Fallen Angel - TOC
Chapter Sixty-Two
A general murmur of alarm rose
throughout the audience at the reading of Frank Smith's will as people half started in
their seats and looked at each other with bewildered, anxious faces. The young man who had
dragged the woman from the room was screaming at the top of his lungs, and two men in the
front row suddenly leaped from their seats, racing in the direction of the commotion. It
had all happened in the space of several seconds, which made it seem all that more
confusing and chaotic. The attorney's jaw hung down, and his assistant peered around the
television with a frightened look on his face.
When Luke and Johnny reached the alcove,
Frankie was still screaming, "You BITCH!" at Cathy, who was flat on her back
with a protective arm raised in front of her, and a broken stiletto heel lying beside her
foot. A table was toppled over with chairs on their sides, and a pile of fine bone china
scattered in sharp shards all around her. Frankie advanced toward Cathy with a deadly,
intense expression on his face, coupled with a metal crutch raised high as a weapon and a
blazing yet detached look in his wide eyes. He bared his teeth in a grimace and swung the
crutch like a bat with a vicious accuracy, crushing the glass front of the china cabinet
beside the woman. Cathy shrieked in terror and attempted to back away from Frankie, using
her feet to frantically scoot along the wooden floor.
Johnny immediately assessed the situation
and determined that Luke would be better with Frankie while he would take care of Cathy
personally. Frankie suddenly dropped the crutch and leaped onto Cathy, flinging the full
weight of his body on top of her as if he were tackling a quarterback, and gripping her
throat tightly with his desperate hands. "I'll kill you!" he gritted out between
his clenched teeth as he violently shook her head back and forth, causing her raven hair
to fly in all directions while she futilely slapped at his forceful hands, unable to make
a sound with her closed windpipe.
Luke rushed in to pull his son off of the
woman, horrified at Frankie's actions and appearance. He forcefully dragged him away as
Frankie loudly shouted "No!" dragging out the vowel sound into a tortured plea.
Frankie viciously kicked at the floor, trying to get a hold to break away from his father,
yet was only vaguely aware that someone was manhandling him.
Johnny pulled Cathy to safety and lifted
her bruised, limp body from the floor as she held a trembling hand to her throat. She
whipped her head around to face Frankie with her hair askew and bright lipstick smeared
across her cheek. Her eyes flashed, and she pointed a red fingernail in his direction.
"You're crazy! You're worse than Frank!" she shouted hoarsely. Johnny tightened
his hand around her arm and forcefully escorted her from the alcove. "We're going to
have a talk," he said in his low, deadly bodyguard's voice. "You and me."
Alexis had remained with Sly, but Laura
and Stefan quickly walked into the alcove, shocked at Frankie's presentation. Luke could
barely hold onto his small-framed teenaged son who was twisting and kicking out, trying to
escape and chase after Cathy's departing back while hissing and making low noises in the
back of his throat. Luke lost control of one of Frankie's arms, and the boy thrust out a
tense hand in the direction of the devastated china. "No, no!" Luke ordered as
his heart raced with the exertion of keeping his son under control. "Calm down! Stop
this!" He shook the boy, but Frankie's face didnt change from its hard,
murderous expression even though the boy was sweating, pale and breathing heavily from his
extreme exertion. His body whipped back and forth, causing a small tear in the shoulder
seam of his Armani suit jacket. After minutes of struggling with Frankie, Luke felt the
boy's muscles losing their tension as he melted into a puddle in his father's arms. Luke
lowered him to the floor, and Frankie sat back against Luke with a slack mouth and a blank
look in his staring eyes.
Luke still held onto Frankie's arms while
Stefan knelt in front of him and tried to talk him back to awareness. "Frankie, it's
Stefan," he said in a deep, calm voice. He lightly patted Frankie on the side of his
face. "She's gone now, brephos." Stefan blinked in confusion at his instinctive
use of the Greek childhood endearment for his own son. He cleared his throat and tried
again. "Frankie. We want to talk to you. Won't you join us?" He squeezed the
boy's hand, trying to make the physical contact work to their advantage. Stefan glanced up
at Luke, and the two men silently communicated their mutual shock and concern.
Frankie made a noise and squirmed in
Luke's arms as he became more physically aware and active. He blinked repeatedly as if
trying to clear his vision. When his eyes roamed around the room and took in the general
destruction as well as the adults surrounding him, he quickly turned toward Luke, gripping
him in a tight, fearful hug. Luke's eyes filled with tears as he rubbed his son's back,
offering him the only comfort that he had to give.
