Something Wicked - TOC

Chapter Twenty

 Todd wheels his cart through the store's aisles, rapidly grabbing wires, silly putty, nuts, bolts, and electrical connections. It's an odd assortment Lucky can't figure out.

Lucky sputters. "What's all this garbage, and why are we in a Wal-Mart at 2AM?" "We need to get ready for the meeting with Sorel."

"That's what we're doing," Todd says. He picks up a pair of pliers and turns them around, inspecting them. He decides otherwise and throws them to the floor.

"We're not doing anything except making a mess," Lucky says, brushing off the pliers and placing them back on the shelf.

"Aha," Todd says wisely. "There is a method to my madness."

"Relieved to hear it. Share the method and keep the madness to yourself." It's not the first time Lucky has questioned Todd's sanity, but then the man's scheme did make him a millionaire. He's willing to listen.

Todd stops the cart and adjusts his disguise wig for the umpteenth time. "I like bombs," he confides with a smile that would terrify small children and make flowers wilt.

Lucky frowns. He's seen this smile before, and it certainly negates the need for a scar, so evil it is. "I'm not a criminal," he says.

"We'll make you one yet," Todd promises. "Stick with me. I'll teach you everything I know." He runs the cart over Lucky's foot, making him yelp.

"I don't want to learn," Lucky says, trying to keep pace with Todd's long legs.

"The younger generation," Todd sighs as he throws a length of rope into the cart. "You have no ambition."

Lucky points his finger in Todd's face. "My girlfriend has been kidnapped, and you want to play games. What's wrong with you? You're like a little kid with no attention span."

Todd taps his temple knowingly. "It's all up here, pipsqueak. I have a plan."

"That's what I'm afraid of! You're not exactly sane you know."

"But I'm effective," Todd purrs as his eyes flash and communicate his mental instability.

"I'd be more comfortable with Blair and her fighting purse," Lucky says. "At least she can kill if necessary." His eyes widen as he realizes his mistake. "Oh. I guess you can, too."

Todd grins and claps Lucky on the back. "Always."


Nikolas winces as he and Stavros are dragged across the darkened Cassadine property. Wyndemere looms before him, and he shivers. For the first time, he sees how hideous it looks and understands the evil within. He digs in his heels, and a goon's hand tightens on his arm.

"Stop it!" the man commands. "Or, we'll blow off Stavros' head."

Nikolas cranes his head to get a glimpse of his father. Stavros seems more dead than alive. Or, is he faking? What are they going to do? They have to get away from Stefan. Has he ever really known his uncle? Where is the line between love and control? He's dying inside. It's all so mixed up. Something else is bothering him, and he can't figure out what it is. Where's Helena? Maybe she's behind this. Maybe Stefan's not his enemy after all.

Nikolas is shoved through a back door and pushed against a wall. A goon's arm presses against his throat. "No tricks," the goon hisses. "You'd better listen to Stefan and do exactly as he says. He's very displeased you ran away."

Nikolas sneaks a peek at Stavros and is relieved to see the clear intent in his father's eyes. Stavros can stop Stefan. They'll escape, get to know one another, create a new life. But, he also sees the madness in Stavros' expression. Nikolas' heart leaps in his throat as he's pushed forward. We're going to die, we're going to die, he keeps repeating to himself.

Nikolas falls as he's marched up the dramatic Wyndemere stairs leading to a balcony overlooking the great room below. The goon pulls him up, nearly ripping his arm from his socket, and he cries out. There's a scuffle behind him. Stavros is growling and fighting to break free.

"Release us!" Stavros demands in Greek.

Stefan approaches them on the balcony, followed by a determined looking woman wearing one of Stefan's silk robes. Stefan's Cassadine medal is prominently displayed on his immaculately attired chest. His arms are crossed behind him, giving him a military demeanor. There is no mercy in his eyes as he surveys the two men before him.

"Gentlemen. Welcome home," he says. "The first time you escaped will be your last."

Nikolas feels the ominous atmosphere of Stefan's displeasure and the heavy breathing of Stavros behind him. His knees weaken, but he suddenly remembers his position and straightens up to his full height. "I am the Prince," he informs Stefan. "I will do as I please."

Stefan looks bemused. "You are not in charge," he informs him.  His eyes glint. "And you never will be, Brephos."

"Where's Helena?" Nikolas demands. "She won't allow this!"

