Part Twenty

Téa's feet refused to stop walking, and she waved away Viki's suggestion that she sit down and rest. She crossed her arms against the cold, sterile atmosphere of the waiting room. Occasional freezing blasts of arctic air swept into the hospital when the doors opened. Each time she heard them swoosh to admit someone, she'd focused sharply in that direction. But no Todd. What was wrong? Dios de Madre! He should have been here by now! She and Viki made record time driving here after Bo called, informing them that Todd had been found. Even though they'd had to dress Starr and drop her off at her nanny's apartment, they arrived within forty minutes.

Téa supposed she should be grateful that Todd had been found alive - that was the main concern. Bo hadn't offered any information, not where Todd was or his condition. It was infuriating. She couldn't take this waiting. She had to see him, to touch him, to convince herself that he wasn't leaving her for good. Life seemed very tenuous right now, a flame of a candle, easily snuffed out. She knew how fragile life was, how a person could be here one moment and gone the next. But Todd was tough. Much of his so-called ferocity was a powerful desire to survive. He'd cling to that. He had to. And Starr. Todd might leave her, but he wouldn't leave Starr without a father.

Téa jumped at the sound of Viki's voice.

"They're ready for him," Viki said. "All of his doctors have been called. I just got off the phone with Larry. Poor man. He was in the middle of shaving. He'll be here shortly."

Téa nibbled on her thumbnail. "But how bad is he?"

"We'll find out soon enough."

"What about Sam?" Téa asked. "Todd needs Sam."

"He's on his way. He'll be here in a few hours."

"Why did this have to happen? Things were going so well! Todd was feeling better; we were talking about the future."

"It seems like it's two steps forward, one step back with Todd. He has his ups and downs."

"Why aren't you more anxious, Viki? My heart's pounding so fast, it's going to leap out of my chest!"

Viki gave Téa a weary smile. "I am so tired, Téa. I'm exhausted. I simply cannot produce the energy to worry. I need to leave it in God's hands and trust him to protect Todd. My worrying won't save him. I'm here for him. That's all I can do."
"Is this what you warned me about?" Téa asked tearfully. "The compassion fatigue? The constant drama?"

"I guess. Ever since Todd and I discovered we're related, it's been a roller coaster. I'm part of his drama whether I want it or not. I'd like to share some calmer moments with him. I was hoping you would influence him in that direction. He's crazy about you, Téa. I can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice."

Téa tapped her shoe nervously. "I'm not going anywhere," she said.

"Good," Viki replied. "He needs stability. If he knows he can count on you, then I think he stands a chance."

"At what?" Téa scoffed. "A normal life?"

Viki shook her head. "Normal? Not Todd. Maybe a productive, adventurous life."

Téa blinked away her tears. "I'd like that. I really would. I want to build a life with him. It's just so damned hard!" She sniffed and wiped at her eyes. "I'm going to be dehydrated soon. I've cried an ocean of tears over this man."

Viki's expression softened. "He means a lot to you."

"Yes," Téa admitted. "He's had my heart since the first day I met him. I've lied about it, even to myself, but that's the truth. Love at first sight. I'm an idiot."


"Hank," Bo said, gripping the portable phone he kept in his living room. "They found him. They're bringing Manning back to the hospital. We got him."

"When can we question him?"

Bo sighed and rubbed his face. "I have no idea what condition he's in, just that someone called in a John Doe, possibly dead, in a neighborhood near the hospital. There are lots of torn down buildings in that location, many places to dump a body. The paramedics found him alive, though."

"Why'd he disappear like that?" Hank wondered.

"You know Manning's M.O.," Bo said. "He hurts himself thinking it'll get him out of trouble. Or, he panicked and ran off when he figured out how stupid he was. You know he's capable of murder, but he's not very good at covering his tracks."

"What about the mental illness," Hank said. "You told me he's been in and out of institutions. I don't want another not guilty by reason of insanity plea."

Bo snorted. "He'll never get by with that a second time. They'll lock him up regardless. He's come to the end of the line."

"I sure hope so," Hank said. "Todd's reign of terror stops here. I know RJ was a criminal, but he was my brother. He meant a lot to me, and he deserves justice."

"He'll get it," Bo said. He hung up the phone and looked at it. "One way or the other."


"I came as quickly as I could," Larry Wolek said in a rush. He gave Viki a brief hug and stepped back to study the face of the woman he still considered his sister-in-law after the death of his wife.

