Chapter Nine

Jason stands in his apartment at Jake’s, looking out the window. Lost in thought, he remembers the previous night and his motorcycle ride with Liz. It was an escape. It felt good having someone on the back of his bike while roaring through the countryside. Liz is sweet and cute, and she has the best sense of humor, always finding the fun in any situation. He remembers her pointing out all of the colorful wildflowers on the side of the road when they stopped for a rest. She knew each name and the folklore behind each flower. Jason, of course, has an appetite for petite brunettes. The brilliant green of Liz’s eyes, the softness of her lips on his and the smell of fresh shampoo in her hair bring Jason’s lips to a smile. He thinks about kissing her again. This time, the kiss deepens as they hold each other tight.

Jason shakes his head, rubs his hands together, and shoves them into the pockets of his black jeans as he begins pacing in the small room. Liz is off-limits – he knows that. She is still hung up over Lucky. Although Lucky is hurting her with his strange behavior after returning home, Jason is sure that Lucky still loves Liz, too. Lucky is so protective and defensive whenever Jason even looks at Liz. Jason laughs as he realizes that he knows how that is. That dude’s got it bad.


Why is he thinking so much about Robin lately? His heart aches as he recalls their last bittersweet meeting on the bridge before she left for Paris and purposely placed herself far away from him. He misses her quick smile, her brown, sparkling eyes, and sharp intelligence. Forgiveness. Is it so hard to forgive a betrayal? Is forgiveness possible? Jason doesn’t know, but he wants to reclaim the love of his life and free his heart.


Elizabeth picks up her oil paints, squeezes the paint in the tubes onto her artist palette, and begins mixing her colors. She recalls the wildflowers along the road on her trip with Jason. She wants to remember them and the freedom of her motorcycle ride forever.

After putting in her time at Kelly’s this morning, Liz realized that she felt emotionally out-of-sorts – kind of excited yet tired, breathless, hopeful, and impatient all rolled into one. She hopes that her painting will give her the equilibrium that she wants right now.

Liz now has the background scenery filled in and begins to paint the wildflowers with abandon. She selects bright colors that are just right to express the flowers’ powerful beauty and freshness of spirit.

Liz ponders the next step for her painting – people, a man and a woman. First she paints herself, smiling, happy and content. The Elizabeth that she paints is comfortable, warm and loving, reaching a hand out to the man as yet unpainted. Smiling, Liz adds the finishing touches to the figure. Next, she paints the taller, more angular form of a young man’s body. As she begins to add features, she automatically paints the familiar strokes of the young man’s blue eyes, blond hair, and gentle expression.

Liz gasps and steps back as she realizes that she’s painted Lucky, not Jason. Is this just force of habit, since Liz regularly painted portraits of Lucky after his "death," or is it something else? Looking again at the painting, hugging her arms around her body, Liz now feels warm, hopeful, and happy. Startled at this, Liz puts a shaking hand to her mouth and begins to cry as a broad smile traces her face. It’s Lucky! She still loves Lucky. She’ll love Lucky forever, and she’ll wait as long as it takes to bring him back to her.


Stefan glares at Alexis. "What has your reprobate boyfriend involved Nikolas in now? Why is he ‘on the road’ as you say?"

Alexis mentally digs in for an argument. "Stefan, Nikolas works for L&B as its Public Relations Director. He needs to be with Ned as he tours with his band. Photos must be taken, press releases prepared. It’s his job."

"His ‘job,’ Alexis, is to be a Prince. He must continue to prepare for his duties until his 25th birthday. I have allowed him some freedom, but this must stop. Your American friends have been a very bad influence on our nephew. As Regent and his protector, I insist that he return to Wyndemere where I can protect him. I cannot assure his welfare when he is ‘on the road’ with your rock star boyfriend."

Alexis stands there for minutes just looking at Stefan. Silence fills the space between them.

Stefan’s face begins to crack as his eyes fill with tears. He hastily wipes them away, but they come back again and again. Stefan’s voice quavers when he resumes talking. "It is different this time, Alexis. Before, mother would want something specific – money, influence over Nikolas, my humiliation. Now, her Timoria is on the entire Cassadine family and the town of Port Charles. She will stop at nothing until we are all eliminated, including Nikolas. You read her telegram. Queen takes King. Checkmate. She intends to end the game once and for all."

Alexis walks over to Stefan and takes him into her arms. Stefan lays his head on Alexis’ shoulder and sobs as she strokes his back.

After comforting Stefan for several minutes, Alexis pauses before she resumes their conversation. She leads Stefan over to the couch and sits him down. She grasps his right arm firmly with one hand and turns his chin to her direction with the other.