Stefan's face suddenly saddens, and he seems at a loss for words, his mouth opening and closing several times.

Nikolas feels queasy at the mention of Helena and the change in Stefan. His head is pounding. He places his forehead in his hand. He cringes when Stefan approaches and draws him into a hug.

Stefan pets his hair. "Nikolas. It is not your fault."

Nikolas pulls away from him. "Fault!?"

"I was forced to do it," Stefan says, sidestepping the question. "Stavros is quite mad. There was no choice. His obsession with Laura was destroying the Cassadines. I could not allow it."

Nikolas thrusts his finger in Stefan's face. "You want the title! That's all you care about. What have you done with Helena? Will you kill me, too? My father is alive! All these years you've denied me!" Nikolas eyes fill with tears, and his chin trembles. "You're a liar! You never loved me." He gestures toward Stavros. "He's my father. He loves me. I can tell."

"He is not capable," Stefan says.

Nikolas' eyes bug out. "Did you drug him? Did you make him forget me?"

"Nikolas!" Stavros yells. "You are my son."

"Silence!" Stefan bellows. "He is my son."

"I find Laura. I find your mother," Stavros promises.

"Your English is despicable!" Stefan snarls. "As are you. She loves Luke Spencer. Get that through your thick head. She does not love you."

"She is MINE!!" Stavros screams.

"I should have let you DIE!" Stefan cries.

Nikolas feels like his head will explode. He leans against a wall and zones out, barely hearing the fierce arguing surrounding him.

"Nikolas," Stefan says. "You are my son. Mine and Laura's. I had to protect you, to ensure your destiny. That is why I didn't tell you. Do not listen to Stavros. He is a madman."

"You, you are worthless!" Stavros says, straining to break free. "You stole my son!"

"You do not deserve him," Stefan replies.

"He is MINE!"

"Is everything and everyone yours? You are a spoiled child!"

Helena's face rises in Nikolas mind, filling him with dread. "Helena," he whispers. Her face, her eyes...they're glazed over...dead? There are hands around her throat. They're shaking her, killing her. Nikolas runs his hands over the wall behind him, trying to ground himself but not succeeding. He looks down at his hands and feels a jolt of fear charge through him. "Nikolas," Helena chokes out. Nikolas can feel his hands squeezing, punishing. He watches as she falls to the floor. He can hear his heavy breathing. "She's dead!!" he screams.

Stavros and Stefan fall silent.

Sweat runs down Nikolas' face.. "I killed her," he whimpers. He lunges toward the balcony railing and holds on for dear life. He looks down into the great room as his mind races. Flashes of Helena's murder consume him.

Stefan gently takes his shoulder, but he fights him fiercely. "Nooooo!"

Stefan nods at Nurse Christy.


Carly is amused and relieved as Sonny stares deeply into her eyes and touches her shoulders, arms, and face like he can't believe she's real. "You're safe," he breathes out. "I...I was worried Sorel had you, and...I couldn't live if..if..."

Carly smoothes her hand over his dark curls. "Sonny. It's okay," she whispers. "I'm okay. Honestly."

Sonny steps back and studies her, his expression haunted and grim. "Are you sure? 'Cause I'm gonna kill somebody if you're not."

"Well, I was scared, yes. But, I wasn't in any real danger." She taps her temple. "Stavros, he's not all there. He's demented. He mistook me for Laura."

Sonny scoffs. "Luke said he's been kidnapping blondes all over the city."

"I'm really scared for Nikolas. They're both hurt, and Nikolas won't leave Stavros' side. I kind of brained the guy with some candlesticks in the creepy mausoleum. I'm not sure. Maybe Stavros is dead." Carly bites her lip. "Sonny, I've never killed anyone before..."

Sonny's smile doesn't meet his steely eyes. "It'd serve him right. The man has no business abusing women. He needs to be locked up. Or, Luke can kill him again. Permanently this time."

"But what about Nikolas? He finally has his father after all these years!"

"I don't care about the Cassadines!" Sonny yells. He glances at the policemen staring in their direction. He lowers his voice as he takes her arm. "Come on. Let Benny take both you and Laura back to the penthouse. You'll be safe there."

Carly is puzzled. "What? You're not coming home?"

Sonny shakes his head. "No. I need to join Luke. We have to plan how we're going to rescue Elizabeth."

