Chapter Eighteen
Frankies white knuckles held the steering wheel in a death grip as he jerked it back and forth, trying to bring his car under control at the racing speed of 95 mph. The highway had been relatively deserted at 3PM, but now he was running up on the back end of an automobile-carrying semi that was only going 50 mph. Graced with the quick reactions of youth, Frankie instantly moved the steering wheel slightly right to switch lanes. The tires of the BMW squealed loudly in a rubber tread-removing skid. The smell of burnt rubber entered the vehicle, and ironically, the desire for Nikolas Cassadines Jaguar shot into Frankies mind as he struggled to control his nonsports-like, stately sedan.
Still on the road by some miracle, Frankie gradually eased his foot off of the accelerator and let the BMW cruise along at a more normal speed of 60 mph. He took the next exit and left the highway. After driving about five miles, Frankie pulled off at a gas station and jumped out the car. He felt nauseous with his heart feeling like it would leap from his chest. He paced back and forth alongside the automobile, shaking and panting from the sheer force of adrenaline invading his body. Suddenly, he started jumping up and down, making shadow boxing movements and talking to himself as his fists furiously punched the air and his legs made swift karate kicks. "You cant kill me," he shouted. "Im a SMITH! Ill take you OUT!" Frankies face turned beet red, and he began feeling dizzy from his exertion. In a final gesture of rage, he raised his fists into the air and then slammed them down while screaming, "AHHHHH!"
Vern the elderly gas station attendant watched Frankies tirade from the window of the gas station, making a mental note to add this escapade to his memoirs. He chuckled and shook his head in amusement. Every day its something different, he observed as he tapped his age spotted hand on the cash register.
Frankie pulled his bedraggled-looking BMW onto the Smith estate. The guard at the entrance made no comment but actively wondered at what had happened to the vehicle. A long scrape marred the length of the trunk, and the crumpled bumper hung on seemingly by one bolt. It dragged onto the ground, making a plinking metallic sound like a fallen muffler. The extremely tense look on the bosss face prevented the guard from asking any questions.
Johnny was trimming the hedge by the back entrance to the garage, and his jaw hung down in shock at the sight of Frankies car. He promptly dropped his trimming tool and walked into the garage. When Frankie exited the car, Johnny was beside the door waiting for him with a concerned look on his face.
"Whats up with the car?" asked Johnny. Fear shot into his heart when he saw the expression on Frankies face. "What happened?" he questioned in a hushed voice.
Frankie looked at Johnny, and let his guard down. He started trembling, and soon his eyes pooled with tears. "Somebody tried to kill me again on the highway. I shot em and got away. They rammed my car. They ruined it." Frankie began sobbing, and Johnny walked up to his former boss, pulling him into a hug and rubbing his back to try to calm him. "Its okay," he reassured Frankie. "Well fix it."
Frankie broke the hug and stepped back. "Franks gonna kill me. I left without a bodyguard," he said fearfully. "And he gave me dat car for my birthday. Hes, hes gonna lose it!"
Johnny walked behind the car and studied it while stroking his chin thoughtfully. He joined Frankie by the side of the car and flinched when he saw his bosss face. Frankies face was flushed and sweaty, and his eyes had a glazed, stunned appearance. "Sit down," he instructed Frankie, pulling open the car door and depositing him onto the seat. "Heres what well do. Ill have the usual repairman come in and fix the automobile. Frank will never know what happened, okay? And I want you to go straight to your rooms and hit that bed. Dont come out of it for the rest of the day. Ill contact the appropriate people so Frank knows youll be staying in. Ill have the kitchen send you up some food and assign a bodyguard to stand outside your suite. Sound like a plan?"
Frankie nodded wearily in agreement. "Thanks, Johnny."
"So what are we going to do about Frankie?" Bobbie sat down on a stool at the counter in Kellys Diner.
"I thought you were researching any possible records associated with Frank Smith Junior in Atlantic City," commented Ruby as she poured a cup of coffee for her niece.
