Chapter Twenty-Two

"Here you are," Lucky says angrily as he wheels his wheelchair into Todd’s room. "You hung up on me before telling me where you were. I’ve been rolling this contraption through these halls half the morning looking for you."

Todd looks up from his laptop. "Whatever," he says without emotion. You didn’t correct the computer virus like you were hired to do. The virus activated and now Buchanan Enterprises is history. My ex-wife has already been here to heap some whoop-a$$ on me, and she is now totally broke. She gets real mean if she doesn’t get her QVC fix. So what do you have to say for yourself, Lucky-boy?"

"Um, excuse me, but how was I supposed to install software when I was busy trying to escape from a coffin, TODD?"

Todd sniffs and looks over at Lucky with an arched eyebrow. "So, from what I’ve heard the nurses whispering about, Junior, you lost it in the coffin. They had to wear gas masks to get you out of there."

Lucky turns a deeper and deeper shade of red. He jumps out of his wheelchair and pops Todd on the side of the head. "Not again," says Todd, holding up his mouse for defense.

Todd and Lucky are interrupted by Luke’s deep voice: "Dumb and Dumber. Settle down before you get your hospital gowns in a twist."

Lucky sits back down in his wheelchair. "We’re discussing business, dad," Lucky responds coolly.

"What kind of business has you out of your hospital room, Lucky?" asks Luke.

Todd interrupts. "He’s under contract with me to fix some computer problems." Luke looks Todd in the eye.

"Todd, your sister is waiting to pick you up in the lounge. Lucky, I’ve been searching all over the hospital for you, boy. You’re getting sprung today. Come on, let’s go to your room and pack up your things. You can talk to your friend later, after you’re settled in at home."

"I’m going back to my apartment over Jake’s, dad," Lucky states.

"Your mother will have a fit if you don’t come home with us, Cowboy. You know how she gets. She needs to fuss and cook and do all that googly female stuff."

"Okay," says Lucky. I’ll come home with you, but I’m not finished with my business." Lucky wheels toward the door and looks back at Todd. "Meet me at Jake’s at 3:00. We can finish up there."

Luke waits until Lucky is in the hallway, then turns around to face Todd. "Good to see you again, old boy. I’m real happy to see that the grim reaper didn’t get ya this time, Todd. But whatever business you have, you take good care of my boy or you’ll answer to me."

Todd salutes to Luke’s back as Luke heads out the door.


Stefan walks up to Alexis with a broad smile on his face. "My Russian contacts have finally discovered which compound mother stole from the biological warfare test center. And I now have the antidote." Stefan takes a red glass vial out of his suit pocket, holds it to the light and twists it in his fingers. Mother does not know. We have won, Alexis!"


Nikolas and Emily walk into Lucky’s hospital room. Lucky looks up from his bed. "Hi guys," he says. "Hey, Emily, I’m sorry I didn’t make it to dinner that night." He shrugs and puts on an overly apologetic expression.

Emily lightly punches him in the arm and says, "Chump. You’re forgiven. How’s that leg?" Emily points at the cast.

"It still hurts a bit. I have to fill a prescription for some pain pills, but I guess I’ll live. They gave me a walking cast, so at least I don’t have to use crutches."

Nikolas looks a little uncomfortable and fidgets with his hands. "Lucky, you had us worried there for a bit. I don’t want to lose my little brother. I’m sorry that my crazy grandmother hurt you."

Lucky’s back stiffens at the mention of Helena. He is determined not to cry in front of his older brother and his best friend. "You’re not responsible for what your relatives do." He looks away toward the window to gain composure and blink away the tears that build in his eyes.

Nikolas coughs, then says, "I need to make a phone call. You two visit, and I’ll be back in a couple of minutes."

