Chapter Nineteen

After Nikolas’ "episode," Stefan had asked a physician friend to sedate him. Stefan had no intention of keeping Nikolas in GH for observation. It would not look good to have the future head of the Cassadine Empire exposed for a brief, but understandable breakdown. Besides, Stefan can not ensure Nikolas’ protection from Helena in a public institution. After the "performance" in the chapel and graphic evidence of Helena’s sadism, Stefan is determined to bring her down once and for all.

Wearing a donated pair of hospital scrubs, Nikolas leans his head against the glass window of the car. He is silent and still. Stefan takes his eyes from the road for a moment to check on his nephew. Stefan reaches out and touches his knee for assurance and for his own need to connect with Nikolas. Nikolas doesn’t react to Stefan’s touch, which concerns his uncle a bit. After Nikolas had calmed in the GH hallway, he never uttered another word. In fact, the sedative was probably not necessary.

Stefan pushes down the gas pedal further. He is in a hurry to reach Wyndemere and put Nikolas to bed. Stefan has much to accomplish tonight. Nothing but the complete and utter annihilation of Helena will satisfy him now.


"MOM!" Emily rushes up to Monica who rises from her desk chair in astonishment at seeing her daughter. "Emily!" Monica rushes over to hug and kiss her daughter repeatedly. "I was so worried about you. Why did you run away?" she asks as she holds Emily’s face in both hands and looks into her eyes.

Monica suddenly notices Emily’s companion. Recognizing her immediately, Monica says, "Oh, Vicki. I’m so grateful to you for looking after my daughter. If she had to run away, I’m so glad that she ran to you." Monica walks over to Vicki and takes her hand.

"Emily was a delight to have in my home, says Vicki smiling. She reminds me so much of Jessica. We had a lot of fun shopping. I think we bought out Logan’s department store, didn’t we Emily? Monica, I’d love to catch up with you, but I think Emily needs to talk to you privately. My brother has been hospitalized here, so I’ll be in town for a few days. Maybe we can see each other later?"

Monica looks at Vicki gratefully. "That would be wonderful, Vicki. I’d like to talk with you some more. I really can’t thank you enough for looking after Emily."

Vicki smiles and nods as she closes Monica’s office door.

Emily looks at Monica with tear-filled eyes and trembling lips. She is afraid that Monica will place her hands on her hips and read her the riot act in typical Quartermaine style. Emily is pleasantly surprised and relieved as Monica pulls her into a never-ending bear hug. Emily and Monica are both crying out of love, hope, relief, and gratitude.

As their hug finally ends, mother and daughter sit down on her office couch. "Emily, you look really tired and upset. What’s wrong? Is Lucky okay?" Monica questions.

Emily frowns and places her hands in her lap as she casts her eyes down. "It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t been such a baby whining to Lucky, he wouldn’t have got the idea to run away. Mom, Lucky was kidnapped by Helena."

Monica looks shocked and worried. "Emily. What’s going on? Luke never mentioned this to me."

"Luke didn’t know until he came to pick us up. Lucky met with Vicki’s brother Todd to go over some computer problems, and neither of them ever returned. Helena kidnapped and tortured them. They were found in coffins in the GH chapel. Helena had drugged them so that they looked dead. We all thought that she had killed them until Luke touched Lucky and realized that he was alive. It took them almost an hour to get them out of those coffins. Oh Mom, it was so awful. The doctor said that they should be okay, but the last time I saw Lucky, he was still unconscious, and his leg looked terrible. And Nikolas -- he freaked when he saw Lucky dead in the coffin, and he ran out of the chapel. I haven’t seen him since, and I’m really worried about him. Mom, I think Nikolas was about to ask me out for a date when all of this happened. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this?" Emily looks worried, excited and very tired all at the same time.

Monica is relieved to have her daughter open up. "Emily, let’s get you home for starters. You need a hot shower, a nice dinner, and sleep. We can find out how everyone is doing tomorrow. Let’s go, kiddo."


Liz has her hair up in a loose ponytail, and she has just prepared herself a big bowl of popcorn with butter and extra salt. She wipes the greasy butter from her hands onto her scroungy sweat pants. Today has been a long one. After visiting Laura’s house this morning, she had her first motorcycle lesson. It was so cool. She can’t wait until she has a license to take Jason’s bike on the road. Liz smiles, remembering all of her rides with Jason.

Liz is sitting on her couch with the remote. The TV is on the local news station, but Liz is bored with state fair news and local ribbon cutting ceremonies. She is just ready to switch to Entertainment Tonight, but the next news flash catches her attention. The reporters are at the GH chapel, where they are bending over two sawed up coffins. They are talking about the kidnapping and rescue of Llanview, Pennsylvania former newspaper publisher Todd Manning and local resident Lucky Spencer. Helena Cassadine’s severe head shot is flashed on the screen as the PCPD’s chief suspect.

Liz’s mouth hangs open with a handful of popcorn in mid-air. She is speechless. Throwing her popcorn bowl onto the couch, she hurriedly slips some shoes on, grabs her purse and keys, and races out the door of her studio apartment.


Alone in her bedroom, Blair is smoothing lotion onto her skin. As she languidly rubs the lotion into her hands and elbows, she thinks about her ex-husband. She considers how easy it is to absolutely love and hate Todd Manning at the same time, and there are only extremes in those emotions, no in-betweens. She loves how gentle, loving and patient he is with their daughter, Starr. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for her. On the other hand, he is cruel, vindictive, and cold to everyone else when he doesn’t get his way. And, he is always manipulative whether he is happy or mad, and who can tell what he’s thinking or feeling? Blair now rubs some lotion onto her long, lean legs. Blair remembers the first time they made love -- it was so tender and special. But, she also remembers when he almost raped her after they were married when he thought she was sleeping with another man. But, oh, that $27.5 million dollar trust fund. It has grown to almost $65 million by now. Blair smiles at that thought.

Picking up the portable phone on her nightstand, Blair pushes the redial button for the 30th time today. Still no answer. Blair has called every phone number, hangout, hideout, and relative that she can think of. Todd has seemingly disappeared. D*mn, she’s mad, and she wants answers NOW. Why did he renege on their deal? He was supposed to eliminate that computer virus! Now, Blair is left with an aging, cheating playboy husband and a net worth of one cow.

Blair picks up a pillow and slams her fist into it repeatedly. She’s so mad, she doesn’t know what to do. Her first preference is to strangle Todd. Now that she’s vented her frustrations on the pillow, she picks up the remote for the TV and looks forward to spending the evening shopping the QVC jewelry special while her credit card still has a limit.

She presses the ON button, and the television warms up to a Llanview news exclusive featuring none other than Todd Manning.

Blair rolls her eyes. "What have you gotten yourself into now, Todd Manning?" she asks no one in particular.

Next chapter…

Luke and Liz relive the drama

Todd goes to hell

Hospitality for Helena