Viki took his hands. "I am so relieved you're here, Larry. Sorry to disturb your morning."

Larry shrugged. "I arrive early at the hospital most days. Just missed my morning paper and coffee."

"He's not here yet," Téa interrupted. "Todd's not here."

"We received the call over an hour ago," Viki said with a strained voice. "Whatever could be keeping them?"

"Problems in the field," Larry guessed. "The weather's harsh."

Viki flinched. "I'm extremely concerned," she said, clutching at her coat.

Téa nodded. "Me, too."

"Let's not buy trouble," Larry said. "Wait to see what the situation is."

"I'll try to be more positive," Viki said. "It's practically a miracle they've found him alive. It's zero degrees out there."

Larry nodded and looked at his watch. He didn't want to alarm the women, but it was unusual for the paramedics to take this long. Hopefully, Todd hadn't arrested during the trip or they hadn't crashed the truck. The roads had been slick on his drive to the hospital. Who knows what condition Todd would be in when he arrived? He'd been without his medications for a day, although he'd been in fairly decent shape the last time Larry had seen him. Still, his kidney disease and hypothermia could be a deadly combination.

"He's here!" Téa shouted, frantically pointing at the opening doors. She raced for the paramedics with Viki and Larry close behind her. The paramedics were moving a gurney slowly and carefully. Téa ran up and promptly gave a short shriek when she looked down at Todd. She turned a whiter shade of pale and stumbled back, nearly falling except for the quick thinking of a paramedic, who caught her. He dragged Téa to a chair.

"I'm okay," Téa said irritably, waving off Larry's and Viki's attention. "Go. Help him. I...I'm sick. I can' this." She held her forehead in her hand and gripped her stomach.

Viki looked confused, watching her son being wheeled away from her. "What's wrong?" she asked shrilly.

Téa breathed raggedly. "He...uh," she tried to explain, gulping. "He's all bloody," she said.

"I'll see what I can do," Larry said. "Will you be okay?" he asked both women.

"Yes, yes," Viki said. "Go help Todd. Please!"

"I'll let you know his condition as soon as I can," Larry promised. He burst through the trauma room door and asked his colleague, "What can I do to help?"

"Ah, the cavalry's arrived," the doctor said, joking. "You know this patient?"

"Yes. He's my sister-in-law's son."

"Nephew then."

Larry smiled briefly. "Hadn't thought about it that way. I guess he is."

"I have numerous consults lined up. You could help coordinate the other docs and the labs."

"Sure," Larry said, watching as technicians began drawing blood. Todd was utterly still and deathly pale, barely breathing. The cardiac monitor indicated he was alive, with a pulse and rhythm, but there might be trouble as he warmed up. He appeared to be beaten, especially on the face and head with a nasty scalp laceration that might have poured out a pint of blood, making Todd injuries look worse. Someone had done a hatchet job on the kid's hair - some pieces reached down to the shoulder, but others were missing around the face or were only several inches long, sticking out from his head, stiff with dried blood.

"He's borderline severely hypothermic," the other physician said. "Core temp is 29C. He doesn't have frostbite, so he succumbed quickly, probably because of his kidney and head injuries. He must not have been out there long." The man moved quickly with his assessment, giving orders to a team of nurses and technicians.

Larry felt a sense of déjà vu with Todd in this desperate position only weeks ago. This time it seemed to be the result of willful human evil, rather than an accident, which made it more difficult to tuck away his emotions. He gently patted Todd's swollen face. "Todd. Are you in there?"

Todd made a breathy sound followed by a short moan. "Good," Larry said. "Todd, it's Larry Wolek. You're back in the hospital. Everything's under control." He almost doubted his encouraging words. Todd's arm was ice cold where he laid his hand.

"Someone's tortured this guy. He's covered in welts and contusions. Burns and a stab wound, too."

Larry felt a hollow pit in his stomach. Who could have done this? And why?

"He was frozen to the ground because of the blood," the other man said. "They had to thaw the stuff to pry him off. Otherwise, he would have lost his skin."

"Oh man," Larry said, rubbing his forehead. He watched as heat packs were strategically placed on Todd's body and warming blankets covered over them. A technician adjusted heat lamps close by. Todd wasn't able to shiver; he was in an unresponsive stupor, which was a bad sign. So much could happen when he'd begin to warm up - shock, cardiac arrest. How was he going to tell Viki and Téa?


