his personality. I
imagine you've noted this already."
No one spoke, but each reflected on the
truth of those statements. "He's like a kid, a teenager and an older businessman
wrapped up into one," Laura stated simply.
Luke laughed. "Got that right. You
have to figure out which one you're talking to." Unlucky you if you get Frank.
"There is no drug treatment for a
dissociative disorder, but he'd need to be stabilized before starting therapy for it if he
does indeed have a disorder of this nature. Therapy could take years, but for now, let's
concentrate on bringing some order into his life and teaching him effective coping
"He's not going to try to kill
himself again, is he?" Alexis blurted out as she became tenser. "I want him to
be safe."
The doctor nodded. "I believe his
actions were an impulsive reaction to an extreme event. He appears to have been programmed
to take his own life without question if threatened with arrest. I don't think he's a
danger to himself at this point." ***
The four adults were surprised when the
doctor, who had finally showed up, related the treatment plan to a seemingly compliant
Frankie. Frankie's face was impassive, and he said, "Yeah," to each suggestion.
Luke looked with suspicion at his son. What is he
up to?
Frankie worked to keep his face mask like
and avoided looking directly at the doctor, but he was extremely annoyed with the
situation and had zero intention of complying. Whatever,
he thought peevishly. Dey can keep it. I'm outta
here. No more shrink dudes. I can't take no more
do dis do dat. Forget it. "Can I go
home now?" he asked angelically.
"I don't wanna go to Kelly's,"
Frankie whined as Luke wheeled him up to the door of the diner. "I thought I was
goin' back to Wyndemere. I got homework to do. And
computer research to do. "I can say hi to Ruby some other time."
Luke patted Frankie on the back. "I
think you'll be glad you came. Slap a smile on your face, kiddo."
Frankie stuck out his tongue and made a
disgusted sound in protest. His heart raced when Luke wheeled him through the doorway and
what sounded like a hundred people shouted, "Surprise!" Frankie blinked as he
took in the presence of every person he'd met since he'd arrived in Port Charles. His
breath caught in his chest when he saw Felicia, and he broke out into a delighted grin
when he detected Maxie and Georgie standing beside her. Maxie gave him a baby wave, and he
waved back in return.
"Hey!" Sly said as he bounded up
to his brother. "They surprised me first. It's a party for both of us. It's in
celebration of my adoption and your return to Port Charles. Isn't it cool, bro?" Sly
shook a stunned Frankie's hand up and down.
Luke wheeled Frankie over to the counter,
and Frankie said, "Thanks, Ruby," when she emerged from the back room. Ruby
smiled at Frankie and clapped her hands. "May I please have everyone's
attention?" The murmurs of numerous voices in the room silenced as Ruby held up her
hand. "We have a very special guest who has traveled a long way to help us celebrate
today." She stepped over to the back room and said, "Break a leg."
Frankie jumped out of his wheelchair when
he saw the guest. "Pops!!!!" he shouted with happiness. The man was like a
foster grandfather, and he'd instinctively called out their private name for him. Frankie
extended his arms and hugged the old man tightly, refusing to let him go.
"You're a rib breaker,
Frankie-boy," the old man laughed. "How's my namesake?" Frank Sinatra held
Frankie at an arm's distance to inspect him. "You're all in one piece. I was worried
about ya, kid. Dont worry an old man like that. Your man Johnny got ahold of me, and
boy was I relieved."
Frankie looked pleased and lowered his
eyelashes. "I can take care of myself, you know dat, Frank."
Frank lightly punched Frankie in the arm
and chuckled. "You're just like me. Fifteen going on forty, only I'm now in heading
in the opposite direction, old man that I am." Frank made a crazy guy twirling motion
with his finger near his temple.
"Nah," Frankie protested.
"You're still cool."
Frank's blue eyes twinkled down at
Frankie. "No other way to be, Frankie."
Frank looked over to the other side of the
room when he heard his name called out. "Francis? Is dat you?" His blue eyes
squinted and he held his hand over his eyes as if he needed it to help him see the
distance. "You don't say?" he laughed. "I do believe it is Irene - from the
old Jersey neighborhood." Mrs. DeMarco rushed up and shook his hand. "Oh
boy," she said. "I had such a crush on you, you wouldn't believe." She
tiptoed up and kissed him on the cheek. "Dere. I got my kiss. Nice to see you,
Francis. I'm surprised you remember me. I was a little girl back den."
"A little girl who used to follow her
uncle and me around all the time," Frank commented. "You stuck to us like glue.
It's nice to see that little girl all grown up."
Mrs. DeMarco tittered and patted her bun
as she blushed. "Are ya gonna sing for us?" she asked breathlessly.
Frank shrugged. "Sure. Why not? How
about joining me, Frankie? It'll be like old times, back at the casino."
"Ya," Frankie readily agreed.
"Can we dedicate it to my girlfriend? Her name is Maxie Jones."
"This song is 'specially dedicated to
the beautiful Miss Maxie Jones," Frank grinned. He bent down and whispered in
Frankie's ear as the boy nodded.
"A cappella, folks," Frank
laughed. "Here we go. On the count of three, Frankie. One, two..."
Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away
If you can use, some exotic booze
There's a bar in far Bombay
Come fly with me, we'll fly we'll fly away
Come fly with me, let's float down to Peru
In lama land, there's a one man band
And he'll toot his flute for you
Come fly with me, we'll float down in the blue
Once I get you up there, where the air is rarefied
We'll just glide, starry eyed
Once I get you up there, I'll be holding you so near
You may hear, angels cheer - because were together
Weather wise it's such a lovely day
You just say the words, and we'll beat the birds
Down to Acapulco Bay
It's perfect, for a flying honeymoon - they say
Come fly with me, we'll fly we'll fly away
Frankie blew Maxie a kiss at the end of
the song, and Mrs. DeMarco squealed as she hopped up and down and clapped her hands.
"My biggest fan," Frank joked as he took her hand and twirled her around until
she was dizzy, and then dipped her toward the floor in a stealth maneuver.
"Whho-oo!" she breathed out and laughed when he brought her back up.
"Let's eat!" Ruby announced as
she brandished several homemade cakes. The crowd gathered around the counter, and Frank
pointed out the flavor that he wanted. "There's plenty of coffee and soft
drinks!" Ruby said loudly over the growing din. "Let's give a hand to Frankie
and Sly, the men of the hour, and an extra special hand to our guest, Mr. Frank
The crowd cheered wildly, and Luke winked
when he caught his son's eye. Frankie smiled broadly in response and excitedly hopped over
in Maxie's direction as soon as Felicia seemed occupied talking to someone else.
"Hi," he said shyly. "Dis
is great."
"I am so glad your mother talked my
mother into letting us come," Maxie said brightly. "Your mom is cool."
"Mama did dis?" Frankie asked in
surprise. "Dat is cool." He leaned in
and gave her a big, long kiss and laughed after they separated. His sparkling blue eyes
sought hers out as he softly held her hand. "I missed ya," he said sincerely.
"Me, too," Maxie said.
"Thanks for the roses. They were so beautiful. I think that's the nicest thing
anyone's ever done for me. I saved a couple and pressed them in a book so I can keep them
"Wow," Frankie stated. She really did like dose. Bingo. Two points for Frankie.
Next chapter...