Chapter Twenty
Johnny dropped his garden tools and removed his leather gloves when Reggie, the guard at the front door, told him the news. The whole household had been abuzz all day about the mysterious gunfire earlier that morning in the Smith private residential wing. Reggie had heard that Frankie was seriously ill and asking for Johnny.
Reggie looked closely at Johnny. "Sorry about the demotion, man," he sympathized. "Its inevitable if you work too close to the top men. Frank has an evil temper. Im surprised he hasnt gotten pissed at me for opening the door wrong." Johnny didnt respond to Reggies comments as he still was loyal to a fault. It was a long-ingrained habit from years of experience in the Smith organization.
"You didnt hear any specifics about Frankie?" he inquired worriedly. "He wasnt hurt was he?"
"Nah, I dont know any specifics. It was passing through the grapevine, and I intercepted. I knew you were close to the boss, so I thought youd like to hear about it."
Johnny scratched his head and said distractedly. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for telling me." He stood motionless in the garden for several minutes before a determined look crossed his face, and he threw his garden gloves onto the ground as he marched toward the mansion.
Johnny stood at Frankies door and looked around nervously. No one was in the main hallway, so he knocked lightly on the door and punched in Frankies code on the keypad. He opened the door and called out, "Hello, its Johnny," before he entered. Johnnys heart dropped when a nurse emerged from Frankies bedroom.
"Hes hurt?" he asked fearfully.
The nurse approached him. "Youre Johnny?" When Johnny nodded, she added. "Hes been asking for you. Im glad you came by because hes upset."
Johnny followed the nurse into Frankies room, and his throat tightened when he saw the IVs and a very sick looking kid lying motionless in the bed. He pulled up a chair and sat beside Frankie. "Hey, boss," he said gently. "What happened to you? You didnt look this bad last time I saw you."
Frankie turned his head toward Johnny and gave him a small, tight smile. "I got an infection," he said. "Da gunshot wound isnt healing right." Frankie moaned and twisted restlessly in the bed. His dull blue eyes darkened. "Oh God, it hurts, it hurts," he said in a soft, grim voice. "Its like last time."
"When you were shot several years ago?" Johnny prompted.
"Yeah," Frankie agreed. He closed his eyes briefly, and then slowly opened them again. Johnnys eyes ran over the IVs, and he noted the morphine. "Theyre giving you something for the pain," he said. Frankie nodded. "It makes me feel woozy, but it only takes da edge off. Da pain pills didnt work neither."
"When is the doctor coming back to see you?" asked Johnny while he smoothed the sheets around Frankie upon noticing him shiver. Johnny felt his muscles tense involuntarily after noticing how bad Frankies wound looked.
"I dont know," Frankie replied. "He wasnt here when I woke up." Johnny glanced at the nurse who only shrugged nonchalantly. "All I know is that Im supposed to watch him for the next five hours until my shift is over."
Johnnys face darkened with anger. Why isnt anyone caring about this boy? They just let him lie there with less attention that a sick dog! This situation is impossible. I dont know what to do. Theres no way I can help him.
Johnny reached out and took Frankies hand in his. "Close your eyes and try to relax," he said. "Ill stay with you so you can sleep." Frankie took in a shaky, deep breath and nodded as he closed his eyes. Johnny continued to hold his hand while Frankie drifted off to sleep. While he was asleep, Frankie jerked occasionally and moaned with pain. God help him, thought Johnny. God help us all.
Johnny was asleep in his chair, his head tilted back and his hand covering half of his face. His other hand still encircled Frankies. Frankie woke up and smiled when he saw Johnny asleep in the chair. He slid his hand out from under Johnnys light grasp and sat up, edging carefully toward the end of the bed. The nurse was still engrossed in her Danielle Steele novel and ignored her patient. Johnny opened his eyes at the slight movement and rubbed at his face, trying to wake up. "What are you doing?" he questioned Frankie. "You need to stay in bed."