The lawyer's assistant suddenly stood in
front of them and nervously cleared his throat. When he had the adults' attention, he
whispered, "Mr. Jamieson would like to know if he should continue."
Laura's face showed her disapproval, and
she said coldly, "Tell Mr. Jamieson to continue with his program, and we'll join him
when we're ready."
The assistant nodded imperceptibly, and he
trotted back to the podium to whisper the instructions to his boss.
Stefan rose from his kneeling position on
the floor and pulled Laura into a hug.
"Dey're not here?" Frankie
squeaked in a high voice. He was still turned toward Luke and hiding his face from the
terrors that threatened him.
"Just your parents. Just us,"
Luke said reassuringly. He patted Frankie on the back and stood back up, pulling his son
up with him. He turned Frankie around and showed him who was present in the alcove.
"Frank's dead, and Johnny got rid of that whore," Luke said in the plain, vulgar
language familiar to his son.
Frankie rubbed his forehead with the
sleeve of his Armani and took in several gulping breaths. "I'm tired," he
complained. He felt dizzy and his leg was tingling with shooting pains. He looked down at
his fingernails, noting that several were torn back to the quick.
"Well, yeah," Luke laughed.
"After starting and winning World War Three, I'd say so." He turned Frankie
around to look him in the eye. "Do you feel in control of yourself now?"
Frankie was still breathing hard and
darting his eyes around the room with a dazed expression on his face. "I think
so," he said quietly, avoiding looking directly at his father.
"What happened?" Luke asked.
"I dunno," Frankie answered
honestly. "Frank was dere, and I felt strange, and den dat Cathy bitch showed up. She
started talking, and it gets fuzzy after dat."
"You throttled her, son," Luke
said plainly.
Frankie's lips turned up into a grin.
"Really?" he asked brightly. "Stupid bitch. She deserves it."
Laura flinched at her son's vulgar
language and violent sentiment.
"We'll talk about the situation
later, but for now, I want to know if you feel well enough to join the will reading."
"Um, okay," Frankie agreed. He
took a step forward and groaned with pain, shrinking back against his father. "Oh
man. I hurt," he said.
"No one to blame but yourself,"
Luke said with a sigh. "We'll help you back to your seat, won't we Stefan?"
Stefan nodded and lightly took one of
Frankie's arms, while Luke took the other. They wisely left the metal crutch in the alcove
to prevent future violent incidents and gently lead a limping, hopping Frankie from the
room A thick, all encompassing silence descended on the crowd as Harry looked up to
determine its cause. He quickly looked away from Frankie and resumed his monologue.
Alexis' eyes were filled with worry, and
Sly sat beside her in shocked silence, grateful for her hand wrapped around his own.
Frankie emitted a sound of pain when he was lowered to his seat, but he quickly recovered
and sat up straight in his chair, eager to regain his former control and composure and get
the show on the road.
Johnny had a death grip on Cathy's arm,
and he pushed her forward so quickly that she stumbled to the side and was bodily dragged
for several paces until she got her bearings.
"Hey!" she protested as she
attempted to wrangle her arm away from him.
"Shut up and keep walking,"
Johnny stated in a deadly tone of voice that silenced her protests. He found a door to the
outside and shoved her through it to the relative quiet and privacy of the Wyndemere
gardens. When Cathy opened her mouth again, Johnny held up his index finger as a warning,
and she reconsidered since she'd personally witnessed the man killing another mobster
without remorse. Johnny wasn't a man to mess with when he had his mind set on a mission.
When he'd found the ideal spot, Johnny threw her down onto a concrete bench and stood
before her with his hands on his hips and his holster displaying its gleaming firepower.
"You're still working for that little
brat?" Cathy scoffed as she glared at him.
"You've said enough."
"I haven't even started!"
Johnny walked behind Cathy and yanked her
hair back with his clenched fist. "And now you're finished," he gritted out.
Cathy's head was back as far as it would go, and her eyes widened with fear as she winced
and squinted against the sun. Her one remaining stiletto heel dug against the ground, but
the other foot with the broken shoe futilely slapped at the grass with a floppy sound. Her
hands wrapped around Johnny's, but all she felt were his muscles tightening their grip.
"Let me go," she said with less arrogance than her previous comment.
"First, you're going to listen to me
and listen well," Johnny said in a low voice. "Then, I'm going to escort you
back to your car, and you'll drive away."
