

 Functional Differences


 Carl Moreschi


 February 2000

 Note: This modification is not supported by or in anyway approved by Ten-Tec, Inc.  Persons performing this modification do so at their own risk.


Removal of the Omni V Keypad

You need to remove all the knobs (it takes quite a small Allen key) -yes ALL plus the nut for the tuning knob (remove the 'rubber' ring on the tuning knob carefully - the silver plastic ring on the front will come off with it)  and the nut for the phones AND the 4 Phillips screws.

I found that I could rotate the panel on the POWER switch and mic wiring.

The key pad is held in with 8 (or is it 6) screws.  (I suggest you make a sketch outlining how the tabs are configured - above the board or below it - I didn't and as a result the first time I re-assembled the keypad it would not tighten-up against the front panel).  The top and bottom screws  have little tabs that can be easily lost while the end screws have tabs that are glued (why I don't know) to the back of the front panel. (Two of mine came un-glued)

With the screws and plugs removed -- the panel (entire grey assembly) pushes out toward the front.

Another small 8 Phillips screws hold the back of the panel on (you need to remove the 2 screws near the tuning knob must be removed). After that its a mess to rearrange the keys and install them back into the panel and reverse the assembly process.  Double check the key layout - you don't want to do this twice - and make sure all the LEDs are in the correct holes!

As I said  - tedious but not difficult  - take your time

Keypad layout for right side 18 keys.

           VFO->M         M->VFO          CLRCLK     (no change on this row)

             1               2                 3
            160             80                40

             4               5                 6
            30              20                18

             7               8                 9
            15              12                10a

           ENTER         SHIFT             CLEAR     (new keys)

           dn arrow      up arrow         vce       (no change on this row)

The numbers above the band buttons are added as stickers and are used for direct frequency entry.  The new buttons are "enter", "shift", and "clear".  The other band buttons are re-arranged as indicated. The 10b, 10c, and 10d buttons are no longer needed and can be relabelled (“enter”, “shift” and “clear” or replaced if you’re lucky enough to find new buttons).  The new software can remember any part of the 10 meter band so only one 10 meter button is needed.