Frankie leaned in closer to Johnny and fiercely whispered, "I gotta go." His eyes darted over to the nurse, and Johnny picked up on Frankies embarrassment. "Ill walk with you," he volunteered. "Nurse, please roll the IV this way. Were heading for the restroom," he instructed. Johnny held Frankies arm in a firm grip as the boy wobbled on his feet. He walked slowly and carefully behind his ex-boss, watching to make sure he didnt lose his balance. The nurse shrugged and went back to her book.
Several minutes later, Johnny led Frankie back to bed, depositing him into the soft surface and covering him with a sheet and blanket. He rolled the IV pole around the other side of the bed and made a tiny, disgusted sound as he passed the inattentive nurse.
"You want to talk?" Johnny asked Frankie, looking closely at the boy and feeling satisfied that he seemed better after his nap.
"Okay," agreed Frankie. "Hey, I talked to dat Maxie chick," he whispered conspiratorially "We have a date for Saturday night. Its firm." Johnny nodded. "Thats nice," he said. Frankie frowned. "Did you talk to dat redhead Bobbie? She likes you. I can tell. Its always in da eyes." Frankie pointed knowingly to his own eyes for emphasis. Johnny laughed. "After my recent demotion? I dont dare. Itll wait until things cool down."
A guarded look crept up on Frankie, and he gripped the sheet firmly in his hand. "I thought Frank mighta been da one who was after me," he shared with Johnny. When Johnny looked shocked, he added, "But he wouldnt do dat, would he?" Johnny looked into Frankies wide blue eyes and answered, "I dont know. I dont think he would. He cares about you."
"Yeah," Frankie answered lightly, as if he still werent convinced. "I think I might have shot at him earlier," he said. "Dere was lotsa shootin, and I remember Franks voice yelling at me. And a bunch of people sittin on me." Frankie laughed.
"Were out of town now," stated Robin logically. "Why are you still crouched down in the back seat?"
"I dont want to be seen?" replied Jason shortly. "For all we know, were being followed."
"Youd better hope not," said Robin as she glanced nervously into her
rearview mirror. "I dont have time for this."
"Where are you headed? Did you decide on a place that I can hide out?" Jason
asked tensely. "Sonny and whoever set me up are less likely to find me if its
your idea. They already know how I think and act."
Robins sighed audibly. "Were headed for my college dorm. Its at a university one hour from Port Charles. Well be there in half an hour. Im going to deposit you in my dorm room after I buy you some groceries. Then, Im going to return to Port Charles for the rest of my spring break. Hopefully no one will notice that I was gone for so long."
"So Im going to college," Jason muttered, shaking his head.
"Youd better lay low while youre there, too." Robin instructed. "Some girl might show up at any time. If your hairy legs are sticking out from under the shower stall, expect the campus police to be knocking on your door."
"Bossy," Jason observed quietly as he pursed his lips and thought about the plan. "It could work," he agreed. "No one would ever think to look for me in a womens dorm."
Robin tittered. "No, you dont look like the lucky type."
"What do I pay you for, Benny?" Sonny barked. His dark eyes flashed as he paced back and forth in the penthouse. "I want you to find Jason Morgan," he insisted, pointing a finger at Bennys face. "No excuses. Do it. Now!"
"We still have no leads on the Sorel shooting?" Mac asked Taggert. Taggert shook his head and slammed some paperwork down on his already overloaded desk. "All of our snitches have dried up. The lowlifes on the streets are jittery. The best we could do was a lead to a source in Chicago, but the man disappeared and was never heard from again. Great timing, huh? Think it was a coincidence?" Taggert wearily rubbed his head and took a sip of his coffee, then made a face when he discovered it was cold. Taggerts eyes met Macs. "Corinthos has been very active lately, and Jason Morgan is missing."
Mac sputtered in frustration. "What is going on in this town? My intuition tells me that another mob organization is moving into Port Charles, but we cant prove it yet. Taggert, I want you to contact law enforcement agencies in cities within a 200 mile radius. See if you can dig up any dirt on organized crime in those areas. Theres an ill wind blowing this way, and I want to know exactly who and what were dealing with."
"Johnny, I need my computer," Frankie said hoarsely as he stiffly sat up in bed and placed several pillows behind his back to prop himself up. Johnny took one look at Frankies haggard, tense face and refused. "Frankie, no. You need your rest. The business will wait."