Bobbie sighed and wrapped her hands around her coffee mug. "Ruby, I spent seven hours on the Internet last night. There are absolutely no records on the kid. Its like he doesnt even exist. I worked with a guy in the GH computer department, a real bonafide computer hacker type geek. He came up with zero no school attendance, no medical records, no social security number, no work history, nothing. Is that even possible?"
Rubys face looked grim. "Its possible if youre Frank Smiths kidnap victim, someone that he wants to hide awfully bad. Ill bet hes purposefully isolated that poor child, kept him away from the general public. But you know what puzzles me?"
"Whats that Ruby?"
"Why was Frankie in Port Charles of all places and by himself? What is Frank up to? This stinks of him and his kind. Rats thats what they are," she muttered angrily.
The phone rang, and Ruby reached over to pick it up. "Kellys," she announced in her characteristically gruff voice.
"Hiya Ruby!" the bright voice greeted on the other end of the line.
"Frankie!" answered Ruby in a surprised tone of voice. "How are you? Or should I say, where are you?"
"Oh, Im at home," answered Frankie. "I just felt like calling."
Ruby looked over at Bobbie, whose eyebrows raised at the mention of Frankies name. Ruby nodded her head to indicate that she was indeed talking to the boy. "Im always glad to talk to my favorite tenant," kidded Ruby. "When are you coming back to Port Charles?"
"Saturday," answered Frankie. "Ill be back dere maybe noon? I plan on leaving by eight or nine, so dat should give me enough time."
Ruby mentally calculated the amount of time it would take to arrive at Port Charles from New Jersey versus Philadelphia and New Jersey fit. "Have you enjoyed your school vacation?" she asked conversationally.
"Oh," Frankie hesitated. "Oh, um I guess. I dunno."
Ruby noted that Frankies voice sounded sad. "Are you getting along at home?" she asked tentatively. "You sound kind of down."
Frankie remained silent for several long seconds. "No, not really, Im okay," he lied. Frankie paused again. "Ruby?"
"Have you ever felt trapped, like you were in a bad situation and couldnt get out or nothin?"
"Lots of times over the years," she answered. "Things usually work out over the long run," she added optimistically. "Are you having problems?" she questioned. "Maybe I can help."
Frankie sighed and held a hand to his forehead. His face reddened with his efforts at fighting off his tears. "No, theres nothing I can talk about," he stated resolutely. "I gotta make my own way, take care of things." He sniffed and wiped a few tears from his cheeks. "I miss you guys," he said. "You and Sly and Bobbie and Maxieoh yeah, and dat Lucas, too, even if he grabs my leg and wont let me out of his sight." Frankie laughed brittlely and then sighed again. "I guess I should hang up. Im tired," he explained.
"Well, okay," replied Ruby. "You take care of yourself, and well look forward to seeing you on Saturday. You call me back anytime, day or night, if you want to talk. Is that a deal?"
"Dats a deal," Frankie replied brightly. "Bye Ruby."
Ruby hung up the phone and turned to Bobbie. "Something is very wrong with him. I can sense it," she said. "And its odd. He complained of being tired, and its only four oclock in the afternoon."
"Uh-oh," said Bobbie. "Its that famous sixth sense again."
"And that sixth sense has saved your hide more than one time, Barbara Jean," reminded Ruby. "We must get Luke on our side with this and set out to prove that hes Lucky. We have to snatch him away from that horrible Frank Smith."
Frankie sailed along the cool marble tile of the bathroom floor in his white-socked feet, wearing only his briefs and a Jon Bon Jovi concert teeshirt not that hed ever been to a rock concert in his lifetime. "Shot through the heart, and youre to blame! Darlin you give love a bad name!" Frankie held an imaginary microphone in front of his full lips and sang his heart out. The huge bathroom served as an echo chamber of a sort, and Frankies voice bounced off the walls. He laughed and washed his face. Dat Ruby she always makes me feel better," he thought. Frankie reached into a drawer and pulled out his pain med and antibiotic bottles, unscrewing the caps and shaking out several pills. He gulped them down with water and smiled at the mirror. "Okay," he said out loud, "Here goes nothing." Frankie pulled the teeshirt over his head and turned his side toward the mirror. He gulped when he looked at his ravaged side. The stitches had torn loose in several places, and the resulting bleeding had left scabs. In some places, the wound continued to seep blood. "Dang," he said, shaking his head. "Maybe itll get better if I sleep some more.
