Luke was hunched against the curtained glass door with two of his fingers slightly parting it from the walls of the yacht in order to snoop on the conversation within. His face grew grim and stony as he recognized the smell of Helenas exotic perfume and as he heard the rich timbre of her ringing voice. Nikolas hovered behind Luke with his hand on the mans shoulder, holding his breath and willing his heart to stop pounding so fast so that he could hear his grandmothers words.
Helena silently motioned to Andreas with her eyes rolling over to the side entrance, and an eyebrow arched in warning and wry amusement.
"Beef up the security tonight, Andreas. Im expecting Luke Spencer to attempt another one of his silly amateur break-ins this evening, almost certainly while Im asleep. That uncouth man certainly has a fascination for my boudoir." Helena sighed deeply and winked mischievously at Andreas. "Alas, he makes so many promises, but he never delivers. Perhaps he is not able. Such a tease. Unlike like you, my beautiful, capable Andreas." Helena stroked the side of Andreas face with her long, aristocratic fingers.
Andreass face creased with his broad smile, and he desperately tried not to laugh at the thought of Spencer overhearing their conversation. "Would Madam like to experience a real man?" he questioned lightly. "Let me run the water for your bath." Andreas nuzzled Helenas neck and whispered in her ear, "Would Madam like me to kill Mr. Spencer now?" Helena shook her head slightly and narrowed her eyes to confer her refusal of Andreas offer.
"A hot bath with a delicious man sounds divine," Helena purred in response.
Luke scrunched up his face and pinched his nose with his fingers while Nikolas shook his head and looked aghast.
Helena paused on her stroll to the lavish bathroom. "Luke Spencer has a fixation about his son and my involvement in his troubles," she tittered delightfully. "And somehow the Ice Princess is the key?" She shook her head and waved away that idea. "The Ice Princess is hidden in a special place. It cannot possibly have an influence on Lucky Spencer. No matter. Luke will never see it again."
Lukes grip on the Ice Princess tightened, and his eyes grew even more determined. He gently closed the side door shut and sharply motioned to Nikolas to evacuate the premises.
Moments later, Helena slid into the waiting bath after Andreas removed her light blue, damask silk robe. She happily nestled into the mountains of frothy bubbles that tumbled and effervesced. Her face set hard, and she commented to Andreas, "Luke is nothing but a common fool. He thinks he stole the Ice Princess! Of course we anticipated his move. Luke now possesses a stunning replica of the original." Helena sighed and closed her eyes as Andreas began sponging her back with a languid, fluid motion. "Dear Andreas, Im beginning to think that hell never learn the game."
The only thing that he could decipher as he slowly floated to back to consciousness was the flashing, icy pain that traveled throughout his brain, like the worst, unrelenting cold on a subzero day or eating ice cream too fast, but one hundred times worse. He vaguely recalled waking up earlier and talking to Elizabeth. He couldnt remember their conversation, but he still felt her warm, strong hand enfolding his and the forceful connection of her love for him. As hard as he tried, he couldnt hold on to it. He felt all the warmth and goodness swirling away from him down into the drains of hell.
His swollen lips worked several times before the whispered sounds emerged. "Eliz abeth help me." His face contorted with his efforts at hanging on, and his fingernails scraped tightly against the thin sheet covering his ravaged body. But, it was too late. He continued to struggle futilely until he drifted downward again into unconsciousness.
Frozen were his love, his personality, and his sanity. Any vestige of his unique humanity was obliterated by its presence. The vision of its deadly, flashing beauty nullified any other thoughts or feelings, and the harsh agony of his other injuries was lost to him. Only the rage remained, the rage that oozed out of every fevered pore on his body and that demanded to be soothed. A price must be paid for his freedom, a price that soon must erupt like an unstoppable volcano.
How much had he seen? Sure, he was in intensive care, and perhaps he wouldnt survive his grievous injuries. But those brilliant blue eyes had flickered open at the most inopportune time. Did they see the young girl struggle and flail her arms about in surprise and horror? Did he see the braids wind tightly around her neck until they became a deathly vise grip designed to cut her off from life? Did he hear her desperate cry of recognition and feel the thick, dripping fear invading the elevator and leaking from her dying body?
A hand creaked open the door to Lucky Spencers ICU room. Narrowed, determined eyes reviewed the room with a quick, casual cunning motion. Heart monitor, oxygen, blood, IV. The cold eyes took in all of the possible avenues of murder. A hand fiddled with the IV for a moment, but instead chose the extra pillow lying on the chair in the corner of the room. Fingers caressed the smooth surface of the pillow and slowly tightened around it until the soft object became a designated weapon of death. The boy was barely conscious if at all. He wouldnt feel it. Not really. And if he did, oh well, hed be in heaven soon singing with the angels.
