Chapter Sixteen
The darkly attractive young man enters the launch to Wyndemere. As he looks at the imposing gothic architecture surrounded by gloomy, grayish clouds, he clenches and unclenches his fists and grinds his teeth in anger.
The young man politely thanks the launch driver, and confidently strolls up to the front door of Wyndemere. He pulls open the massive, carved oak door with one hand, not bothering to ring the doorbell. Crossing the doorway and entering into the imposing, ornately paneled foyer, he stops and looks around.
Stepping forward, he calls out boldly, "Uncle! Alexis!"
Stefan hears the young mans call and quickly departs from his paperwork in the study.
"Nikolas! What are you doing here? Why are you not on the road with Ned Ashton?" questions Stefan.
"What? No welcome home, Nikolas. Missed you, nephew. Or, am I not involved in your latest plot?" Nikolas dark eyes blacken and flash with anger.
Stefan approaches Nikolas and attempts to place his hand on his shoulder. Nikolas swiftly twists away, scowling at his uncle.
Stefan steps back, assesses the situation, and replies in a quieter tone. "There is no plot, Nikolas. Helena is back in Port Charles, and we felt you would be safest working in public."
"We? And who constitutes WE, uncle?" The entire Cassadine family or is it just my lying aunt and uncle?" Nikolas declares defiantly. "Every time I spoke to you in the last few days, I could tell that you were too careful in your speech and always editing your comments. What is Alexis doing here at Wyndemere? I thought you two were fighting. Or do you just come together to hide information from your nephew?"
Stefan looks intently at Nikolas and says, "Alexis and I have decided to mend our relationship, and with Helena nearby, we felt that she would be safest at Wyndemere."
"SAFE?" Nikolas laughs incredulously. What is the meaning of safe in a world with my grandmother in it?"
"Wouldnt it be better to go back to Omaha and rejoin Ned and his tour? Im sure he needs your public relations expertise, Nikolas. Leave Helena to us," suggests Stefan. He looks at Nikolas with a kind expression.
Nikolas can barely contain his fury. "Dont you EVER tell me again what it best for me, uncle. You may be my uncle and regent, but I am 18 years old, and you have no power over me. When I am THE Cassadine, you will sorely regret your interference." Nikolas pulls back his shoulders and raises himself to his full height, as he looks Stefan straight in the eye.
No more words pass between nephew and uncle. For now, all has been said. Stefan stands in the same place for about five minutes without moving after Nikolas turns his heel and slams out of the front door. Nikolas is right. He is legally an adult in this country, and in six years, he will rule the entire Cassadine Empire. Stefan shakes his head. What has gone so wrong? All of the years of careful training and instruction seem not to affect my nephews behavior. What will become of him in the next six years, and what will that mean to the Cassadine family? Stefan feels a strange wave of dread and deja vu that flits through his subconscious mind, hiding and waiting to be revealed.
Nikolas stiffly walks to his Jaguar. He is so tense that his muscles just cant relax. He has had it with his family and their intrigues, and he wishes hed never been born into that nasty family, anyway.
Nikolas thoughts turn to Laura. Their relationship had a rough start, but now they are building a decent rapport. Nikolas feels like he just needs one of her special hugs and everything will look a little brighter.
He starts the engine and drives off toward the Spencer home.
Emily cringes to herself in the back seat of the pink Cadillac. Luke had been so excited when he found out that Todds jet could store his automobile on the flight to Port Charles. He kept talking about the miracle of modern travel and how he needed to buy himself one of these flying machines. What a Bore.
Emily fidgets and lays her head on the seat, willing herself to sleep. She is sooo tired from not sleeping a wink last night or the night before. But, the adults in the front seat are making too much of a racket for her to settle. Every once in awhile, Luke turns his head and asks, "Hows it going, darlin?" Each time, Emily answers, "Fine, Luke," in a flat voice. Whatever has happened to Lucky, Emily feels like it is her fault. They never would have run away if she hadnt run into Lucky and given him an earful about her sob story. And, if she werent a rich girl with a platinum VISA, they never would have reached Llanview. If, if, if. All of the ifs pointed to her, and she was sick with guilt and worry.
In the front seat, Luke and Vicki are happily chatting. They are worried about Todd and Lucky, too, but decide to make the best of it and distract themselves for the moment. They are veterans of life and worry, and they know how to handle any crisis. Luke found a 50s oldies radio station, and Luke and Vicki are now happily recalling memories and singing to the old tunes.
