Chapter Five

The phone rings in the older, neat house at 24 Royal Street. Laura reaches for the phone on its seventh ring, a little out of breath after racing in from outside to answer the phone.


"Laura. Hi. This is Monica Quartermaine. I was wondering if you or Lucky have seen Emily today?"

Laura removes her gardening gloves to grasp the phone. "No, Monica, I was just looking for Lucky today, but no one has seen him. None of his friends have talked to him since yesterday. I was starting to get a little worried, and now you’ve got me really worried. Lucky and Emily have been especially close since that hostage situation. I wasn’t able to find Emily today."

"Oh my gosh," Monica’s voice tightened. "You don’t think anything has happened to them do you?"

"I don’t know. It is strange that they have both disappeared at the same time. Maybe I’ll go talk to Luke to see if he has any ideas about this. You’ll let me know if you hear from Emily?"

"Yes, I want to know if you find Lucky as well."

Monica hangs up the phone as tears well in her eyes. "Oh Emily, where are you?"


Lucky and Emily finally arrive at the Llanview bus station at 9:00AM. The bus ride had been particularly tortuous last night, and neither had slept very well. One gnarly passenger had fancied himself the next Willie Nelson and crooned and plucked his banjo off and on all night. Emily wanted to march over there and smash his instrument over his head, but Lucky restrained her.

Lucky’s knee pops audibly as he steps off of the bus. "Did you hear that?" he asks Emily.

"Yeah." Emily pops her neck – one vertebra at a time as Lucky looks on in wonder. "So when does your circus act start – Joint Girl, watch her pop every last one."

"Shut up, Lucky. I’m tired and stiff and hungry."

"Well, let’s grab a cab so that we can go to your friend’s house. Maybe we can hit her up for a late breakfast," says Lucky.

"Best idea I’ve heard today. Ohhhh." Emily bends over, popping some more vertebrae.


Laura approaches the door to the blues club office with a little trepidation. Last time she showed up here unannounced, Luke had been…busy…. with Felicia or "the flea" as Laura refers to her behind her back. Sighing, she gets up her nerve and raps on the door.

"What the hell do you want and go away I don’t have any!!!" Luke.

"Luke, it’s Laura. Can I come in? I need to talk to you about Lucky."

"Come on in darlin’." Luke opens the door and motions with his arm for her to enter.

Laura is still a little nervous in Luke’s territory. She notices that she kind of has a shiver (ripple of pleasure?) every time she is in his office. She’d had more than one fantasy lately about Luke and the desk in his office. Jealousy and a little bit of competition did wonders for the libido.

"Luke, I don’t want to bother you, but I need to talk about Lucky. He’s missing. I’ve been trying to find him since yesterday, and I spoke to Monica Quartermaine this morning. Emily is missing, too."

Luke’s brow creases as worry begins to invade his features. "Cowboy’s missing?" Luke’s voice sounds small, and he sits down hard in his chair. Billie Holiday’s plaintive voice pleads softly for a lost love in the background of the blues club.

"I tried to find Lucky all day yesterday, but none of his friends had seen him in at least a day or so. Do you think he’s okay? Luke?"

Luke seems to be in a daze, staring at the same spot on the floor. "I can’t lose him again, Laura. I can’t lose my boy." Luke pulls his hand over his face and then hits the desk with a resounding crash. Papers fly everywhere. "They’re not going to get my son again! Last time I heard, Helena was somewhere in the Atlantic off of the coast of Europe. She’s no where near Port Charles." Luke looked up with tears in his eyes. "We’ll find him --we have to."

Laura looks at Luke with concern. "Luke, maybe he just went off for awhile to think about things. Liz said that they’d had a fight, and he stormed off."

Luke brightens up immediately and jumps up from his chair. "That’s right! Remember the last time he ran away? Who did he take along?"

"Emily!" they shout in unison.

"Come on darlin’. No lingering. We’ve got work to do." Luke leads Laura out of the door with his guiding hand around her waist.

Next chapter…

Evil’s Destination: PC

Teens meet Vicki