"Elizabeth! What about me?"

"You're okay now," Sonny says. "Now I gotta go help Luke."

"You don't owe him anything!"

"I'm close to Lucky, and Elizabeth is very important to him. Me, too."

Carly waves her hand in derision. "Why the savior complex, Sonny? Huh? Your only responsibility is to your family. Sorel wants to kill you! Come home with me."

Sonny shakes his head. "I’m sorry Carly. I gotta take care of business. You know that."

"I don't want you killed!"

Sonny flashes his dimples. "I won't be."

"Sonny, please!"

Sonny motions to Benny. "Go with him, Carly."

Carly fiercely hugs Sonny, clinging and refusing to let go. "Ignore Sorel. Forget about it."

"Ain't over 'til it's over," Sonny replies. "I'll be back soon."


Lucky leans over Todd's shoulder, watching him fiddle with more parts then he can identify. He nervously looks around them, focusing on the docks where Sorel will soon bring Elizabeth. "You never told me what exactly you're doing, Todd. How's this bomb going to help us?"

Todd sighs dramatically. "It's backup. If the man doesn't do what we want, then BOOM!"

Lucky pushes Todd. "I don't want Elizabeth to get hurt!"

Todd swats him away. "Simmer down. Nothing's gonna happen to Strawberry Shortcake." Todd barks out a laugh. "Pipsqueak and Shortcake. Kinda cute if you like that sort of thing."

"This isn't a game!"

Todd shrugs. He snaps one more part in place and rises to face Lucky.

"Somebody's gotta win. Might as well be me."

Lucky stares at the remote control in Todd's hand. "You aren't going to use that."

Todd glares at him. "I've spent thirty dollars and four hours of my precious time constructing this. Of course I'm going to use it. If not on that Sorel guy then somebody else."

"Stick to journalism, Todd."

"I'm a pretty good anti-terrorist, too," Todd says. "Nobody from Ireland will ever set foot in Llanview again."

"Sorel's from Jersey."

"What's the difference?"

Lucky gives up. They've been up all night. He's too tired to explain citizenship, accents, and culture to a man who won't listen to anyone but the voices in his head.


Nikolas is bent over the balcony railing, panting. He feels Stefan leave him and is startled by Nurse Christy. She has a huge syringe pointed at him, and he knocks it out of her hand. "No!" he cries as she tries to grab him. He harshly shoves her away and gasps in shock as she crashes against the railing and continues up over it. Her paisley robe flies behind her as she sails toward the hard floor below. She futilely claws at the air, shrieking, until she lands with a sick thud. Blood slowly fans out beneath her head, and the robe sash lies against her neck like a garret.

Nikolas makes a tremulous sound as he stares at the carnage. The woman's long, brown hair reminds him of Emily, and the thing on her neck.... "EMILY!!" he shouts over and over. "EMILY!" She's dead, she's dead. Andreas killed her. She's dead! He can't live with this. He can't! It's not possible. "NO!"

Nikolas quickly climbs the balcony railing. "Emily! Emily! I love you," he chokes out as he swings a leg over the railing.

Stefan, Stavros and a goon rush to him, holding on, refusing to allow him to jump. Nikolas struggles. "No!" he sobs. Finally, he falls back onto Stavros, knocking him down.

There are so many hands on him, calling his name, calling Brephos. English, Greek, it's all swirling around him, not making sense. All he can feel is his heart breaking, and the desperation to end it.

Stavros cradles Nikolas in his arms, making crooning sounds. He looks up at Stefan and pleads. "Let me find his mother. Please. The boy needs Laura. I...I'll do whatever you want. Chain me. Lock me up. But first let me help the boy."


Sonny and Luke join Todd and Lucky near the docks. "We don't need you two here," Luke says. "Scram."

"Dad..." Lucky protests.

"I'm not discussing this with you, Cowboy. It's too dangerous."

"Elizabeth is my girlfriend!"

"Yeah," Todd says.

Luke glares at him. "Nobody asked for your opinion."

Todd shrugs and adjusts a box under his arm.

"Too late," Sonny says, pointing at the boat that approaches. "He's here." He pats the briefcase he's carrying. "One million dollars in small bills."

Todd snorts.

"What's your problem, buddy?"

"I wouldn't pay him," Todd replies. "You need a better plan."

"Who the hell are you?" Sonny yells.