Larry held Viki's hand as he walked her into the trauma room. "Remember, sis. We treat the life-threatening problems first. That's why Todd will look a little rough when you see him. He's not being ignored. First on the list is warming him up safely, making sure his vitals are stable. It takes time."

Viki barely nodded. "Yes," she said softly. She moved slowly, in emotional shock. "Oh no. Oh no," she sighed, when she reached his side. "Todd?" she asked. She held one hand rigidly in her coat pocket and the other squeezing Larry's large hand, afraid to touch her son for how broken and battered he looked. " he conscious?"

"Not really," Larry said. "He's not in a coma, but he's not awake or aware of what's happening. I do think it'd be good for him to hear your voice, though."

"Why does his ECG look so odd?" Viki asked.

"They're called J waves," Larry said. "It's a common effect of hypothermia on the heart. We're watching him closely. The heart becomes very irritable when it's exposed to cooler, circulating blood. He can't be moved much. That's why his other injuries haven't been treated. He'll be going for a CT scan when his core temperature rises several more degrees."

"Why are his arms and legs exposed? How is this helping him?"

"It's dangerous if his extremities warm up quicker than his trunk," Larry said. "It can make his circulation unstable. He's receiving a warm IV and warmed oxygen to heat him internally. It's working well. He's now progressed from severely to moderately hypothermic."

Viki leaned hard against Larry, feeling dizzy and miserable. "I hate myself," she said. "I should have protected him. I never should have told him I was his mother. I made him run away. He's hurt!"

Larry turned her around and laid his hands on her shoulders. "Viki. Listen to me," he said, holding her gaze. "Todd did not leave this hospital on his own. He couldn't have with his fractured leg. He was improving, yes. But, he wasn't strong enough to even make it to the parking lot. Someone did this to him. He didn't produce these injuries on his own. Not possible."

"What about new injuries?" Viki asked fearfully. "What's wrong with him?" She dared run her fingers over his face and hair and took in a sharp breath when he flinched slightly. "He moved!"

"See? He responds to your voice," Larry replied. "Keep talking calmly. It'll help."

Viki touched Todd's arm, worried at how cold he felt. "Todd, it's Viki. I'm here. You're all right." She didn't quite know what to say to him, newly awkward now that he was her son. Why did she keep feeling rejected, expecting it - wanting it? She felt guilty for bringing him into existence and for how he'd been treated by his adoptive parents. It wasn't hard for her to forgive Todd for all the crazy, violent things he'd said and done. It was her she had to forgive. Otherwise, they'd never be able to connect in a healthy way. It was so clear to her at that very moment, outlined by her fatigue and emotional distance.

"Why do you keep running? I knew this would happen to you eventually. What can I do to make you stay?"

Todd made a garbled, grunting sound and moved slightly. His blanket fell a few inches off his shoulder.

Viki gasped. "He's been stabbed! Larry!"

"It's not a life threatening wound."

Viki looked closer at her son. "His broken leg is bruised and swollen."

"It's been x-rayed. The bone is fine, still in place. But you're right. Someone intended to cause him pain. Um, Viki..."

Viki tensed to Larry's tone of voice. She moved away from him, certain she wasn't going to like what she'd hear.

"You should know that it appears Todd was tortured. He has marks on him...and..."


"He was sexually assaulted."

Viki felt the room spin around her, faster and faster it went until the bright lights made her numb and ill. She could hear Larry's voice but couldn't make out what he was saying. She stumbled to the side and felt Larry's hands steadying her, walking her to the door.


Téa banged hard on the candy machine. She watched the package move extremely slowly and then dump not one but two selections. Ha! She'd hit the jackpot. But what did she need with four pink sno-ball cakes? Maybe she'd save one for Viki. She felt a little silly standing there with an adult-sized coffee in one hand and kids' treats in another. Her stomach still hurt, and she'd decided it was time to fill it. She still felt a little queasy after seeing Todd in such a bloody mess. What had she expected? To see his handsome face marred only by an oxygen mask? For his eyes to open like Prince Charming with an offer to sweep her off her feet?