Frankie trudged back into his bedroom and slipped between the cool sheets. He gripped a pillow under his head and became lost in his thoughts. I hope Johnny can take care of my car. No way Frank can find out about dat. Dat was stupid, even for me I never should have left without a bodyguard. Frankie swallowed futilely, trying to bring back moisture into his dry mouth. But what could a bodyguard do if dey ran us off da road? Shit, I gotta start carryin some more firepower. Dey cant bring me down dat easy. Frankies eyes widened when he considered the possibilities. If dey want me dat bad, dey can get me, he realized. Who wants me dead so bad? A troubling thought surfaced in his mind. He shook his head roughly as it lay against his pillow. Nah, No. He loves me. Im his son. He wouldnt do that would he? Frankie reached under his pillow and gripped tightly the small revolver that he had hidden there. He closed his eyes and began drifting off to sleep with a loaded gun nestled firmly in his hand.
Frank leaned back in his executive chair, lost in thought. He reached out a hand to grasp a portrait of his son. It was one of Franks favorites. Frankie was three years old and standing on top of a table, supported by his father who looked up at his son with a big smile on his face. There were bright lights all around, the trappings of Vegas, and Frank Sinatra supported Frankie on his other side. Frankie beamed and sparkled with the merriment of the young and innocent. Frank sighed and tapped his index finger onto his lips. Frank laid the picture back down, turning it over so that the photo faced downward. He remembered the first days when hed brought Frankie into his life. The story had been that Frank had unknowingly impregnated a beautiful showgirl who later died in a tragic car accident. The showgirl had named Frank as the father in her will, so the authorities called up to deposit his son on his doorstep. Frank had enjoyed being a father in those days when he had still dated "normal" women, the hottest actresses and starlets of the time. Frankie with his pretty looks and sparkling personality had entranced the women, and they marveled at how great Frank was at fatherhood. When Frankie had quickly displayed his innate intelligence, the men around Frank became impressed as well. "Hes going to follow in your footsteps for sure," theyd say in admiration.
Frank had been hot in those days. A tall, good-looking man with a forceful personality and equally forceful intelligence, he had grown and ruled his empire under an iron fist. And, likewise, Frank had never forgotten his original intent in kidnapping Lucky Spencer to make his father pay as hard a price as any man could be expected to endure, to see his own demise at the hands of his son and to witness the death of that son as well. It was the ultimate revenge, and patience over time only served to harden Franks heart ever more. Soon, nothing but the business mattered to him anymore, and hed left the bulk of his sons childrearing to servants and associates in an attempt to distance himself from the child that he intended to sacrifice. Father and son began to drift further apart emotionally as their business partnership grew. It was a strange set of circumstances, and Frank wondered how and if it could ever change. He hadnt counted on the strength of his bond with this foster son of his. It was as if they were living a Greek tragedy that would end as most did in death, despair and heartache. Frank sighed. Maybe thats the way it should be, he reflected. The Smiths were certainly larger than life.
"No! Its not possible, No, Benny." Sonny paced back and forth in his living room, uneasily gripping a whiskey in his right hand. Sonny stopped and glared at Benny, the unfortunate bearer of bad news.
"Im sorry, boss," Benny stated with a chagrinned look on his face. "I didnt want to believe it either. I know this is a bad blow to you."
"How do you know what my feelings are about this!" Sonny interrupted with a growl. He looked down at his drink and let it sail across the room, the cocktail glass shattering brutally against the brick fireplace along the far wall. "You said what you came to tell me, now LEAVE!"