"Someone who knows how to protect his money."

"He's coming," Luke says, interrupting them. "He's got Elizabeth. Let's go meet him." He holds his hand up. "You," he says to Lucky. "Are staying right here. Todd, if you want to come, shut your mouth."

Todd makes a face at Luke's back as he follows the two men. Lucky watches from a distance and then runs to join Todd.

Sorel is standing on the docks with a frightened looking Elizabeth and a huge goon who appears to have the IQ of a slug. "Guido can snap her neck," Sorel threatens. "You'd better have the cash!"

Guido gives them a huge smile.

Sonny raises the briefcase. "It's all here."

Sorel nods at Luke. "He can bring me the money."

Luke hands off the briefcase and backs off while Sorel inspects the contents. Sorel nods, and Guido picks up Elizabeth and carries her while she protests and squirms.

"Elizabeth!" Lucky cries.

When Guido sets her down, she runs into Lucky's arms.

"This better end the trouble between us," Sonny says, frowning.

Sorel smiles. "We've just begun, Corinthos. The war is on!"

"We have a deal!" Sonny yells.

"Here goes nothing," Todd mutters. "Here's a little bonus," he says as he lobs a box to Guido.

"It's a present," Guido says excitedly. He hands it to Sorel. "Is it your birthday?"

"Tick tock," Todd says, grinning. He holds up his remote and presses it. A ticking sound fills the air, and a little red light begins pulsing on the side of the box.

"Is this some kind of trick?" Sorel hands the box back to Guido, who tosses it to Todd.

"I don't want it!" Todd shouts. He throws it back to Guido, who tries to give it to Sorel.

"What is this?" Sorel demands. He places the box on the docks and hugs Sonny's briefcase to his chest.

"Three, two, one..." Todd counts. "It's a bomb."

Sorel's face lights up with fear, and he punches Guido. "Get rid of it!!"

A huge, roaring boom rips through the air, and the sky lights up brightly.

Smoke and shattered wood greet Luke and Sonny when they run to the docks. All that's left is a charring hole where the two mobsters were standing.

Todd claps and then whistles through his teeth.

Luke holds Sonny back. "Uh, no. We'd better not walk on there. It might sink."

The dock folds and slips into the harbor, and loads of dollar bills flutter in the air.

"My money!" Sonny whines. He turns and waves a clenched fist at Todd. "This is your fault!"

Todd's right eyebrow arches. "You wouldn't pay a million dollars to eliminate the competition? I've done you a favor."

Sonny sputters and then shakes his head.

"Man's got a point," Luke says. "Let's get out of here before Bubba decides to be a cop again."

Elizabeth huddles in Lucky's arms as they all walk off, and no one notices the huge yacht that approaches the harbor.


Luke joins Laura beside Nikolas' graveside. The ornate coffin is perched above a deep hole, and an Orthodox priest drones on and on. He casts a wary glance at Stefan, who is knee-deep in a dramatic performance of grief. Luke stiffens when Stefan's crocodile tears roll down his cheeks. They'll have to watch his every move for a clue to Nikolas' whereabouts, perhaps follow him after the phony funeral.

Luke wraps his arm around Laura's waist and whispers in her ear. "We recovered Elizabeth, and Sorel's dead. All in all, a pretty good morning."

"I can't believe Stefan's crying over Nikolas," Laura whispers back. "I hate him. He hid my son for years. What is he up to?"

Lucky joins Luke with Todd in tow. Luke makes a face. Lucky needs better friends than Todd Manning. Todd is stuck to his son like glue, a bad influence, the worst actually. Figures no one but a kid would hang out with Todd.

Todd yawns loudly, and Stefan glares at him.

Todd adjusts his disguise wig and noisily inhales then spits on the ground.

Well, he annoys the Bat, Luke thinks. He's got one thing going for him.

Luke sniffs the air. Man, they all smell bad, like a mixture of gunpowder, smoky wood, and...silly putty? He shakes his head. Weird.

The priest finally finishes his eulogy and makes some kind of a holy hand wave over the coffin.  The boring funeral is finally over.

"Let's go find a restroom," Todd says to Lucky. "I gotta pee."