Téa walked back to the waiting room and sat in a corner, far from any other person. Last thing she wanted to do was interact with vets of hospital wars and hear about their relatives' ongoing battles. She was tense and cranky. Fighting with the plastic wrap on the sugary cake made her want to smash it against the wall or kick it into the hallway. What was taking Viki so long? Perhaps Todd woke up, and they were talking. What in the world were they going to tell Starr? They'd promised her she could visit her daddy today. Todd had promised. That's why she'd never believe that he'd left on his own. He wouldn't. He couldn't.

Their romantic interlude in the closet kept running through her mind. Was she some kind of black widow? Each time they made love, he'd been physically hurt afterwards, nearly killed. And she didn't know how he was now. Téa's nerves were on high alert. Before she knew it, both pink, coconut covered cakes were totally consumed - culinary history. She threw away the wrapper and sat back down, pensively sucking on one sweet, sugar-coated finger.

Téa wheeled Todd into the supply closet, turning him around and quickly shoving a handful of towels under the door. She sensed Todd watching her, and she turned to see him giving her a lopsided grin.

"Efficient," he said, drawing out the word. His eyes were intense, filling her with heat and making her blush.

Téa glanced up at the light bulb beaming down from the ceiling, and Todd said, "Leave it on. I want to see you. I want all of you." She leaned over him, kissing his lips and running her hands through his hair. This wasn't going to be a leisurely lovemaking session. They were both too hot and bothered to dwell on the preliminaries. Skin on skin, that's what she wanted. Hipbone to hipbone, chest to chest. The more skin the better.

"I don't want to hurt you," she said, parting from their kiss. She removed his sweatshirt and cast it to the floor. She ran her hands over his pecs. "I can't sit on your lap with your leg broken." She hurriedly threw some towels and sheets on the floor and helped him up. Todd's weight was heavy on her arms and shoulders, and she gingerly sat him down. She yelped when he grabbed her arm and pulled her down beside him.

Todd ran his hands all over her body. "How's it possible? You're more luscious than last time." His hand lingered over her hips and thighs. "Perfect."

"Strip," Téa ordered. "I want you."

Todd was quickly naked and yanking at her clothes - blouse, bra, pants. His hands ran down her back and under her panties, lingering on her, rubbing. "Damn," he moaned, pulling her toward him, capturing her mouth, thrusting his tongue against hers, promising more and more. He cupped her breasts, squeezing them greedily, then smoothing his hands softly over the silky skin until her nipples were firm and erect.

Téa knelt over him, thighs beside his shoulders, allowing him to take her in his mouth, savoring the hot, liquid desire building in her. She reached back to stroke his penis, rocking to his tongue's rhythm, faster and faster, harder and harder. When she thought she'd burst, she pulled away and lowered herself onto him, taking him all at once.

Todd's face screwed up, and he grunted with passion. Téa kept him inside her and lay on top of him, brushing her breasts against his chest, riding him gently. Her hair mixed with his: silky, flowing, tangled together. She kissed his throat and breathed in his musky, sweet, masculinity. "Mmmmm," she said softly.

Todd grabbed her hips, thrusting up, deeper, deeper, pushing as hard as it'd go. Téa rubbed against him, her whole body joined to his. Todd's muscles rippled against hers, clenching, getting close. "Aaahhh," he groaned, suddenly thrusting hard and jerking underneath her. He panted and said, "Keep going, keep going." Téa rose from his chest and moved up and down, amazed and turned on that he was coming twice. She was all woman, feeling powerful, staring down into his sublime face, noting the way his cheek muscles twitched and how the smile flitted on his face, all because of her.

Todd fingered her, and she was close, so close. She made small cries, gripping his hips hard between her thighs. He startled her when his eyes suddenly opened and locked into hers as her orgasm pounded into her, joining with him completely, making her tremble and twitch with fierce electricity. Todd moaned and came a second time. They both watched each other, so in sync, so damned good together. Téa finally lowered her body on top of his, and they held each other tightly. Todd stroked her hair and sighed. He softly ran his hand up and down the length of her body, as if he couldn't believe she belonged to him. "Let's stay," he whispered. "They'll need a SWAT team to get us out of here. I want to be like this forever."

Téa smiled. "You feel soooo good, Mr. Manning."

Todd gave her a deep, wet kiss. "I love you," he said softly. "I love you, Téa."

Téa shivered with the memory and rubbed her arms. "Oh boy. Oh boy," she said. I love you, too.