Benny nodded wordlessly and hightailed it out of Sonnys penthouse. At the door, he said, "Let me know what you want me to do."
Sonny turned around slowly, and Benny gulped and ducked out the door at the sight of Sonnys enraged face.
Sonny finally stood still in the center of the room with his shoulders slumped down. How could he do this? he thought. I loved Jason like a brother. I trusted him with my life. He knew how much this shipment mean to me. Its the worst way to stab me in the back. I cant bear it. What am I going to do? Do I have to kill the man that I love like a little brother?
Sonnys head flew up when he heard a knock at the door. "I told Benny to get the hell out. Whats he want me to do? Chew his head off and spit it back at him?" Sonny marched over to the door and swung it open with a violence that made the petite girl in the doorway gasp wide-eyed in surprise.
Sonnys face immediately softened in expression, and he smiled broadly, his dimples showing deeply in each cheek. "Robin!" he said happily. "What a surprise. I never expected this visit." Sonny reached over and drew Robin into a big hug, Both Sonny and Robin closed their eyes with the intensity and memory that the company of the other engendered. Sonny sighed and ran a hand over his face when they separated. "And to what do I owe your wonderful presence?" he asked.
Sonny closed the penthouse door when Robin entered. "I had a few things on my mind that I wanted to talk to you about," she explained, "but I also wanted to just stop by and say hi. Its been a long time," she said sadly. "So, how are you?" she asked.
"Oh, Im holding my own," Sonny laughed. "Got some problems, but whats new, right? How about you? You said you had something on your mind?"
Robin nodded. "You know me and my intuition," she laughed. "I just have this funny feeling about some guy that the girl I consider to be my baby sis is dating. You remember Maxie Jones?"
Sonny nodded wordlessly.
"Shes dating some kid that, well, he seems like a hood of some sort. He talks with a strong New Jersey accent, yet claims he was born and raised in Philadelphia. He has a ton of money, his own BMW, yet hes living in one room over Kellys. Somethings not right," she stated firmly. Robin shrugged. "So I thought you might know. Are there any fifteen year old crime figures around that we need to watch out for?" Robin laughed again. "I know its stupid. But I want to look out for Maxie. Shes young and a little naïve. I dont want her to get hurt."
"Hmmm," Sonny said as he pensively captured and pulled his lower lip between his thumb and forefinger. "Fifteen, you say? A possible mob figure from New Jersey?" Sonny remained silent for a minute as his mind churned. "The only person that I can think of that would fit the bill is Frank Smiths son, Frank Junior. Hes fifteen and his fathers right hand man. Strange situation, a grown man using a teenager as a full business partner. I never expected it to last. Theres a lot of dissension in his organization. A mutiny ought to handle that one. Thats why I was never too concerned about them."
Robins face paled. "Sonny!" she exclaimed. "Maxies boyfriend is named Frankie. Frankie DeMarco he calls himself. Do you think there might be a connection? Are these the same two Frankies?"
Sonny didnt say anything, but his brown eyes locked into Robins as the two stared at each other with a growing intensity.
Robin shook her head as she entered the parking garage attached to the penthouse building. Sonny hadnt been firm that this Frankie was actually Frankie Smith, but he didnt rule out the possibility either. What should she do? Got to Mac? Robin shook her head. Maxie would never forgive her if she did that. Robin opened her car door and slipped inside, lost in her thoughts. She didnt have time to scream as she placed her key in the ignition and turned. The hand grabbed her over the mouth from behind the drivers seat, and she was unable to make a sound. Robins heart raced with fear as she looked into her rearview mirror and saw possibly the most intriguing blue eyes that shed ever encountered.
Slys hand felt the heavy weight of his loaded down breakfast plate piled high with the best of American and Continental cuisine. He had selected a croissant, muffin, bagel, five slices of bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage, and a blob of sticky oatmeal. Luke walked up to Sly and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Those growth spurts are hell, arent they buddy?" he teased good-naturedly. "If I didnt know any better, Id guess that the island breezes have stirred up your appetite."