Johnny smacked his palm against her mouth,
silencing any sounds she'd been tempted to make. He bent in closer and said quietly,
"I stood by for years watching you torture that boy with your comments and games and
your sick relationship with Frank. Frank's gone, missy. Now you're dealing with me.
There's no reason for you to be here except to cause more trouble. Let me make it
clear." Johnny released his hold on her and directed his steely gaze straight into
her frightened eyes. "If I ever see you again, I'll kill you, plain and simple. I
suggest you move far, far away just to avoid Frankie - and me. It would be better for you
health." Johnny held her gaze, never wavering for a second.
Cathy backed away and sputtered, "But
what about Frank's will?"
Johnny's mouth smiled, but its brightness
never reached his eyes. "Oh. That's right. You worked awfully hard for that
inheritance, didn't you? The rug burns on your back must be bothering you." He
reached out and shoved her toward the walking path. "Let's go. They'll place the
check in the mail. You don't need to be here to collect."
Cathy slowed down to make a comment, but
Johnny pushed her harshly. "Keep walking."
She turned her head and said over her
shoulder, "I was his favorite, you know."
"I know. That's why I hate you. And
even more importantly, Frankie hates your guts. You'll have to go through me to get to
him, and I doubt you want to chance that." Johnny pushed her again, and she almost
flew flat on her face. "OKAY!" she screamed in rage. "I'm GOING!" She
took off toward her car at a fast trot while Johnny stood with his arms crossed, watching
her flee from his wrath.
"If you ever come near him again, I will kill you," he said grimly. "That's
a promise."
Frankie's bad leg was held out in front of
him at an odd angle, and even though he laid a heavy hand on it, the leg periodically
trembled and made Frankie's chair move against Luke's. Luke had leaned toward his son
several times, offering to assist him in leaving the proceedings, but Frankie had
stubbornly shaken his head no each time his father asked him. Frankie's face was rigid as
he absorbed Harry Jamieson's words, never showing an emotion or reaction. Frank had quite
a few persons listed in his will, but none of them received extravagant amounts of money.
When Harry finally mentioned descendants, Frankie leaned forward with his intense blue
eyes watching every movement of the attorney. He nibbled on his lower lip, using his
tongue to lick away a drop of blood that seeped from the broken skin.
"Frank Smith has sixteen descendants
listed," Harry said nervously as his eyes swept through the audience. "None of
them legitimate." A low murmur floated through the crowd as people commented on the
situation. Frankie surreptitiously peeked over his shoulder to survey the persons seated
behind him. No wonder he'd felt creepy. Mini Franks and Francesca's were staring his way.
Most of the older women seated beside the "children" were faintly attractive,
former showgirls and B movie actresses of the past three decades. Frank obviously hadn't
been fond of using condoms in those pre-AIDS era days, and his predilection for a variety
of women was evident in its natural result.
"Each descendant will receive the
same amount of money," Harry explained. He looked embarrassed to read the amount.
"Uh, twenty thousand dollars." The murmurs in the audience grew to a virtual
roar. Apparently, Frank had promised differing sums based upon his whim at the time in
lieu of bothersome child support. Some of the women had waited for years, and their sons
or daughters were showing a few gray hairs themselves. "Those are the terms of the
will." He cleared his throat and nervously glanced in Frankie's direction.
"Frank Smith, Junior, née Lucas
Lorenzo Spencer, Junior, inherits the bulk of the estate - the remaining cash, all
properties, personal possessions and businesses owned by Frank Smith."
Frankie turned pale as a sheet and gripped
his hand over his nauseous stomach. What did Frank do? What kind of a sick message was he
sending? Did he really love me? Frankie wondered. His mind drifted to the most
recent time he'd spent with Frank, and his then-father punching and kicking him and
following up with a hug and a profession of love. Frankie's mind was reeling, and he let
out a groan of confusion and emotional pain at the memories.
"This concludes the will," Harry
hurriedly finished. "Please line up at the table to sign in, and be prepared to show
proof of identity. The checks are cut and available for you to take with you." Voices
were loudly complaining and griping throughout the room.
Frankie held his hand high in the air, and
Harry looked at him quizzically. "Wait,"
Frankie said with a decisive voice. He looked around for his crutches, but finding them
missing, rose unsteadily to his feet and swayed. Luke stood up immediately and supported
his son, helping him to move toward the podium. Frankie held his right hand over the mike
and looked Harry directly in the eye. "Dis ain't fair. He didn't do right. Dese
people deserve more. I wasn't his son," Frankie insisted. "Here's what you do.