It only took the murderer seven careful steps to reach his bedside. The murderer bent over his restless, twitching form. The boy looked like he was in great pain with his rapid breaths and desperate facial expressions. This would be for the best. The hands swiftly pushed the pillow downward, onto Luckys face. Harder and harder they pressed down until the boys breathing was cut off and oxygen stopped flowing into his bloodstream. The boy jerked desperately. His legs extended straight out and thrashed, and his body rolled violently from side to side, but the murderous hands held the pillow firmly over his face. The boy was too weak from his injuries. Soon he would succumb.
After minutes, the legs lost their rigidity and floated back down onto the bed with a soggy plop. The arms stopped jerking and grasping at the pillow to rest quietly beside the body with outstretched palms, and the face stopped pulling for life-giving oxygen, ground down under the weight of the killer pillow and pushed into the side of the bed in defeat. The cardiac monitor sounded its warning with the shrill, monotonous sound of a flatline.
The murderers head whipped up in alarm as the ears heard the sounds of shouts and running feet on the linoleum in the hospital hallways. The hands quickly deposited the pillow back on the chair, and the feet ran to hide behind a curtain and wait. Luckys room flooded with medical personnel shouting orders, and a flurry of activity descended on the young man as they raced to save his life. A crash cart arrived, and jewels of electricity pounded through his chest to his heart through the paddles placed on his prone body. His body jerked frantically and rose from the bed with each electrical shock, but the cardiac monitor still registered a flat line. "Give me the epinephrine!" ordered Dr. Ian Thornhart. He shoved the long needle of a syringe directly into Luckys heart in an attempt to get it started beating again.
"Were losing him!" a voice alerted. The hidden murderer grinned wickedly behind the tan curtain. Die, Lucky Spencer, die.
Felicia leaned comfortably against Scotts broad shoulder as the two snoozed in adjoining chairs. Scotts tossled, blond head leaned way back on the edge of the chair, and a loud, rumbling snore emitted from his parted lips on a regular, jarring basis. Felicia was more restless and squirmed around until her head found a comfortable spot on Scott. She wrapped her hands around his arm as if it were a pillow. Just when she was starting to drool on Scotts sweater, the code blue alarm was called, and the two woke up in a startled daze with a flurry of scrambling arms, legs and hands. Felicia grew uneasy as she looked over at Scott and saw how closely entwined theyd become. Scott glanced at the petite blond beside him and flashed her a smile. Felicia creased her brow and scooted further away from Scott, pausing to wipe off the sleeve of his sweater with an annoyed motion of her slender hand.
Laura never relaxed the whole time that Luke was away on his latest excursion onto Helenas yacht. Now she was worried about Luke and Nikolas as well as Lucky. How was their plan proceeding? What if Helena captured them? They must prove Luckys innocence! Laura had paced nervously back and forth and around the regular rows of waiting room chairs, as if the constant motion of her tense body would protect and shield her loved ones from harm. She stopped dead in her tracks when the code blue was called, and when she saw the crash cart and medical personnel racing down the hallway she felt as if her heart had stopped.
"Lucky!" she cried out in panicked fear. Laura breathlessly ran away from the waiting room and in the direction of Luckys ICU room to make sure her son was alright.
"I suppose I should go follow her," Scott intoned with a sigh.
"I dont know. Maybe it was a false alarm or someone else is dying," replied Felicia sleepily as she drew her hand across her eyes and tried to stifle a big yawn. She craned her neck and frowned as she looked around the waiting room. "Wheres everybody else? I know where Luke is, but where are Liz and Audrey Hardy? I thought they were still here."
Scott made a garrumph noise and rose to his feet, stretching and cracking his joints. "Audrey and Liz found a room to sleep in they had the right idea," he added as he groaned with fatigue and soreness. "Id better go find Laura and see if shes still in one piece Lucky, too."
Felicia shot to her feet. "Well dont leave me all alone here!" she whined. "Not when theres a vicious killer on the loose!" Felicia shivered and widened her eyes.
"Come on then," growled Scott as he draped his arm around her shoulder. "Lets go."
Dr. Ian Thornhart emerged from Luckys room, and the medical personnel filed out with their equipment. He wiped his sweaty brow with his muscular arm and stepped out further into the hallway. While his back was turned to the doorway, the murderer peeled out of the room with shoes in hand, in order to make a silent escape in the opposite direction that the medical personnel headed.
The murderer thought frantically while rounding the corner. Ill never get another opportunity as good as that one to shut that kid up. How am I going to get back into that room next time without arousing suspicion? I have to think of something. He must die tonight!
Laura burst into tears when she saw Dr. Thornhart standing outside of her sons room. "What is it? Was that code called for Lucky? Is my son okay? Whats going on? Tell me!!"
Ian looked worried and frowned. He was about to answer Laura when four people ran in his direction. Luke and Nik flew in from the left, and Scott and Felicia hurriedly joined them from the right side of the hallway.