Nikolas walks quickly out of the door, down the hall and to a lonely seat in an alcove by a window. He sits in the chair and places his head in his hands as the tears fall. Nikolas can hardly bear looking at Lucky even when he is obviously well again. Images of his dead, hurt brother keep crowding in his head. Nikolas hits himself on the forehead several times to try to clear his mind.

"Bear up, my Prince. Think of your honor and duty," his elegant grandmother purrs as she positions herself on the arm of Nikolas’ chair. Nikolas looks up at Helena in horror.

"Get away from me," he yells as he staggers up and steps away.

Helena approaches Nikolas slowly and reaches out to caress his hair. "Have you no affection for your dear grandmother," she whispers in his ear. "Don’t you know that I can determine your life or death?"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Nikolas screams loudly as he backs up into a wall.

Helena lightly laughs as she turns and joins Andreas who is waiting nearby. The two watch from a distance as Emily runs from Lucky’s room to Nikolas.

"Nikolas!" Emily cries.

Taking Nikolas into her arms, she hugs him tightly for a minute without speaking. Then, she asks him,"Why were you shouting? Are you okay? Was someone bothering you?"

"No. All is well," lies Nikolas. He straightens his back, wipes his eyes and fiercely talks to himself in Russian, phrases drilled into him by his uncle since early childhood, in an attempt to bring order to his frayed emotions. "Îáÿçàííîñòü! (duty), ÷åñòü! (honor), ñåìüÿ! (family)," he silently and desperately mouths.

"Let’s get out of here," he says tensely, turning to Emily. Emily looks confused, but nods and walks away with Nikolas.

"Interesting," Helena whispers. "Yes indeed, madam," agrees Andreas.


When Todd is wheeled to the hospital entrance to be released, he discovers Blair waiting with a limo. "Where’s Vicki?" he demands.

"She took the train back to Llanview to cover an emergency at the Banner. I told her I’d take care of you." Blair advances on Todd menacingly as Todd flinches away from her.

"What’s the matter, Todd,"asks Blair. "Afraid I’m going to wheel you down a staircase?"

"Let’s not make this into a Hitchcock movie, okay," says Todd. I don’t like that Psycho flick. Gives me nightmares." Todd makes a chopping knife motion in the air.

Blair wheels Todd out the door and walks with him to the limo. "Port Charles Hotel," she tells the driver. They ride silently for a few minutes, and then she turns on him.

"Todd, you cost me the entire Buchanan fortune. That computer virus stole every asset that Asa Buchanan ever lied, cheated or stole from someone. Asa croaked, and now, I’m penniless. I want my money back!" Blair yells.

"We’re workin’ on it, Blair." Todd tries to sound convincing.

"Who’s WE?" she retorts. "You and that pipsqueak that you’ve been hangin’ out with?"

"That pipsqueak happens to be a world-renowned computer expert," lies Todd. He’s the best there is."

"You’re the only 30 year old man I know whose best friend is a 17 year old kid," Blair scoffs. "You’re pathetic."

"Well at least I have friends, Blair," Todd sniffs. "You’ve scared away everyone in a 500 mile radius." Blair makes a face at him.

"When can I see my daughter, Blair?" Todd asks sadly.

"When I see the green of MY money," she exclaims. "And you can stop by the mansion next weekend if you want to visit Starr," she adds softly.

"What about my newspaper?" Todd tries the contrite approach again.

"When hell freezes over or when you give me my MONEY, one or the other," shouts Blair as she huffs and turns her back on him.

"I can get you 1/3 of Asa’s assets," says Todd as he begins rubbing her shoulders.

"When?" asks Blair as she sighs at Todd’s firm touch.

"Within a week," Todd states, pulling up Blair’s sweater as he runs his warm hands over her bare skin.

"All in my name?" Blair asks.

"ALL yours, Blair," Todd says as he pulls at her bras straps.

"G*D, I love it when you talk dirty," Blair purrs as she turns to meet his waiting lips and hands.

Next chapter…

Who wants to be a millionaire?

Remember that virus?