Téa jumped up from her chair, chilled at the serious, drawn look on Larry's face, and the way that Viki walked slowly and mechanically, her complexion totally devoid of color. Larry led her along like she was an old lady, and Viki's hand gripped hard on a Styrofoam cup of coffee.

"What's going on?" Téa asked nervously. "Is Todd okay? Can I see him?"

Larry shook his head. "He's going for a CT scan. It'll be awhile. They're still trying to determine the extent of his injuries."

"But he'll be fine. Right?"

"I don't know," Viki said.

Téa grew alarmed. She sounds so strained. What aren't they telling me?

"He's hypothermic and has a head wound. Those are the most serious concerns," Larry said. "One of his pupils is not reacting normally. He may have a traumatic optic nerve injury."

"How did this happen?" Téa cried.

Bo Buchanan joined the group. "That's what I'd like to know. What did Manning do to himself?"

Larry's face set. "Nothing. He was assaulted."

Bo rubbed his chin. "Are you sure about that?"

Both Téa and Viki glared at him.

"Yes," Larry said. "I am sure. You'll need to file a report on this one."

"He was kidnapped!" Téa cried, waving her hands at the commissioner. "What's wrong with you?"

Bo rocked on his heels. "He's also a murder suspect."

"He wasn't mobile," Larry said. "He didn't leave on his own."

"I know," Bo said smugly. He waved a videotape at them.

"Is that a security tape?" Viki asked.

Bo nodded. "The cameras in the garage were disabled, but we caught this one on an interior camera. There's a man wheeling Manning to an elevator. It's impossible to identify him because he's wearing a scarf, hat and a long overcoat. He's a white male; that much we know. Light colored eyes, possibly gray hair. But then that could be a disguise. Manning probably hired someone to help him escape."

"Ridiculous!" Téa shouted.

"You're not off the suspect list either," Bo added. "I'd advise you not to leave town."

Téa's cheeks flamed, and she shook her head. "I had nothing to do with this! Why would I leave town when...when Todd's here?"

"Do you have any other suspects in RJ's death?" Viki questioned. "Why not check all of the possibilities."

Téa felt like spewing more anger in Bo's direction, but she held back. Last night she'd backed her car over her laptop, pulling out the hard drive and destroying it. She'd thrown the pieces into separate trash bags and left them on the street to be picked up in the morning. Regardless of what Todd had or hadn't done with the computer, Bo would never know.

"Of course we're being thorough. I usually follow my hunches, though," Bo said. "Manning's at the top of my list."

"I still say he was incapable of committing the crime," Larry said.

Bo made a face. "Why are you sticking up for that scum, Larry?"

Viki leaped from her chair. "You shut up!" she shouted, her eyes wild. "He...he is not scum! He is a human being. With thoughts and feelings."

"Can I see the videotape?" Téa asked.

"No," said Bo.

"Why not?"

"You're a suspect. I'm not sharing evidence with you."

"My son was kidnapped!" Viki snipped. "You'd better be investigating that crime, Bo!"

Bo looked disgusted. "What? Son?" he asked with disbelief.

Viki's face froze, and she looked at Larry.

"Viki feels like Todd is her son because of their close relationship," Larry said, sidestepping her comment. "He's important to her. Naturally, she's worried about finding the man who did this to Todd. Frankly, I'd like him found, too. When patients are intentionally harmed, it affects me as well."

Téa held a hand to her head and sat down carefully. "Stop it," she said wearily. "Stop arguing. Just help him. Please!"


The police officer gently turned Todd's head to the left and took one more photo to capture the red finger marks on his throat. Viki hovered in the background, watching the man like a hawk. For the last twenty minutes, the officer had documented with film the evidence of her son's assault. Todd still wasn't fully conscious or oriented, and he kept protesting the intrusion with sounds and the occasional four letter word. Larry had told her it was normal for him to be combative given his condition, but she just assumed it was Todd being Todd. If he were sweet and compliant, then she'd be worried.

Larry joined her. "They have a room ready for him."

Viki crossed her arms. "I wish he didn't have to be in an ICU."

"It's standard for both head trauma and serious hypothermia," Larry explained. "He needs to be monitored for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. He'll have regular CT scans to ensure the contusions on his brain don't worsen."

"I'm going to bring up the issue of security at the next hospital board meeting," Viki said. "It's ridiculous that a person was kidnapped from his bed and no one noticed for half an hour. How can anyone feel safe under those circumstances?"

"He'll have police protection."