There was a confusion of shouts, questions, tears and exclamations. Ian held his hands to his head as if he were being assaulted.
"Quiet now!" he growled. "This is a hospital. Patients need their rest. Lets go over here to discuss Lucky Spencer - quietly."
Audrey rose from her bed and walked over to Liz, who appeared to be sleeping soundly, curled up on her side with her fist clenched and held to her chest. She gently smoothed the girls hair away from her face carefully so she wouldnt wake her. Audrey was glad that she had some pull at the hospital so that she and her granddaughter could rest while they waited for news about Lucky.
"Everything will be okay," she crooned softly in her sweet voice. "No one is going to hurt you anymore. Your grandmother will take care of you."
Lizs eyes opened at the sound of her grandmothers voice, but she waited until her grandmother left the room, and then slowly rose from the bed with a smile. Shed only pretended to sleep. With everything going on, theres no way that she could possibly relax. Her grandmother had been restless, too. Liz remembered her rising from her bed and leaving the room several times.
Audrey left the room and continued down the hall to the nurses station. She might as well get some work done for the Ladies Auxiliary since she was certain she wouldnt be sleeping for the rest of the night.
"Hello Jill," she said cheerily as she entered the nurses station.
"Mrs. Hardy, what are you doing here?" asked a surprised Jill. "I thought youd still be asleep. Its been a terrible night for you."
Audrey sighed. "Yes, it has, dear. Its been an ordeal. I cant sleep, so I decided to work on my wreaths for the Nurses Ball. Cant start on those crafts projects too early, you know." Audrey smiled and reached for the bag under the counter. She pulled out a wooden hoop and yards of brightly colored ribbon. There were spool of electric blue, hot pink, white and red polka dots and silver and gold stripes.
Audrey hummed a light tune under her breath as she pulled lengths of ribbon from the spools and cut them with a large pair of crafts scissors. Jill overlooked her work over Audreys shoulder. "Oh, Audrey," she complained. "Youre so talented. I cant even tie my own shoes right. And look how beautifully you do that. You certainly have the magic touch."
Audrey tittered lightly and shrugged. "Practice, my dear," she replied. "It takes years of practice." Her fingers expertly moved the ribbon rapidly around, over and under as she tied bow after bow, pausing occasionally to glue them onto the hoop.
"Ouch!" she exclaimed out loud, dropping a bright bow onto the counter. She gingerly rubbed the knuckles on her right hand. There were several bruises on her hands, and a slight pressure had caused her pain.
"Whats the matter?" asked Jill in a worried tone.
Audrey waved her hand in dismissal. "Oh, its nothing, dear, just a touch of my usual arthritis. Ill have to start taking some of that glucosamine supplement. I hear it does wonders for aging joints."
Laura looked back over her shoulder as Luke led her away from Luckys room. She shuddered at the recently assigned, uniformed policeman who stoically stood guard outside the room, reminding the mother that her son was an accused murderer. Down the hall, Ian stood taking question after question from Luckys frenzied family. The Irish doctors own frustration over Luckys condition was just as mind boggling.
"What happened, Doc?" Luke demanded
angrily. "You said Lucky would be all right in the long run. What the H*ll just
happened in there?"
"Did his heart stop?" Laura cried anxiously. "I thought you said he was out
of danger."
"He was fine. You said he was fine," Nikolas intoned in a stunned monotone.
"He was fine," Ian insisted, finally getting a word in edgewise. "I dont know what triggered this complication. Lucky went into both cardiac and respiratory arrest. We had to put him back on the respirator. Im hoping it will be for a short time. It could be due to the blood loss. Maybe we were too optimistic. Well keep a close eye on him."
"Thats what you said last time, Doc," Luke retorted. "Maybe we should get a second opinion."
"Get all the opinions you want Luke," Ian snapped back, finally losing his patience, though he was the professional and he knew the people in front of him were stressed beyond belief. "Luckys condition is stable, and I still believe he will come out of this. Now if youll excuse me I have orders to write. Ill be close by until we can finally wean Lucky off the respirator for good." Luke started after the doctor, but Laura pulled him back. Felicia and Scott could see they weren't needed. They went outside of the ICU, leaving Luke, Laura and Nikolas behind. The trio walked back to Luckys room. Their hearts were heavy with fear, heavy with the knowledge that even if Lucky lived he might end up in prison for the rest of his life or worse. They stepped into the room as a team. They would do whatever they had to, to save him. Whatever it took. No matter what
He heard the hissing of the respirator. Its rhythmic pumping was pushing air into his lungs almost against his own breathing. It was difficult to feel the muscles move, and know that he wasnt really taking the breaths. He wanted to breathe. When the darkness was over his head, the smothering feeling cutting off his air, thats all he had wanted was to breathe, to suck in oxygen that would let him live, and yet
He had been almost asleep, fighting his rage, fighting the icy coldness that was entering his heart again, the image of the Ice Princess gripping his heart, shattering it with a fury he didnt want to sense, when hed felt something being placed over his face. The pressure was sudden and instantaneously horrific. He couldnt open his eyes, couldnt fight what he knew was happening. While his body struggled wildly, his adrenaline rushing through him in a basal instinct to survive, his spirit screamed for release. If he had truly pulled on his reserves, he might have thrown off the suffocating object that let death whisper in his ear. Instead he had started to seek the peacefulness of oblivion. Even as he let the machine breathe for him, Lucky Spencer knew he was twisted. The homicidal rage that fought with his conscience gave way to darkness, but in the inky blackness that surrounded him, Lucky accepted that he was bent. He also accepted that he had no idea how to control the insanity that consumed him.