"No!" yelled Frankie angrily, his face twisted and fierce. "It will not wait. I got a meeting with Frank tomorrow, and I still got some stuff to do. Im da boss. Now get me my laptop."
Johnny rose from his chair and returned with Frankies laptop. He plugged in the electrical cord and phone line before he lightly placed it on Frankies lap. Johnny sat back down on the chair and ran his hand through his hair as he shook his head.
When Frankie began furiously typing into the computer, his face became more animated and excited. "Our guys stole da shipment from Corinthos! He never suspected nothin. Dey planted da merchandise in Jason Morgans penthouse apartment." Frankie rubbed his hands together expectantly and lightly bounced on the bed in glee.
"Stop bouncing like that," Johnny said tiredly. "Youre going to bust your stitches again."
Frankie shrugged. "Im havin a good time, Johnny. Dis is soooo good. Da mission is gold."
Johnny looked at his watch. "The nurse left an hour ago, and the doctor might be coming back. Id better go before Frank finds out Ive spent the whole afternoon here." Johnny rose from his chair and gently placed a hand on Frankies shoulder as he searched his eyes. "You have my pager number," he stated. "Call me anytime if you need anything. Promise?"
Frankie nodded. "Thanks, Johnny," he said softly. His blue eyes brightened. "For everything."
Nikolas frowned when the knock on the door turned continual, not just one or two discreet raps. When he swung open the door to his room, Sly was standing there with Elektra several steps behind him. Sly turned around abruptly. "Stay," he ordered with one hand held up and the other pointing at her. Elektra took one step forward when Sly began entering Nikolas suite. "Stay," he repeated, and then quickly closed the door. He stood with his back plastered to the door, his hands extended protectively from his body as if he were trying to hold the door shut. His face was red, and his features betrayed both relief and impatience.
"Nikolas!" he said sharply. "All afternoon, the entire afternoon, I tried to talk to that girl in the hall. She speaks no English. Why didnt you warn me?"
Nikolas shook his head. "Her sister Athena mentioned that her English was bad."
Sly folded his arms and tapped his toe. "She knows yes, no, and cute."
Nikolas eyebrows rose. "Cute?"
"Yeah, cute," snipped Sly. "She kept wanting to kiss and stuff."
"And the problem is?" Nikolas laughed.
"Im with Emily!" Sly protested. "We have a date as soon as I get back to Port Charles. I dont want to date a bunch of different girls. I like Emily. I dont go to the mall with whomever is around at the time."
Nikolas looked puzzled, and Sly blushed deeply when he realized that hed slipped.
"There isnt any mall on Cassadine Island," Nikolas explained.
Sly huffed and puffed. "Its a slang term. It means making it with somebody, you know." Sly squirmed with embarrassment.
"Oh," Nikolas said, nodding sagely. "I understand." He walked over to Sly and placed a loose arm around his shoulder. "I didnt mean to offend you or cause you trouble, Sly. I wanted you to have fun. Do you understand? No evil motives."
Sly looked uncertain, but nodded his head in acceptance of Nikolas apology. "Elektras okay, but only in a group of people who speak both languages. I want to spend more time with Luke and Alexis tomorrow. Its our last day."
"Good," stated Nikolas with a wide smile. "Keep them occupied. I want more time with Athena."
Slys face twisted with confusion. "Shes your cousin, right?"
Nikolas nodded. "Second cousin," he said. "Emphasis on second."
"Whats that mean?" Sly asked in a puzzled voice.
"Kissing cousins." Nikolas smirked and rocked back and forth on his heels as Slys mouth hung open in surprise.
"Mom!" Make her stop following me. Georgies being a pest." Maxie stood in the entrance of the kitchen with her arms crossed. Georgie stuck her tongue out at Maxie and quickly hid the rainbow pad of paper behind her back when Felicia walked over to the girls.