Stavros slips behind a tree and watches Laura standing beside their son's grave. Her hair is still long and blond, but she looks tired, older than his last memory of her. They are both older now, perhaps wiser. They have a duty; they must be good parents. Nikolas is lying in bed at Wyndemere, sedated and waiting to be transported to the yacht. The boy needs his mother. He's lost so much. Before, his son was a baby, but he is now a man like him, a man who loves deeply. A man who has suffered a loss.

Stavros nervously snaps his fingers and hums under his breath. He'll have to wait for an opportune moment, when Luke Spencer leaves her side. Stefan had allowed him to take a pistol. If Luke interferes, he'll kill him. It would be suitable payback.

So Helena is dead. And here he thought he'd have the honor. Apparently Stefan did, too. Ironically, Nikolas was the one to finish her off. Yet, Nikolas is sensitive like his mother. He isn't taking this well.

Stavros hums a little louder, trying to tune out the constant voices in his mind. They always come back, bugging him, needling him, telling him he is a loser. Well, he'll prove them wrong this time. He closes his eyes and summons Laura in his mind. "Come to me," he murmurs. "Come to me." He's listened to his mother's incantations many times. They always work. "Come," he commands Laura. "You will come."

Stavros opens his eyes and spots Laura looking around her with a confused expression on her face. She touches Luke's arm, says something, and he nods. She's walking toward him. She must have told Luke she is taking a brief walk to clear her mind. "Come," Stavros murmurs again. He slips out of her line of vision to another tree closer to her. When Laura strolls past the large tree, he snatches her from the path, pulling her behind it.

Laura's eyes are huge and terrified as she stares up into his face. Stavros gives her a lopsided grin, taking his hand from her mouth to cover it with a huge kiss. She struggles until he replaces his lips with a chloroformed rag. His heart races as she folds like a limp flower in his arms. He hugs her closely, breathing in her scent and stroking her hair. He peers over at Luke, but the man is busy talking to someone and does not turn around.

Stavros stares at Laura's face again and smiles as he scoops her up and hands her to a waiting goon. "Lovelovelovelovelove..." he sings under his breath as they run for the yacht.


Sonny enters the Penthouse with Elizabeth in tow. "Are you sure you don't want to go to GH?" he asks her.

Elizabeth shakes her head and tentatively touches the marks where her wrists were bound. "No. I just need to wash up and place a bandage on my wrist."

"Well, you'll be safe here until Nikolas' funeral is over. You can stay as long as you like."

Carly rushes into the living room. "Thank God! You're both okay?"

"Fine, fine. We're fine," Sonny says. "I told you I'd take care of business."

Elizabeth sways on her feet, and Carly rushes over. "Let's go." She places an arm around Elizabeth and guides her upstairs.

Sonny is pouring a drink when Carly returns.

"I helped her clean up, and she's lying down now," Carly says. "Why'd you bring her here?"

Sonny raises a toast to his wife and then gulps down the liquor. "Ahhh," he says. "Not your favorite person?"

Carly crosses her arms. "I'm just tired of sharing my husband. I'm tired of the constant danger, the death threats, the bombs, the guns. Shall I continue?"

Sonny pulls her into his arms and kisses her gently. He searches her eyes. "Is that better?" He laughs and ducks when she tries to slap him. "Geez, woman. It's more dangerous in my own home than out on the streets."

Carly's eyes tear up. "Don't be a hero, Sonny. I don't want to lose you."

Sonny takes her hand and places it over his heart. "I'm not goin' away. Not without you."

"Let's go to Puerto Rico," Carly says. "Let's bring Michael, stay in the villa, and just be a family. I need you -- 24/7."

Sonny grins. "Your wish is my command."


Luke decides to talk to Alexis to see if she knows anything about Stefan's plans. He's worried about her. She'd been subdued during Nikolas' funeral, refusing to look at anyone. Does she know Nikolas is alive? They don't have proof, but Laura's psychic signals are on the mark. She's certain Stefan is lying.

Luke is surprised to see Stefan swiftly leaving the funeral, dragging Alexis behind him. He has a death grip on her wrist. "Natasha!" he calls out.

"Luke!" Alexis cries. "Help! Luke..."

Luke turns to find Laura and discovers she's disappeared. "Hey," he says. What's happening? Stefan has pulled a fast one! "Laura!" he cries. He jerks when he feels the gun in his back.

"You're coming with me," a goon says. "I have orders to shoot if you don't cooperate."