"Luke, you dont know how the Ice Princess works," Nikolas said as Luke took the giant, perfectly formed diamond out of his pocket. Laura stood by Luckys bedside, gazing at his face. She shook her head. Even in sleep he seemed tortured somehow. The respirator was sustaining his life, but what was sustaining his soul, she couldnt help wondering. Then she wondered where such an innocuous thought came from. Shaking her head, she turned to her ex-husband and her son, marveling how Luckys predicament had brought these two former enemies together.
"I know I dont, Prince," Luke replied with a disdainful look. He pulled the bedside table over to the easy chair that sat on the side of the bed. Laura sat on the arm of the chair, while Nikolas stood by Lucky, his heart breaking at the sight of his brother. He turned, leaning against the bars on the bed, and watched his mother and ex-step-father.
"What happened?" Laura wondered as Luke put the Ice Princess on the table. Nikolas walked over to hide the dazzling diamond from anyone walking past the room. Luke moved it in his hands, trying to find a focal point, anything that would set Lucky off, or give him back his sanity.
"We barely missed the old bat and her
paramour," Luke reported grimly. "The Prince here shouted our presence to the
"I did not. She didnt know we were there," Nikolas protested.
"Only because I got us out fast enough."
"Who knew about the side entrance?" came the countered reply. Laura rolled her eyes.
"For heavens sake, stop it, both of you. You had no business being on the yacht. You dont even know if you succeeded."
"We got what we were looking for didnt we? Angel, we have to save our son."
"At what cost?" Laura cried. "You didnt know if Helena would discover you or just plant a grenade in her safe to stop you." Luke looked from Nikolas to Laura in surprise.
"I didnt think of that," he admitted wryly. He looked down at the Ice Princess. He believed the jewel carried the secret of how to control Luckys mind. "If I could just figure out how this works, maybe we can save Lucky from himself."
"Luke, a stone cannot control a mind," Laura told him. "I know you think it can, but it cant. Taggert is wrong. Lucky was set up. He wouldnt hurt anyone."
"You didnt see him, Darlin," Luke told his wife. "His eyes werent even real. Im telling you, Helenas got him programmed to kill."
"Glad you agree, Spencer," came the ragged, hate filled comment. With a sweep of his hand, Luke scooped the Ice Princess off the table. Nikolas, Laura and Luke all turned to see Taggert step into the room. Luke stood up, pushing the bedside table back towards Luckys bed. Nikolas drew his mother close as Luke stood a few feet from Gias brother.
"You implying something, Lieutenant?" Luke said snidely.
"Im implying nothing. Ive just come to do my duty. Get out of my way, Spencer, or youll be next." Luke didnt move. The tension in the room flared. Taggert got in Lukes face. Realizing what was about to happen, Nikolas grabbed his stepfathers arms behind him, locking the older mans limbs away from the front of his body. Luke struggled, shocked by the strength Nikolas possessed.
"Stupid Prince," he yelled indignantly. "Let me go." Taggert smirked.
"You know, Spencer," he taunted. "That position totally complements you. Nikolas, you might think about joining the police force. Then you can help me make sure your brother never hurts innocent girls like my sister again." Nikolas was tempted to let Luke go as Luke struggled, but he held him tight.
"Taggert, I suggest you leave," Nikolas said. "I know youre upset about Gia. So am I. I loved her." Nikolas took a breath, knowing he couldnt hold on to Luke much longer.
"Yeah, you loved her so much, youre protecting her murderer. Im telling you, Nikolas, Lucky Spencer killed Gia. He strangled her to death with her own braids, then tied those braids into a bow. Hes insane."
"Hes not!" Nikolas yelled back, finally letting Luke go. Suddenly released, Luke started towards Taggert with Nikolas right behind him, and Laura wringing her hands, wondering how the entire situation could get worse. In the background, the respirator hissed, pumping air into Luckys lungs while the young man listened and knew that Taggert was right. He knew he was a murderer, a murderer whose spirit was truly begging to be freed.