paper images                    SCENERY 

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 EGG_HARBOR_005.jpg (206542 bytes)          GOOSBERRY_012.jpg (258402 bytes)          GULL_PT_013.jpg (153585 bytes)  

   EGG HARBOR     WI                      GOOSEBERRY FALLS      MINN               YELLOWSTONE    WY   

 Road to Northport002.jpg (143452 bytes)          Rainier1691.jpg (111703 bytes)         SeaStacks0021.jpg (23407 bytes)

Road to Northport      wi            Mt. Rainier       Wa                      Sea Stacks         Or           

SisterBayDock0008.jpg (50287 bytes)           Bristlecone Pine1401.jpg (141153 bytes)       ARCHES.jpg (129593 bytes)  

SISTER BAY         WI                       bristle cone PINE      MT. EVANS        ARCHES  NAT.  PARK

  EggHarbor950004.jpg (24464 bytes)          PennPark0001.jpg (67555 bytes)       Ssunrise1398.jpg (43648 bytes)   

     Egg Harbor            Wi                             Pennisula Park               Wi                    Reflection Lake                 Wa