Chapter Forty-Four
Bobbie raced for the phone, and her feet barely avoided crushing an unopened box of ornaments on the only narrow path left in the living room. Christmas decorations were unpacked everywhere and waiting to be hung on the tree and mantel.
"Hello?" she answered a little irritated.
"Hello gorgeous," Tony's silky voice replied.
"Hey, handsome. What can I do for you?" Bobbie purred huskily.
"You mean there's more?" asked Tony incredulously. "I thought I already died and went to heaven last night."
"So that was you?" Bobbie teased. "Is that what those dozen red roses were for? The card only read, 'To the most luscious redheaded nurse I ever fell in love with.'"
"Mmmm don't start me up again, honeypot. I might not be able to stop."
"Tony, you're so bad. Phone sex in the middle of the afternoon. What's on your mind, the other part of your mind, I mean. You know, the one in your skull."
"I spoke to my attorney. In fact, I just finished the call. The private investigator delivered his preliminary report."
"And?" Bobbie asked with mounting curiosity.
"We file a custody suit next week, " Tony said decisively. "The investigator found out that Laura hasn't even registered Lulu for school, and she had her sixth birthday in July. He has photographs of her slapping and hitting Lulu in the parking lot of a local Wal-Mart and leaving Lulu unbuckled in her car seat."
"No," said Bobbie slowly with a hurt tone in her voice. "So has Laura moved to the trailer park yet?" she added dryly.
Tony chuckled. "Now who's bad? There's something a bit more disturbing," he said in a low voice. "There may be some illegal activity taking place in the home. A series of 20 or 30 different men have been spotted entering and leaving her house at all times of night. The suspicion of crime has been reported to the local police, so there's the chance that we may have a police report to use against her."
Bobbie laughed out loud. "That little hypocrite. She always held my past over my head. So, have you told Lucky what we're doing?"
"No, not yet. I want to wait until we have a clear idea what's going down." Tony sighed. "That's the other issue I wanted to discuss with you. Lucky's been experiencing a worsening depression, and Kevin wants him to be watched more closely. It's hard if I need to go to work or the store. Lucky can't be left alone, so I was wondering if we could bunk at the Brownstone with you and Lucas over the holidays. I know it is an imposition, but I think it would do Lucky a world of good to be surrounded by family at this time of year."
"Tony, that's an excellent idea," said Bobbie excitedly. "You know how much I enjoy family times. Let's do it. We'll find a way to make it work." Bobbie's mind raced with the possibilities. "Lucas will love it. He's always idolized Lucky as the older brother he never had."
"Great," said Tony. "Now all I have to do is convince Lucky."
Next day, 7 PM
Lucky stood nervously on the porch of the Quartermaine mansion, a handful of flowers gripped tightly in his tense hand and a long, white box of candy tucked under his arm. He'd agreed to have dinner with the Q's, but now was questioning the wisdom of that decision. It had been years since he'd last visited the mansion, back when he and Em were kids. He ran his fingers over his newly trimmed hair, adjusted his tie and cleared his throat repeatedly while waiting for the butler to answer the massive front door. He also had a special Christmas gift tucked discreetly in his right pocket. Lucky glowed with excitement at the thought of Emily opening up her gift. Right when he was deep in a broad grin, Reginald the butler opened up the front door and laughed.
"Mr. Spencer," he said. "Or should I call you Romeo? Come on in, they're expecting you. Good luck, kid," he added in a low, ironic voice. Lucky entered the doorway and quickly wiped his shining leather shoes on the inside doormat. He glanced up briefly at the bright, multi-tiered crystal chandelier and gave his coat to Reginald's offering hand. Lucky stepped into the foyer and was surprised by a sneak attack bear hug from Emily, who had silently approached from a side hallway.
"Lucky!" she said breathlessly, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
"Ouch!" exclaimed Lucky as he jerked away.
Emily frowned. "What's the matter, Lucky? Are you hurt?"
Lucky smiled weakly and held his sore side. "Sorta," he said. "I fell and broke a rib yesterday."
