Since GASS began in 1998, the most frequently asked question has been "How do I catch a gar anyway?"  Understand, this is much like asking Bill Gates "What do computers do?" or like going to the Louvre and saying "So what's this I hear about Art?"
     The first step to catching a gar is knowing  which species of gar you’re after. You can’t catch a    40-lb longnose with the same techniques you    would use on a 5-lb shortnose. So to help you identify the gar you may be seeing in your local    waters, use the following gar key.


1.  Is the snout long and very skinny; at least twice as long as the rest of the head and no more than an inch or two wide?

YES: You are seeing a LONGNOSE GAR!

        Click here to find out how to catch a longnose!

NO: Go to #2

2.  Are they big, broad-snouted, Southern fish with some over 6-feet long?

YES: You are seeing the awesome ALLIGATOR GAR!

       Click here to learn how to catch a 'gator gar!

NO:  Go to #3

3. Are they covered with distinct spots over head, body, and fins?

NO:  You are seeing the scrappy SHORTNOSE GAR!

       Click here to learn how to catch a shortnose!

YES:  Go to #4

4.  Are you in Florida?

YES: What you are seeing is a FLORIDA GAR!

NO:  What you are seeing is a SPOTTED GAR!

        Click here to learn how to catch Florida or spotted gar!


© 2004 Gar Anglers' Sporting Society