"Maxie," stated Felicia, "Practice some tolerance. Georgie, give your sister some room to breathe. Okay?" Felicia stood with her hands on her hips. "Im trying to bake a cake as a surprise for Mac. You know how bad of a cook I am. Give it a rest. Get along for two minutes, both of you. Georgie, go play outside. Maxie, keep me company. Ive been wanting to talk to you." Georgie rolled her eyes and exited the kitchen, careful to hover near the doorway, within earshot of her sister and mother. She was ready to capture any Frankie comments with a freshly sharpened pencil.
"We never had a chance to talk about your date the other night," Felicia commented as she played with the measuring spoons, trying to find the one teaspoon measurement.
"It was fine," Maxie replied simply as she leaned against a kitchen counter. "We had fun."
"Thats it?" Felicia asked suspiciously. "I thought you were excited to go on that date."
"Yeah, I was," Maxie answered evasively. "He was a real gentleman, opened my car door and stuff like that."
"He seemed rough around the edges when we met him briefly," Felicia commented lightly as she stole a look at Maxie out of the corner of her eye. "Are you sure hes not a tough guy? The kind of kid that gets in trouble at school? Hes not involved in drugs or anything, is he?" Felicia held her breath as she waited for Maxies reply.
"Mom!" protested Maxie. "I cant believe you. Youre so judgmental. Just because he talks with a little accent you think hes a bad kid? Dont you trust me? Do you think I would date someone that was into drugs?"
"No, Maxie, I dont think you would," replied Felicia as she hunted for baking soda in the corner cabinet, sighing because she was too short to see into the top two shelves. She dragged a chair to the counter and stepped on it. "Mac and I are just concerned because you are a little young to be dating. We both trust you, but we want you to be responsible and be careful in choosing who you spend time with."
Maxie harrumphed and turned pink, fuming at the perceived insult. "So now Mac is turning into the dating police?" she asked impudently. "Is he ever going to like anyone that I date?"
Felicia turned her head. "Now, thats not fair, Maxie. You know that Mac cares about you. Hes only looking after your best interests."
"Well, I wish hed spend more time catching real criminals," she shot back.
Felicias eyes widened with shock, and she stepped down from the chair. "Maxie! Whats gotten into you? Youre usually not this rude."
Maxies eyes pooled with tears. "I like Frankie," she said tearfully as she tried to wipe at her eyes with the back of her hand. "And he likes me, too. I want to be with him. Hes going to pick me up on Saturday night to take me out to eat." The events of the first failed date and the intensity of her emotions got the best of her, and Maxie began sobbing, much to her dismay.
Felicia walked over to her daughter and drew her into a hug, rubbing her back to try to
calm her. "I understand," she said. "You like this boy and want everything
to be perfect." Felicia stepped back and tidied Maxies long hair with her
motherly fingers. "Mac and I just want to get to know him better this boy that
our daughter is so crazy about. Thats reasonable, isnt it? Maybe he can spend
a few hours over here some night studying, or come to dinner. Hows that?"
Maxie nodded reluctantly. "Okay," she said softly. "Ill ask him when we have our date on Saturday." Maxie brightened up. "Will you help me pick an outfit? I want to look real special. Pretty but not too sexy or anything."
Felicia smiled broadly. "That sounds like a lot of fun."
"Twelve, thirteen, fourteen," remarked Georgie in a whisper as she moved the pencil over a bright blue piece of paper. "Shes really adding them up!"
Frankies voice carried a malevolent intent as he cocked the hammer on his revolver and slid his finger onto the trigger. His face fell when he realized who his visitor was. "Oh," he said lightly as he recognized the mob doc. "Dont creep up on me like dat." Frankie placed the gun beside him on the bed.
"How many pistols do you have in this room?" the doctor asked, a bit shaken and wishing for his own bulletproof vest. Why did I ever think this was going to be an easy retirement gig? he thought morosely. If only I didnt have all of those gambling debts to pay off. Its like working for the devil. You sell your soul, and it never ends.
"Twelve," replied Frankie honestly.
"Do you really think you need twelve guns?" asked the man.
"Yes," stated Frankie with dead eyes. "You run outta bullets in one, ya got another, ready and waiting. Nobodys takin me out." Frankie eyed the doctor suspiciously as his fingers crawled ever so slightly closer toward his revolver.