"Didn't you do that very same thing a couple of months ago?" admonished Emily as she held her hands on her hips. "You need to be more careful." Emily's fingers gently brushed Lucky's cheek. "Looks like you bashed your face a bit, too. Maybe we should buy you some old guy crepe-soled orthopedic shoes like my grandfather wears."
"Oh, thanks, Em, great advice there," chuckled Lucky as he shook his head. "Come here," he said softly as he carefully gave her a soft hug and warm kiss on her lips. "Love you," he whispered softly in her ear. He pulled away and looked deeply in her eyes as he held her hand
"I love you, too," Emily said as her eyes sparkled and danced.
Lucky held up the semi-crushed white box. "This candy is for your grandmother, and the flowers are for the table." He turned the box back and forth appraisingly. "Hope they don't mind the mashed flowers and dented box, Em."
Emily swatted Lucky in the arm as Edward entered the foyer with a scowl. "Are you two lovebirds going to stand out here making goo-goo eyes at each other all night or do you plan to join us at the table? Come, on. We're starving." Edward reached out and took the flowers and candy from Lucky. "Thank you, young man," he said gruffly. "Lila will appreciate these."
Emily and Lucky looked at each other with surprised eyes and barely stifled their laughter as they held hands and followed Edward into the dining room.
Lucky sat quietly at the Quartermaine table and waited for the next course. By some miracle, Cook had decided to go all out and provide an entire five course dinner. Lucky was starting to relax a bit. He made it through the salad and appetizer without spilling any food, using the wrong utensil or missing his mouth with his fork. He creased the red cloth napkin in his lap repeatedly, waiting for the next question.
Edward and Alan took turns asking Lucky questions about his job, school, transportation and living arrangements. It was like a good cop/bad cop television scene with the two men alternating roles. Every once in a while Lila interjected a comment about the lovely flowers that Lucky brought or Emily talked about the movie that she and Lucky had recently seen. Monica smiled encouragingly at the teens when the bad cop wore his hat.
As the entrée was served and everyone concentrated on the food, Edward relaxed and settled into his usual pattern of pontificating on a subject that interested only him.
"Technology is a very sound career choice, young man," said Edward with a stern scowl, pointing his knife in Lucky's direction. Lucky froze with a forkful of roast beef hovering in the air near his mouth.
"Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world; you would do well to emulate his business success." Lucky smiled weakly and looked over at Emily for moral support. "Just make sure that you add some business courses to all that technical mumbo-jumbo," Edward advised grouchily.
"I'm required to take accounting," Lucky offered tentatively.
"Good! Very good!" Edward affirmed. "You can never trust your accountants. It pays to look over the books every now and then. Keeps them on their toes. Now if Alan would have taken more accounting courses, General Hospital might not be in the sad financial shape it's in."
"I have accountants that work for me, Father," reminded Alan with a grim look on his face.
"And they're the ones you can't trust, Alan," interjected Edward. "All the pain and trouble that you could have avoided in your life if you just would have listened to me. But, no, you had to do your own thing and make a mess of it."
AJ suddenly rose from the table and excused himself. "I'm done," he announced. "I have some business to attend to. Good night everyone." Emily shot a death glance at AJ's retreating back. Coward, she thought. Where's my backup when I need it. I need him to take some potshots from Grandfather.
The other diners rapidly consumed their meals while Edward and Alan argued back and forth. Lucky's food started rumbling ominously in his stomach, and he wondered how long this dinner could possibly last. He looked at Emily again, and she smiled apologetically. Lucky's eyes traveled to the clock nestled in the nearby bookcase. It only read 7:59. Damn, he thought. I feel like I've been here forever. Wonder when Edward will start up on me again? Lucky sneaked a furtive glance in Edward's direction and dropped his silver fork on his bone china plate with a loud crash. Edward had been staring at him. Lucky gulped rapidly as he and Edward looked at each other eye to eye for minutes with not one word passing between them. Lucky felt a large drop of sweat release itself from the area of his shoulder blades and slide rapidly down his back and into his nether regions.