"Stefan, listen to me. I am your sister. I’ve known you for a lifetime, since we were children on the island. You have a core of strength that no one can break. Mikkos couldn’t break you and neither can Helena. You have been her match, her equal only better for years and years. This time is no different. You must draw from that core of decency and defeat her once and for all. You must do this and you will. Now, let’s decide what our next move will be."

Stefan looks into Alexis’ eyes. "I love you, Alexis. You know that don’t you?"

Alexis smiles at Stefan and says, " Yes, brother, I’ve always known. I thank God every day for your love. You kept me sane and whole when we were virtual captives on that island. I’ll love you eternally for your strength and goodness."

"Right." Stefan clears his throat, squares his shoulder and moves apart from Alexis. Although secretly pleased at their confessions of filial love, he is uncomfortable with the emotional atmosphere. Placing on his mask of correctness and serious intent, Stefan says, "I have decided that Nikolas is safe with Ned Ashton -- for now. It may be that Nikolas is safest hiding out in the open. Mother would never consider that possibility."

Alexis keeps her face serious and inquisitive while she laughs inwardly. Does he know that he just quoted one of Luke Spencer’s favorite lines?

Stefan places his hands behind his back and clicks his heels together. "Nikolas may stay with Ned Ashton for the moment – as long as he phones every evening and as long as I have their itinerary and phone numbers. Can that be arranged?"

Alexis smiles, "Yes, Stefan, I believe it can."


Lucky slides into the gray leather seats of Todd’s black Lamborghini. "Nice car, man," he nods appreciatively as he takes in the sleek cockpit aerodynamics of the interior.

"You like, huh?" Todd grins.

"Yeah. I used to detail cars for a living when I lived on my own for awhile. I came to appreciate a great car." Lucky slides his hand around the leather hand grip on the door.

Todd changes the subject quickly. "Let’s get down to business. I discussed the network problem with you at the country club. What is your fee?"

Surprised at the quick turn in the conversation, Lucky quickly recovers and states, "I want $100 an hour plus an extra $25 per hour for any overtime past eight hours per day."

Todd swings back, "That’s pretty steep for someone who must be new to the business. That is, for your age and all."

Lucky quickly explains, "The fee is broken down into $50 per hour for the computer help and $50 an hour for keeping my mouth shut. Or, should I charge $100 an hour for that?"

D*mn, this kid is good, Todd thinks. Not to be outmatched, Todd replies, "So what’s your real name, kid, and who or what are you running away from?"

"I told you my name – Jason Quartermaine," Lucky replies. D*mn, this guy is good, Lucky thinks.

"Jason Quartermaine, my a$$," Todd says with a bit more vigor. I know who Jason Quartermaine is, and YOU, my friend, are not him." Not enough hair gel in the world for you to pull that off, Todd thinks.

Lucky says, "What are you talking about? You live in Llanview, Pennsylvania and no way do you run in the same league as the Quartermaines. How do you think you know them?" Lucky is remembering Todd’s table manners at the country club.

"I published a newspaper, remember?" Todd continues. "Let me see, Jason Quartermaine in a car accident caused by his drunken brother AJ. Jason Quartermaine joins the mob. Jason Quartermaine arrested once again for suspected mob violence, blah, blah…….shall I continue?" Lucky turns a whiter shade of pale.

"No," says Lucky as he turns to look out the window.

Todd asks again, this time a bit more gently. "What’s your real name, kid, who are you?"

"Lucky Spencer," Lucky spits out. "I ran away with Emily Quartermaine because we were sick of Port Charles and needed a change of scenery."

"Better," Todd says. All of a sudden a distant memory passes through Todd’s brain, a subtle memory, too quick and elusive to form an idea.

"Lucky Spencer, says Todd. "So if I rub your head will you bring me good Luck?"

"No, if you rub my head, you’ll get a broken arm," Lucky replies.

Todd thinks, Okay Manning, where have you heard that name before, why is this kid’s voice so familiar. Where have I seen that "attitude" before?

"What’s your full name, Lucky. I mean, that’s just your nickname, right?"

"Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, Junior. Satisfied now?" Lucky exclaims.

Todd nods his head. "Yeah," he says. Todd turns into a parking lot and states, "Here’s my office. Time to make this contract official." G*d, he thinks. He must be Luke Spencer’s kid. Todd hadn’t thought about Luke in years.

Next chapter…

Laura does a dance

Emily spills the beans

Luke hits BINGO!

Helena becomes computer literate