Viki made a disgusted sound. "Because I threatened Bo with a Banner headline."

Larry chuckled. "Hey. Whatever works, sis."

Viki nodded to the police officer who headed for the door. She walked over to Todd and adjusted his blanket.

"No!" Todd snarled with his teeth bared.

"It's Viki. I'm not hurting you, just tucking the blanket closer so you won't be cold."

Todd's one eye opened; the other one was swollen shut and with the bruises extending from his hairline down to his cheekbone. "Ahhhhhhh," he grumbled.

"I'm over here," Viki said, gently turning his head toward her.

"Uhhhhh," Todd replied. He started breathing faster and seemed confused.

"Can you say my name?" Viki asked. "Viki. Hmm? Let me hear it. Viki."

Todd's lips moved in imitation of the sound. "VVvvv..." he started but trailed off.

"You look a little better cleaned up," Viki said. "Not so much blood everywhere. Your head must ache. There are at least thirty sutures in your scalp. What happened to you?"

Todd blinked several times. "Ddd...aa..." he said.

Viki took his hand. "What are you saying? Can you repeat it?"

Todd's face scrunched up. "Dddd...aaaa...ttt."

Viki felt Todd's hand tighten in hers. "Dad?" she guessed.

Larry joined her. "Does he want Sam?"

Viki was unsure. "Maybe. He does consider him a surrogate father. Both of his fathers are deceased, though, so this is odd."

"The man caught on tape was an older man," Larry pointed out.

Viki shook her head. "It's a mistake. He's not making sense."

"Well, he might not for awhile," Larry pointed out.

"Daaaad," Todd said in a much stronger voice. He snatched his hand back from Viki. "Dad. Dadadadad."

"Who took you from the hospital, Todd?" Larry asked.

"Dad." Todd tried to remove his blankets, but his arms flopped down, exhausted.

"He needs his rest," Larry said with a hand on Viki's shoulder. "You can question him later when he might be able to hold a conversation."


"Oh, Querido," Téa murmured as she entered the ICU. She'd spent a few hours with Starr at Llanfair and gained a sense of renewed strength. She was ready to see him. "Here we are again." She felt relieved and frightened at the sight of Todd. He was alive! That was a blessing. But to have him back in this place was a curse. He could barely handle his first stay. How would he survive this?

"Todd," she said softly, stroking his cheek and smiling when he woke. "It's me. It's Téa. I've been so worried about you." At least he wasn't connected to as many machines this time. He was breathing on his own, although the blasted cardiac monitor and IV's were back. He looked frightened, staring at her wordlessly. She bent down and kissed him. "Hi."

Todd gulped and looked away.

Téa eased into the chair beside the bed. She couldn't get over how messed up he seemed - physically and otherwise. He wasn't the man she'd made love to days ago. She couldn't imagine him grinning and happy or eyes hazy with lust, lips full and swollen with desire and kisses.

Todd reached up and held his hand to his head. He grimaced and nodded when she asked him if his head hurt.

"Starr took the news well. I'm so proud of her for being a big girl. She sends her love and said she could wait to see you but only if you promise to buy her a special toy. She's good with a bargain, the little one."

Todd looked terrified, and Téa's heart clenched. Had she said something wrong?

"She's okay," Tea repeated. "Starr's fine."

Todd's mouth opened and closed. "Starrr," he said.

Téa brightened and took his hand. "Yes!" He was talking!

Todd cringed and snatched his hand away. "Nooo," he said.

Téa grew upset. "I'm sorry. You don't want me to touch you? I'm sorry."

Todd stared at her, and his face transformed before her eyes, growing less guarded. "Téa!" he cried, reaching for her.

Téa carefully hugged him, and he said, "I mmmissed you. I missed you." Todd looked so young and distressed to her. "Ssttarr," he stuttered. "Ssave hherr! Eeveryboddy's upset!"

"What?" she asked, frowning. She couldn't track what he was telling her. What did he want? "Who's everybody? What do you mean? What's wrong with Starr?"

"Uhhh," Todd said. "I ddunno. Um..."

Téa cried out when Todd suddenly grabbed her wrist, hurting her with his strength. His open eye was newly intense and scary. "Get her a bodyguard!" he insisted with a deeper, stronger voice. Todd's face looked cruel and gave her a shiver. "Peter's back," he said. "Todd's trashed. The bastard wants Starr!"