The oldies station is killing Emily. She cant believe how saccharin and trite the love songs are, and the beat is always so hippity hoppity and GAY. Emily longs for a good Red Hot Chili Peppers or Creed song. She cant decide which is worse, the creep on the bus singing Willie Nelson banjo songs or Luke howling "shoobie doobie doo-ee" off tune.
Much to Emilys relief, Luke pulls into the drive of 24 Royal Street. Luke cuts the engine and says, "Home."
Luke leads Vicki and Emily to the door, then knocks. Laura peeps out of the curtained window, and opens the door.
"Luke!" she exclaims as she pulls him into a mushy kiss. "Wheres Lucky?" she asks, looking past Luke.
Emily and Vicki enter the doorway, and Luke introduces Vicki. "Laura, this is Victoria Lord Carpenter."
"Please call me Vicki," Vicki says as she shakes Lauras hand.
"Vicki was kind enough to offer Cowboy and Emily a place to stay when they ran away to Llanview," Luke explains. He shifts his feet and stares at the floor for a moment before raising his tear-filled eyes and saying, "Someone took Cowboy, Laura. And, Vickis brother Todd, too."
"What!" Laura exclaims as her hand shakes and claps over her mouth. Her knees start to give, and Luke pulls her over to the sofa.
"Take it easy, Angel," Luke says. "Were going to find them. I think Stiffens message about Helena has something to do with this. My instincts tell me that they are somewhere in Port Charles." His eyes take on a dangerous glint. "And that B**CH is going to pay once and for all! This is it THE END."
No one notices Emily. She is sitting alone at the dining room table with her head in her hands, looking quite drained.
There is a knock, and Luke opens the door to Nikolas. Nikolas hates it when Luke is at the door, but thats the way it usually is. Luke looks at him with a dangerous glint in his eye. What the hell is up with him, wonders Nikolas as he starts to feel uneasy under Lukes glare.
"Stiffen send ya, bat boy?" asks Luke in a dangerous, even tone.
"My uncle has nothing to do with my presence here," says Nikolas, inwardly cringing at the way he always elevates his vocabulary when fighting with Luke.
Vicki watches this interplay between stepfather and stepson with interest. It is always interesting to see how other families work, and what their dynamics are, although Vicki knows that almost no ones family could be quite as mixed up as hers with its murder, mental illness, divorces, and illegitimate kids. The list of dysfunctionality goes on and on. Vicki wonders what this familys secrets are.
Nikolas looks past Luke to see his shaken mother on the sofa. "Mom," he says, stepping past Luke into the living room. "Is something wrong?"
Laura strokes Nikolas hand, and says between her tears, "Someone has kidnapped Lucky again."
Nikolas quickly stands up, looking startled. "How can this happen again? Who would do this? Faison is dead."
"Your rotten, b**ch grandmother Helena, thats who," spits out Luke. "Shes been back in Port Charles for five days, and even Stiffen is worried. Laura, show him the contents of the note Helena sent Stefan."
Nikolas picks up the paper and reads Helenas threats. He crumples the paper in his hand and slams his fist onto the end table in front of him, making the lamp jump and sputter. He doesnt say anything, but his dusky complexion grows pale with anger and fear for his brother. Nikolas turns his head abruptly when he hears someone crying softly behind him.
"Emily!" Nikolas rushes over to the dining room table. "How did you get mixed up in this?" he asks.
"Its all my fault, Nikolas," sobs Emily. "Lucky and I ran away together to Llanview. He did it because of me and my problems."
Nikolas remembers the trauma of the rave party mess, and Emilys kidnapping. His face grows concerned, and he lifts Emilys chin to meet his dark, gentle eyes. "Emily," he says. "Nothing is your fault, do you hear me? Lucky creates his own messes, and he generally gets out of them okay. Well find him. Dont you worry." Nikolas pulls her into a gentle hug, rubs her shoulders and strokes her hair.
Emily clings to him and sobs. Nikolas feels so good to her right now, someone who understands her. Emily breaks away from their hug and wipes at her eyes when the doorbell rings again.
"WHAT do you WANT?" yells Luke as he opens the door.
A pimpled, scared looking delivery boy hands a telegram to Luke, and waits for a tip. Luke scowls at him so badly, that the kid gives up immediately and makes a hasty retreat.
Luke slams the door, breaks open the document and begins to read it. An identical telegram is delivered to Wyndemere.
The telegram reads, "Come to a complete one-act play at General Hospital Chapel, 2:00 PM prompt. Attendance is mandatory."
Nik checks out Emily
The play is not what one would expect