Chapter Three

Lucky and Emily stand in the middle of the bus station looking a little overwhelmed. Lucky inclines his head toward the station schedule and asks, "Where to now? I’m not exactly rich – I’ve only got $45 in my wallet. I must be gettin’ old – I forgot my usual backpack of goodies to bring along. You know, knife, disguise, space food, gun…"

"You Spencers are such a bunch of macho men with your weapons and intrigue," Emily snorts. "Why do you always have to be such a Secret Agent Man?" Lucky gives her his best "what-me?" look.

Emily points at herself and exclaims, "I’ve got a great idea. I have this friend Jessica that I met at one of those boring NYC debutante balls. Both of us hit it off right away since we both hate that fancy party stuff. We had so much fun sneaking around, stealing hors d’oeuvres and cracking jokes. I haven’t kept in touch with her for awhile, but she always said I’d be welcome at her home anytime. Let’s go there for awhile until we decide what to do. It’s in a sleepy town called Llanview, Pennsylvania—no one would ever think to look for us there."

"Well, okay, I guess I can handle a free place to stay – for now. Only, what’s she going to think when you show up with ME on your arm?"

Emily smiles and says, "But, my older brother always accompanies me on trips!"

"Older brother? Think we could pull it off? I mean, I’m not exactly frat boy material." Lucky winces as he fluffs his crazy haircut and looks down at his dirty jeans. "Besides, we won’t be able to share the same bed then." Lucky surprises himself at that last comment and thinks, Open mouth, insert foot. Spencer, you idiot. Get your mind out of the gutter.

What was that? Emily blinks then recovers quickly. "Down boy. Let’s go." Emily whips out her platinum VISA. "Never leave home without it!"


Liz looks up as the door rings. Laura. She looks back down and resumes wiping the counter and clearing away the dirty dishes.

"Elizabeth," says Laura. "Have you seen Lucky? I’ve been trying to get in touch with him to plan a picnic in the park with the whole family."

"Laura, he was in here earlier and not in the best mood. We snapped at each other, and he left." Liz rolls her eyes inwardly at *that* understatement.

Laura wrinkles her brow while tapping her fingertips on the counter. G*d she bugs me, Liz thinks as she pastes a plastic smile on her face.

"Okay then. Liz, will you give him my message when you see him?"

"Sure thing, Laura," Liz says, but she really thinks, Yeah, sure thing, Mrs. Whiner.

"Bye Liz," says Laura as she strolls to the door. "Buh-bye," Liz replies as she turns around with a eyes raised and lips twisted.

"Oh hi, Jason," Laura beams as she passes him through the doorway.

"Laura," Jason evenly replies as he nods.

Jason walks purposefully to the counter. He takes one look at Liz and asks, "Motorcycle ride?"

"Motorcycle ride," Liz firmly agrees as she whips off her apron, wads it up, and throws it onto the floor.


Stefan cradles the phone in his hand, hesitating before placing it back on his desk. With a weary sigh, he glances around his study, taking in the heavy, polished woodwork, intricate molding, tasteful leather and oil paintings. So this is what it comes to……all these years of striving for family security, family pride…

Speaking to no one in particular, Stefan looks around the room and hisses, "Mother, I’ll see you in hell first before I allow this!"


Helena eyes the vial that Andreas hands her. Her long, manicured fingers reach for it and snake around the brown glass. She is silent for a minute, her face showing no emotion.

"Do you realize what this means, Andreas?" Andreas bows his head. "Yes, madam." Walking across the elegant drawing room of her yacht, Helena produces a small gold key from her desk and unlocks an antique Chinese bureau. Placing the vial in a drawer and relocking the bureau, Helena smiles wickedly. "Now I’ll have my every heart’s desire." Placing the gold key into her bosom, Helena gently leads Andreas into the next room, her hand caressing his firm buns.

Next chapter…

Me, you and motorcycle make three

Dinnertime at the Quartermaines

Todd meets his ex