Take half of da cash he gave me, split it equally between da children. Ya got a
Harry looked uncomfortable, and glanced at
Luke. "This is highly irregular," he stated nervously. "Frank obviously
intended for you to inherit the bulk of his estate."
"DO IT!" Frankie screamed at
him. "You're my no-good fuckin' attorney. Do your job for once. Do as I say. And tell
da people how much dey'll get."
"But, Frankie, you were Frank's
business partner. Of course, you..."
"I got da businesses..." Frankie
said with a lethal tone and dead eyes "...legit and otherwise. It's fair."
Harry stacked some papers and motioned for
his assistant. He whispered in the young man's ear as the assistant nodded.
Frankie's hand was sweating, and he felt
it slip from the microphone. He leaned heavily against Luke and would have fallen flat on
the floor if his father hadn't been there. "Frankie?" Luke questioned. Frankie
shook his head. "I gotta do dis," he
whispered, although his mouth was hanging open and the room felt like it was moving.
After a few minutes, the assistant handed
Harry a slip of paper. "Five million per person," he said tersely.
"Good, good," Frankie said
softly. "Okay. Tell 'em."
Luke led Frankie back to his seat,
concerned when his son started sliding off after he was seated. He pulled Frankie's head
and shoulders onto his lap, hoping the kid would just relax - it was either that or lay
him on the floor. Frankie didn't protest, and closed his eyes as his vision grew blurry
and squiggly.
"Ladies and gentlemen, descendants of
Frank Smith. Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, Junior has consented to giving half of the cash
portion of his inheritance to you, divided into equal portions, which are five million
dollars per person."
A cheer rang through the auditorium as
eyes lit up and mouths smiled for the first time since the proceeding began. People looked
curiously at the boy who seemed to be in some distress. It was obvious from his looks that
the boy belonged to the man holding his head in his lap. Some shrugged. Whatever. This was
better than they'd expected, and who could question Frank's Smith's craziness?
"Laura?" Luke asked as he
motioned for her to approach. "We need the wheelchair," he said firmly.
"He's had it."
Laura laid her hand on Frankie's head, but
he didn't respond. "I'll get it right away. The doctor is back on the estate, and
I'll have him come to check on him."
Alexis approached Harry Jamieson, who
allowed his assistant to take care of the persons lined up in front of the large, wooden
table. He was polishing his eyeglasses when she approached him with Sly following closely
behind her. "Mr. Jamieson," she said in a neutral tone as she held out her hand.
Harry took hold of her hand, shaking it slightly with a puzzled expression on his face.
"Alexis Davis, attorney at law," she said, introducing herself. She paused and
said with a bit more venom, "And Frankie's stepmother." She stared him down and
continued. "I'll be contacting the bar about your activities or lack therein
regarding the minor child, Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, Junior. As an officer of the court, you
had the responsibility to report any criminal activity directed at my stepson, the first
and most important crime, of course, being his kidnapping by your client. Someone had to
falsify documents. I imagine it was you." When Harry opened his mouth to protest, she
held up her hand. "Don't bother. Of course, if you were to disappear with the
substantial wealth you made from your association with Frank Smith, all of this would be a
moot point, wouldn't you agree?"
Harry's disbelieving eyes stared into
Alexis' bright, angry ones.
"I am very stubborn," she
informed him. "I suppose I could make this my mission in life - your disbarment. Yes,
I do believe that is a worthy cause."
Harry slammed his briefcase shut and
sputtered. "I was going to retire anyway."
"Florida has so many resources for
the retiree," Alexis added brightly. "Who knows? You might even take up
shuffleboard." She turned abruptly and left the man with an angry look splashed
across his face.
"Go, Mom," Sly whispered to her
as they walked away.
"You bet," she returned.
"Thank you for joining us,"
Stefan said as he rounded his desk and shook Johnny's hand.
"Uh. Sure," Johnny said with
some hesitance as he sat down on an antique chair and looked startled by the huge horse
portrait to his right. He glanced at Luke, who nodded at him.
Stefan leaned against his desk and crossed
his arms. "We were discussing the incident during the will reading." When Johnny
remained silent, Stefan motioned in his direction and raised his eyebrows. "You
walked off with that...woman. Who was she and why was she there?"
Johnny relaxed and folded his hands over
his crossed knee as this was a subject he was comfortable discussing. "Her name is
Cathy Grigsby. She was...shall we say...Frank Smith's favorite." When Stefan looked
at him blankly, Johnny sputtered. "Whore.
