Chapter Eleven
Luke Spencer can pack a bag quicker than anyone on earth – for him, it should be an Olympic event. He’d win the gold medal.
After Emily called the Quartermaines to tell them that she and Lucky were okay and in Llanview with a roof over their heads, Luke grabbed the phone and told her that he’d be there first thing in the morning to pick them up. It is a six-hour drive from Port Charles to Llanview, so Luke figured he’d catch two hours of sleep, pack a bag and then pull the pink Cadillac out of storage. Emily had sounded grateful over the phone when she heard that Luke was coming. Running away sure loses its glamour pretty quickly, thinks Luke as he kisses Laura goodbye.
Luke grins as he hops in his car and fires up the pink beauty. Peril and adventure definitely bring out the devil in us. Two hours of hot lovemaking made for two hours of the best sleep he’d ever had – or was it the other way around? He wasn’t sure if he were coming or going. He’d seen a new side to Laura tonight, and one that he wanted to get right back home to. It’s been such a long time since we’ve all made a home together: Luke, Laura, and Lucky, the Triple L. Well, times they are a changin’ thinks Luke as he pulls out of the drive.
Emily and Vickie eat dinner, watch a few sitcoms on television, then proceed to worry. Neither Todd nor Lucky has been seen or heard from since early afternoon. Vicki had called the country club, and the manager reported that Todd and a young man dined there for lunch. Todd signed for his account with the club at 1:30 PM.
Vicki repeatedly dials Todd’s cell phone throughout the evening, but his phone is turned off. This is definitely not like Todd, whose cell phone is practically an extra appendage sticking out of his ear. He always keeps his cell phone on, a habit he picked up as publisher of a newspaper. He likes to say that he is available for news 24/7.
Vicki turns toward Emily. "Is your friend the type to show up late or be so distracted that he loses time?" Emily frowns and says, "Lucky is almost always early. Lately, he’s had a few problems with being places, but not remembering he was there. I hope that hasn’t happened. Usually, he’s so protective of me, that’s he’s close by. This isn’t like him at all, Vicki."
Vicki says, "That’s funny. Todd loses time as well. I hope they’re both not lost together." Emily and Vicki laugh, but they don’t really believe that everything is okay. Emily hugs her legs to her chest and shivers.
The antique grandfather clock in the hall chimes eleven times. Vicki claps her hands on her knees and stands up. "Well, Emily. I suggest we head for bed and try to get some sleep. If Todd and Lucky show up late, they can ring the doorbell. We can’t really do anything until morning, so let’s go." Vicki pats Emily on the knee and holds out her hand to help her up.
"Okay, Vicki," Emily says in a small, soft voice as she takes Vicki’s hand. Later, both Emily and Vicki stares up at the ceiling from their separate rooms and pray to God that he will keep their loved ones safe.
Alexis drops her heavy luggage in the foyer of Wyndemere. "Ohhh," she exlaims as she rubs her sore shoulder. "I’m warning you, brother, there are 20 more suitcases just like this on the porch. We almost sank the launch on the way over here." Stefan smiles and opens his arms to his sister. "Welcome home, Natasha," he says smiling and kissing each cheek as he pulls her into a hug.
Alexis is surprised yet pleased that Stefan welcomes her so openly using her childhood name.
"Stefan, I agreed to move into Wyndemere while Ned is on the road and until Helena is finished with her latest plot. After that, I move back in with Ned -- permanently. Is that understood?"
A small smile plays on Stefan’s lips. He knows his sister’s pride and need for independence, yet he’s glad that she will accept his protection.
"Yes, Alexis," says Stefan softly. "And until that time, I intend to enjoy the company of my favorite sister."
"Only sister," reminds Alexis with a grin. "And don’t you forget that!"
"Never," says Stefan. His brows rise in an expression of feigned injured surprise.
Stefan says, "I have an update for you. Mrs. Lansbury can see to your belongings." With a hand at her back, Stefan leads Alexis into his study and closes the door. Stefan walks over to his ornate desk and sits in his chair. Alexis joins him nearby.
"I have good news and bad news, Alexis," says Stefan very seriously. "The good news is that no attempt has been made to either locate or contact Nikolas. The bad news is that mother arrived in Port Charles five hours ago and has made no move or attempt to contact me. This has me worried."
"Stefan, you are always one step ahead of Helena, anticipating her next move. Why is this time different?" asks Alexis.
"This time, mother is not playing her usual game. She has the end in mind, but is not entertaining herself with the drama in between. She’s strictly out for the kill." Stefan picks up a glass paperweight and turns it around and around in his hand as he ponders the possibilities. Stefan puts down the paperweight, leans back in his chair, and hits the arms with the palms of his hands. "For the first time in my life, I have absolutely no idea what will happen next."
At midnight, two custom-made coffins are unloaded from a van. The coffins are crafted from the finest cherry wood and elegantly accented with gold. The men wheel them up a ramp and onto Helena’s yacht.
One hour later, a black limousine arrives at the yacht. Two huge men reach into the limo and drag out two body bags. They throw the body bags over a shoulder, and grunting with the weight of the bags, board the yacht. The taller man addresses Andreas in Greek: “πάλι τα ίδια ! όργανα!” (Here we go again ! Bodies!), while Andreas motions to them and shows them inside. As the men leave, Andreas tensely whispers, “αποχαιρετιστήριος. δέν αφήνω τίποτα στην τύχη . (Farewell. Leave nothing to chance) The men nod and reply, “βεβαίως και. Ανυπερθέτως.” (Yes. Without delay.)
Lucky’s nightmare
Todd and Lucky find new homes