Cook saved Lucky when the final course of cheese and fruit was delivered to the table. Lucky looked gratefully at the servant and was surprised at the wink that was offered to him. Lucky was halfway through with his fruit and cheese and starting to hope that he'd made it through the dinner, when Edward started his soliloquy again.
"Young man, your hair is too long for business," Edward advised, pointing and wagging a slice of cheese at Lucky. "But, Bill Gates is an odd looking fellow. Looks aren't everything. It's the brains," Edward said, tapping his crown with an arthritic index finger. "Brains will make you successful."
"But they won't keep you warm at night," added Monica with a weary sigh.
"And of course, sex is all you think about, Monica," snorted Edward derisively. "If you and Alan spent more time on business and less on pleasure, I wouldn't have to constantly worry about my estate."
The Quartermaine family dinner was officially over with Monica's usual pronouncement. "Oh, put a sock in it, Edward."
As Lucky rose from the table, ready to make his escape, he was intersected by Edward. "Young man," he said warmly, wrapping an arm around Lucky's shoulders. "Do you play golf?" The two men walked together toward the study. Lucky shook his head 'no' to answer the question. Edward replied, "Well, then we must teach you. Golf is the lifeblood of business. Every businessman worth his salt must have a good game. You'll come with me to the driving range at the country club. I'll teach you the proper way." Lucky shot a terrified glance at Emily, who shrugged and looked terrified in return. As Edward managed to abscond with Lucky, he continued his rant, "Now Lucky, what kind of a name is that? We'll start calling you Lorenzo. That's a more distinguished name for a young man of your stature."
Lucky and Emily sat in his car, while Lucky adjusted the heater and the two listened to music. "Em," he said. "That dinner took two years off of my life."
Emily snuggled closer to Lucky and smiled. "Actually, I've never seen Grandfather take to someone like he did to you. I think he really likes you."
"Is that a good thing?" Lucky asked curiously.
"Of course, it is, silly," Emily said, pinching the fat spot on Lucky's waist.
"He's already made me promise to go to the country club with him next Saturday. What am I going to do?"
"Learn to play golf?" Emily suggested.
Lucky changed the subject. "Do you want your early Christmas present?" he asked teasingly. "
Emily quickly sat up straight and squealed. "YES! YES!"
"I could wait until after Christmas to give it to you, if that's when you want it," he suggested evilly.
"NO!" shouted Emily. "Now, I want it NOW."
Lucky reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, carefully wrapped silver box, offering it to Emily with one hand outstretched.
"Oooohhh," she said excitedly as she took the present and ripped at the paper. She slowly opened the black velour hinged jewelry box and gasped in surprise and delight at the treasure within. It was a gold necklace with a small, ruby heart pendant surrounded by two tiny diamond baguettes.
Lucky's eyes softened as he looked at Emily. "I bought that for you because I want you to remember that you have my heart." Emily's eyes shone with tears, and she leaned over to passionately kiss Lucky on the lips. "And you have mine, too," she said breathlessly. "I love you, Lucky." "And, I love you, Emily," Lucky replied.
"Now for your gift," Emily shouted and bounced up and down on the seat. She reached for a medium sized Christmas bag and handed it to Lucky. Lucky reached inside the tissue paper and pulled out a new Palmpilot. "Oh, man," he said in a low appreciative voice. "This is going to come in handy for school and for work." Emily smiled broadly. "That's why I bought it for you! Did I buy the right one?" Lucky laughed. "You sure did. It's perfect. Thank you, Emily." Emily smiled. "You're welcome, Lucky."
Lucky placed the bag on the seat and reached for Emily. The two hugged gently for several minutes, and then began a long and passionate kiss. Five or six songs played on the radio, and still the two kissed on and on. As four hands started roaming two bodies, the Quartermaine porch light turned on and flooded the entire front yard with bright light. A bent old man appeared as a silhouette on the porch. Lucky and Emily jumped and separated quickly as Emily adjusted her clothing and sighed. "Grandfather."
Lucky leaned in and lightly kissed Emily again. "And on that note," he said brightly as they both opened their car doors, "Good night, Emmy-poo." Emily grinned. "Good night, Lorenzo."