Luke twirls around and grabs the goon's arm, but another guy stuns him with a blow to the head. Arms behind his back, he's led toward the huge yacht looming in the distance. He squints and sees a woman being lifted onto the boat. Her blond hair hangs down from her senseless body. "LAURA!" he shouts. This is a nightmare, like the time Stavros kidnapped her. Oh God, it IS Stavros! He's hugging her tightly. But, why kidnap him. Unless they meant to kill him in front of Laura. They are twisted and evil enough to enjoy that. He'd give anything for his buddy Robert Scorpio right now. Or even Todd Manning.


Todd and Lucky walk slowly back to the grave site. Lucky is puzzled. "Where is everyone? We were only gone a minute."

"They've probably gone to a nice brunch without us," Todd says, pouting. He rubs his stomach. "I'm hungry. No fair."

"You are seriously weird," Lucky says. "This isn't normal. Dad said Nikolas isn't dead. He wouldn't leave without telling us the plan."

"Uh-oh," Todd says. He points toward the water. "What's that?"

"The yacht! Oh no. It's the Cassadine vessel of doom."

"What's the deal with these Cass-ass-adines?" Todd asks.

"No time to explain," Lucky says. "We need a boat. Can you steal one?"

"Do I look like a criminal?"


Todd throws Lucky a gun. "Here. You'll need this."

"What about you?"

"I'm loaded. Plus, I have a mini bomb. I had lots of parts left over."

When Todd unties a speed boat, Lucky is impressed. "This will do," he says, jumping in.

"What happens when we reach this floating eyesore?" Todd asks.

"I thought you knew."

"Are you Luke's son? Get a clue. Get a PLAN for godsakes.

As Todd maneuvers the speed boat, letting it rip at fifty miles an hour, Lucky points his gun at the yacht. Todd snorts. "What are you going to do? Shoot a hole in it?"

"There!" Lucky says, pointing. "They're all on the deck of the ship! Mom, Dad...and Nikolas! He's alive! Oh no. Andreas is there, too. Stefan, Alexis...and Stavros. Man, he looks just like my brother."

Todd sets the boat to idle, and they quietly approach the side of the yacht. "I think Luke saw us," he says. "I'm hoping they'll jump ship. Then we can scoop and run."

A load commotion erupts on the deck of the ship, shouting, the sound of punches, and people falling. Suddenly, two people holding hands jump off the ship and splash down beside the boat. Lucky and Todd pull Luke and a semi-conscious Laura onto the speed boat.

"Hurry!" Luke yells. He pushes Todd aside and takes control of the boat. Lucky holds onto Laura tightly. Even though Luke drives the boat at maximum speed, Stefan's goons are right behind them.

Lucky shoots his gun at them, and a fierce gunfight ensues. All of them duck, trying to dodge bullets while Todd manipulates a very small box. "Got it!" he says. "Hey, Luckster, how good's your throwing arm?"

"I'm an expert pitcher," Lucky says.

"Throw this onto their boat. Luke, slow down a sec so they'll be closer."

"What? You're crazy!"

Todd lunges and slows down the boat. Luke pushes him aside, but Lucky has time to throw the box.

"Contact!" Todd yells. "Keep your heads down. Don't want any shrapnel to kill us."

A massive explosion tears the goons' boat in two, and the men crash into the foamy water.

Everyone cheers, and Luke quickly docks the boat. "Let's go!" Luke shouts. "Before Stefan has time to send another boat after us."

Laura frowns and waves her arms as Luke carries her off the boat. "Nikolas? Where's Nikolas?"

"We couldn’t take him," Luke explains.

"My baby!" she cries. "I want my son!"

"I'm sorry, Laura." Luke forces Laura to walk quickly, and he drags her when she protests. "I'm not letting him kidnap you again!"

Todd claps Lucky on the back. "I've got to get this to press, Junior." His disguise wig has drowned in the water, and his regular hair is all askew.

Lucky stands by himself near the dock and watches as the yacht sets sail, moving very slowly away from Port Charles. The entire Cassadine clan is on it, including his brother. "Nikolas," he whispers. Fear clutches his heart, and he shouts, "Nikolas!!" He imagines his brother's tense, white face and realizes he may never see him again. They can't leave him! They have to rescue him! He turns to find someone to help, but they're all gone!

A tear runs down Lucky's cheek. "God help him," he says. "Save him from his family."

~The End~