Frank's whore. He'd set her up in an apartment near the estate, but she was often at the
mansion - causing trouble mostly."
"I know that Frankie didn't like her.
He'd mentioned it."
"Oh yeah? How could you tell?"
Johnny replied sarcastically.
"What was the nature of her
relationship with Frankie?" Stefan questioned.
"The broad lived to torment him -
that's what. She interfered in Frankie's relationship with Frank whenever she could,
causing fights, lying, that sort of nonsense."
"Hardly a justification for the
display we witnessed this morning," Luke added dryly. "What else?"
Johnny shrugged. "I don't know
anything specific, just that I didn't trust her around him. She seemed out to get
"Why would that be?" Stefan
"I really don't know. Some people
just live to be cruel, especially to kids. She was that type. A good match for
"Why was she here this morning?"
Luke asked.
"Same as everyone else. She was out
for the money. She was collecting her inheritance."
"What did you do with her after
escorting her from the ballroom?" Stefan asked.
"Not as much as I wanted to,"
Johnny replied angrily. He shifted in his chair, suddenly uncomfortable as it felt like he
was in an inquisition, and he was unsure of the two men's motives - except for the fact
that they were all worried about Frankie. He sighed. "Okay. I roughed her up a bit
and warned her to stay away from Frankie - to move far away, as a matter of fact."
Luke's face looked bored. "And?"
"I told her I'd kill her if I ever
saw her again," Johnny said flatly. "I think she understands that I mean
Luke sighed massively as he made a face,
and Stefan looked grim. "We'd hoped to question her," Stefan stated. "She
may hold the key to some of the boy's problems."
"That's the point!" Johnny said
abruptly as he jumped from his chair and walked away from the men. "She's no good.
Frank was no good. Now they're both out of his life and maybe he can heal in peace."
"He's not going to be at peace if the
past keeps tormenting him in his mind," Luke explained.
"He has doctors and friends and
"Who are trying to get to the bottom
of all this," Stefan inserted.
"Right," Johnny answered.
"I did what I thought best. I'm sorry if I ran afoul of your plans."
Luke waved away Johnny's apology.
"Don't sweat it. I just think we should try to coordinate our activities. She
probably wouldn't have answered our questions anyway." Oh crud. I'm starting to sound like Stefan. I'm spending too much time at Wyndemere. Luke's
eyes rolled around the room. Laura must have struck
in this office. What a hoot.
"Frankie, why don't you close your
computer and lie down for a nap? It's obvious that you're exhausted." Laura stood
beside Frankie with a hand on her maternal hip. Frankie was sitting in his wheelchair by a
window, more propped than sitting as he leaned against the wall for support. His fingers
rapidly ran over the keyboard, and the machine periodically clicked and beeped in
response. He was trying his best to ignore his mother and go about his job of finding
Nikolas, but Mama's voice kept interrupting his concentration. "Aha," he said
aloud when some interesting information rolled down his screen. He rubbed his chin as he
thoughtfully considered his latest advance toward discovering his brother's location.
Laura stood there with an annoyed
expression on her face. First Stefan, then Nikolas, and now Frankie ignored her. What was
it with the men in this family? "Dr. Hill said he'd be here in ten minutes," she
informed him.
Frankie's eyes rolled in her direction.
"I'm not sick," he informed her.
"We'll let the doctor decide
that," Laura countered. She'd been struggling with him since they'd wheeled him back
to the guest room. He'd wanted to remain dressed in his Armani suit, insisting that it
gave him the edge that would enable him to find his brother. Laura had brought out a
sweatsuit and pulled off his suit jacket, hanging it neatly on a hanger. She'd won the
argument that time, but Frankie had ignored her after giving in and changing his clothes.
Frankie's eyes fluttered shut with his
head leaning against the wall, and his hand fell down onto the keyboard, causing it to
beep in protest. He blearily opened his eyes and scowled at the sound of his mother's
"See?" Laura pointed out.
"You're falling asleep in your chair."
"So what?" Frankie shot back.
"So, you need your rest. You've had a
very busy day."
Frankie mumbled curses under his breath,
but no words were audible. It seemed like his mother could say nothing today that wouldn't
annoy him. Why was he feeling so crabby? "I got some information I want to share with
Stefan," he said as he darted his eyes in Laura's direction.
"Honey, Stefan is in meetings this
afternoon, but you might send him an email."