"How old were you when you received your first gun?" the doctor asked conversationally as he stuck a thermometer in Frankies mouth.
"Eight," mumbled Frankie.
The doctor blinked in surprise. "Well, I learn something new every day," he laughed uneasily. The doctor read the thermometer. "You still have a mild fever," he noted. "That could be because youre healing. Are you still in pain?"
Frankie nodded seriously. "Its always hurt, but its worse now. It hurts when I breathe, kinda like when I was shot before in da lung."
"Well keep you on the morphine overnight," the doc stated. "But tomorrow well try you on some more pain pills if you promise not to overdose on them again."
Frankie shrugged. "Id rather drink," he admitted. "Dose pain pills dont work, just make me silly or sleepy."
The docs eyebrows rose. "You drink alcohol?" he asked.
"Since I was nine," Frankie stated proudly. "Actually, da performers and bartenders in da clubs, dey used to give me cocktails when I was dis high." Frankie motioned with his hand two feet above the bed. "I used to make dem laugh." Frankie chuckled, but stopped and gasped with pain. He looked over at the morphine and fervently wished for more.
The doctor grew stern. "I dont want you to drink any alcohol while youre healing from this wound," he ordered. "Especially if youre on morphine or the pain pills. Do you understand?"
"Know what happened to the last doctor who suggested dat?" Frankie asked nonchalantly.
The doctor shook his head no.
"Frank blew his brains out," Frankie gritted with a steely gaze as he pointed the revolver directly at the doctors face.
The mob doc held up his hands. "Thats my advice. Take it or leave it," he said tensely.
"Leave it," Frankie snipped. Frankie held his hand to his forehead. Man, I feel like crap. Im not usually dat Frank-like.
After the mob doc hastily departed, Frankie grew pensive while he was hooked up to his IVs, a captive in his bed, with no one else to talk to. I miss Frank. I wonder where he is? Is he mad at me? Frankies mind drifted toward more pleasant times, and he relaxed as he sank down into the bed.
*** "Wheres my boy? Wheres Frankie?" Frank walked into the front door of the mansion and was promptly assaulted by thirty-five pounds of flying boy. "Daddy!" Frankies face beamed with pleasure at the sight of his father who had been away on a two week long trip. Frankie held onto Franks long, powerful leg as his father stepped through the foyer. It was a favorite game for the two Frankie riding on his fathers leg or on top of his shoulders.
"I missed you, daddy," Frankie said softly when Frank reached one of the living areas and pulled his son on top of his lap. Frank hugged Frankie tightly and ran his long fingers through his sons silky blond hair. He kissed the top of his sons hair and said softly, "I missed you, too, slugger. But I brought you a present." Frankie hopped up and down on his fathers lap in anticipation as Frank handed his son a large bag.
"Ooohh," Frankie breathed in awe as he dumped the contents of the bag. "Cowboys and Indians. Thank you, daddy." Frank nodded. "I was out west for my trip, and I thought about you." He knelt on the floor with his son beside him, lining up the figures on the off-white Berber carpeting. "Which side do you want to be?" asked Frank with a smile. "Cowboys!" stated Frankie proudly as he stuck out his chest and pointed a thumb at himself. "Im going to beat you!" Frank laughed and patted Frankie on top of his head. "Well, well see, little man. Show me what youre made of." ***
Frankie sighed and tried in vain to find a comfortable position. I miss my dad, he thought wistfully. Frankie comforted himself by planning his upcoming date with Maxie. I gotta do it right this time, not make any mistakes. I need to talk to Sly again. Get some more tips. Dose dating rules are brutal. But dat Maxie, shes worth it. Frankie mentally reviewed his sweethearts features and imagined placing multiple soft kisses on her willing pink lips as he lightly stroked the side of her face. He smiled and began to lightly sing under his breath.
~~ In the wee small hours of the morning
While the whole wide world is fast asleep
You lie awake and think about the girl
And never ever think of counting sheep
When your lonely heart has learned its lesson
You'd be hers if only she would call
In the wee small hours of the morning
That's the time you miss her most of all.