Sly blushed and stammered, "I can put some of it back. I didnt mean to take so much."
"Sylvester, did you see how much food was on that buffet? Eat as much as you need and want." Luke warmly met his nephews gaze, and Sly immediately relaxed.
"Where were you this morning?" Sly asked. "I knocked on your door but no one answered."
Lukes face pulled in surprise. He and Alexis had decided to retire for the night in her suite since they could leave the balcony door open and catch the sweet breezes there while sleeping in the bed. Luke had left her suite at about six-thirty AM, but apparently Sly had risen even earlier.
"Oh, you must have knocked when I was out for my morning constitutional," Luke commented nonchalantly.
"Whats a constitutional?" asked Sly.
"A walk, Sly, a walk," Luke replied a bit more abruptly.
"You never take walks," Sly commented.
"Well, maybe I do on the island," Luke countered.
"I went back half an hour later," said Sly. "You werent there then either."
"I must have been in the shower," said Luke.
"I didnt hear any water running," Sly said quickly.
"Perhaps it was a very quiet shower," Luke sniffed. "Why the fifth degree?"
Sly shrugged and his eyebrows rose when Alexis joined them at the table and leaned in to kiss Luke on the lips. He noticed Lukes hand lingering over her posterior for five long seconds before they all sat down. A wide grin escaped on Slys face, and Luke looked over at his nephew, blushing ever so slightly and then winking at him knowingly.
"Nikolas has already eaten and left for the morning," Alexis announced. "Well meet up with him again at lunch."
Sweat glistened off of Nikolas tan, athletic shoulders, and he made a few noises that registered somewhere between a moan and a growl. His body pumped faster and faster until his face contorted and then relaxed entirely. He sighed deeply and rolled off of Athena. The two lay naked, side by side with the afterglow of sex shining on them. Nikolas leaned in and kissed Athena soundly on the lips. "Maybe your parents should have named you Aphrodite," he teased with sparking brown eyes. "And you should be Hercules," Athena replied. Nikolas ran his hand down the side of her face in gentle admiration. Athena looked so lovely to him with her wide, green eyes, long black curls and soft skin toned somewhere between tan and ivory. Her slender, aquiline nose led into an enchanting cupids bow of juicy red lips. Nikolas kissed her again, and the two intertwined their arms and legs in another torrid embrace.
Athena sat up in bed after their kiss and smiled at Nikolas. "Perhaps we should run away to Monaco and spend some of your fathers money," she teased with dancing eyes. "It must be much more fun there than spending time in this abandoned fishermans hut. Lets get married! I want an adventure!"
Nikolas gaze softened and he looked down. "Were only seventeen," he reminded her. "Were much to young to marry. In fact, I think we should both date other people before making such decisions." Athenas face colored. "And what if I were pregnant?" she asked haughtily, her feelings hurt by his suggestion.
Nikolas laughed, "No way, not possible," he exclaimed. "Youre on the pill, and I ALWAYS use a condom. Nah, wont happen."
Athena punched him lightly in the arm. "I know, silly. But whats wrong with marrying me someday. Were both wealthy Cassadines, AND wed have beautiful children, you and I."
"Maybe someday, Athena," Nikolas said distantly. "But we have a lot of living to do until that point. My father is now teaching me about the business. I need to focus on my studies. And, I know how your mother feels about education. Im sure she already has you enrolled at the Sorbonne or Oxford."
"Cambridge, actually," Athena sniffed as she tossed her hair. "Boring Brits."
Athena rolled Nikolas onto his back and climbed on top of him, straddling him over his lean hips. She bent down and ran her hair softly over his chest and then lightly kissed his lips. "Its our anniversary, you know," she said. "Its been one whole year."
"I know," Nikolas replied. "And I didnt forget you. I have a surprise for you later!"
"Ooooo," I love surprises," Athena cooed.