Frankie sighed and nodded. He opened his
email and pasted a hyperlink into his message. "I'm workin ' on finding
Nikolas," he stated. "I have some leads." His mother looked worried and
drawn, and a guilty feeling wormed its way through his body as he knew he was responsible
for Nikolas' disappearance. He moved in his chair to adjust the pressure on his hip, but
nothing worked to relieve the constant, dull pain that threatened to leave the region and
flood his body with its deadly fire. He grimaced and lifted his nerve damaged leg onto the
footrest. He leaned his head back and breathed heavily.
"That's it!" Laura announced.
She removed the laptop from her son and gently closed its lid. "I want you in
bed." She pulled Frankie from the chair and assisted him onto the bed. She actually
was worried because he didn't protest and merely lay down and closed his eyes.
"Okay, Mr. Spencer, convince me why I
shouldn't admit you to the hospital." Dr. Hill rolled up the blood pressure cuff and
placed it in his bag.
Frankie's half-opened eyes stared at him,
and he frowned in protest. "Hey," he said. "I'm not sick."
"When's the last time you ate or
"I dunno. Breakfast? I had pancakes
and coffee."
"Wrong answer," Dr. Hill replied
firmly. He glanced at his watch. "It's 4PM."
"So, your blood pressure and pulse
are high, you're in significant pain, and you're still bleeding from where I took a blood
sample five minutes ago." Dr. Hill removed the cotton ball from Frankie's inner elbow
and shook his head, replacing the red, saturated ball with a fresh one and pushing
Frankie's arm toward his body to apply pressure. "You've received significant
injuries, and you almost died, young man."
Frankie rolled his eyes at the young man
"Dont give me any
attitude," Dr. Hill continued. "You're not giving your body a chance to heal if
you insist on exhausting yourself and refuse to give it the nutrition it needs. Since
you've been out of the hospital, you've had a concussion, a drug overdose, and serious
bruising from gunshot wounds."
"Dat's my life," Frankie
"That's no life," Dr. Hill
replied. "You're looking at death before age twenty-one," he said in an attempt
to knock some sense into the boy.
"I don't figure on growing old. I'm
not gonna live past thirty."
"Says who? Where are you getting this
"Dat's what Frank said. He said it
was my destiny. I'm a child prodigy, and dey don't live long. Like Mozart or Alexander da
Great. So, I don't worry about it."
Dr. Hill shook his head. "Nice to
know you have a good self esteem," he commented in reference to Frankie's assertion
that he was a peer of the greats in history. "It's my job to keep you alive, and if
you don't shape up, that means going back to the hospital."
"No," Frankie answered
petulantly. "Not goin'."
"Compromise with me. You eat dinner
at 8PM, right?"
"Eight PM sharp - it's Stefan's
"Okay. Stay in bed and rest - no
computer, just sleep - for the next four hours. Drink a whole 16 ounce bottle of water
before and after, and eat a good dinner. Are you willing to do that?"
"I hate water," Frankie whined.
He fidgeted on the bed, but then grinned broadly. "If you gimme a six pack, it'll go right down da hatch."
"You severely damaged your kidney and
bruised it some more when you were shot recently," the doctor stated. "You need
loads of water, and you should be voiding
"Gross," Frankie said with a
screwed up face. "Dat's gross."
"Tell me why you're being such a
pain," Dr. Hill asked.
"I dunno. I just wanna be left alone.
Everybody's hemming me in. Other dan Frank, nobody used to tell me what to do. I want my
"Let's look at this from the
standpoint of your freedom then. How free are you if you're confined to a wheelchair? I
guarantee you won't heal that injury by repeatedly abusing the leg. If you're whole and
healthy, then you'll be able to move about and have more energy for your life. Right now,
you're confined to your home and dependent on other people. That's probably what's
bothering you the most. But if you cooperate, then you'll heal much quicker. That's what
you want, isn't it?"
"Maybe," Frankie said so that he
wouldn't have to concede by saying yes.
"Will you listen to me?" Jerry
asked seriously. "If you won't then a hospital is the best place for you with their
ability to continually monitor you. However, I think you'd prefer staying at home to
recuperate. What do you say?"
Frankie grumbled and mumbled under his
breath as he held his hand over his eyes. He sighed dramatically and said,
"Okay," in a small voice.
"I'll be back with your water."
"Beer, beer, my kingdom for a
beer," Frankie sang out loudly after the doctor left his room
.Next chapter...