Chapter Seven

Vicki jumps up and turns to look out of the French doors. There is a tall man hanging around the doors, peering in one of the panes. He has a pained look on his face and is motioning to the door. He has a long scar raking down the side of his face, and he hasn’t had a shave in several days. His movements are harsh and jerky.

"Oh…" Vicki breaths out quickly in relief. "That’s my brother Todd. He hasn’t mastered the art of ringing the front doorbell yet. TODD! Come on in here." Vicki unlocks the French doors as Todd saunters into the library, picking up books and decorative items along the way, examining them and throwing them back down as he heads over to the loveseats.

"Who are you?" Todd inquires. Emily is speechless and a bit intimidated by the rude, abrupt man standing in front of her.

Lucky jumps up and stands protectively between Emily and Todd. Todd gives him a quick look up and down and snorts. "Simmer down, Clark Kent. Save the ‘S’ for another day." Todd chuckles again, amused as always by his own strange sense of humor. He moves toward his sister again. "Sis, I’ve got to talk to you. I have a problem."

"What’s new Todd," Vicki sighs.

"Hey, I object to that."

"Well, isn’t that the truth?" Vicki counters.

"Yeah, well, I have computer problems, networking problems, big, major, hunky doo-doo computer network problems. I need to find me a computer expert. Do you know any good ones, maybe someone that used to work at the Banner?"

"Todd, why would I want to share my employees with you when you have, correct that HAD, a competing newspaper?"

"Well, you know I always value your opinion, Vicki." Todd suddenly looks like a lost little boy all of ten years of age. Lucky and Emily don’t know what to make of the strange relationship between the elegant, stylish society matron and the ill-mannered boor in front of them. The sinister man seems to have her twisted around his little finger.

Lucky, ever the resourceful Spencer, steps in and says, "I have a computer business. Maybe I can help."

Todd turns and looks at him with dead eyes and a blank look on his face as the wheels turn in his brain. Slowly, a reptilian, Grinch-like grin starts ever so small at his mouth and begins picking up speed as it creases his face, accentuating the wicked scar across his cheek.


Liz wakes up early, stretching, then lying back in bed to recall the absolutely perfect day that she spent with Jason yesterday. Liz hugs her pillow tightly. She’s feeling very sensuous this morning, and the satin of the pillowcase reminds her of Jason’s soft, soft skin – and his soft kisses.

They had stopped at a scenic spot off the road for a break. Jason held his arms around her middle while she nestled her head into his chest. Her heart beat strongly in rhythm to Jason’s strong heartbeat. They talked about everything and nothing, and then they hopped back on the bike to Port Charles, all the while riding like the wind, free and easy.

Some people might make fun of Jason and his spiky, pseudo-flat top hair – like a Marine gone mob. Not Liz. To her, Jason was like a Navy Seal with the flash and profile of a Tom Cruise. Jason was a <i>man</i>.

Liz frowns lightly at that thought. Liz remembers her relationship with her first love, Lucky. It was tender, sweet, and romantic — everything a girl could want. But, it was with a boy. Liz thinks that maybe that was part of their problems lately. Lucky is still a boy, but now Liz wants a man with a capital M. She is a woman, ready and waiting.


Stefan Cassadine is experiencing fear, a new emotion for him. He paces in the foyer of Wyndemere, stroking his goatee with a shaky hand. His sister, Alexis, is standing opposite of him, not quite sure why she is here.

"Stefan, why am I here? You woke me out of a perfectly sound sleep with your phone call, ordering me to Wyndemere immediately. What’s going on? And why are you pacing. I’ve never seen you so agitated before."

"Mother," he whispers, wincing at the thought. "She is on her way here, ready to strike. And when it is over, no one but the queen will be on the board."

"Stefan, calm down and make sense. You’re speaking in iambic pentameter. What’s going on?"

"Nikolas, we must protect Nikolas at all cost. Helena must not reach him."

Alexis grabs Stefan’s arm and leads him to the living room couch. "Sit down, and I’ll pour you a brandy. Then, we’ll talk."

Alexis pours the brandy into a Waterford crystal goblet. She hands Stephan the brandy, and he swallows the entire brandy in one gulp.

"Alright, Alexis." Stefan looks his sister straight in the eye. "My sources in Russia tell me that Helena has been in contact with multiple military installations. Until yesterday, we were not sure what she was after. But, it seems that someone has stolen a specimen from one of the biological warfare test centers. They are not sure what was taken."

Alexis pales as Stefan continues. "Two weeks ago, I received this telegram from mother. Please read it."

Alexis unfolds the paper and begins to read. "Timoria, my son. All the pawns, bishops, and knights couldn’t save them. Queen takes King. Checkmate."

Alexis gulps and says, "Stefan, what shall we do? Nikolas is on the road with Ned. The tour is just starting, and they won’t be home for three months."

Next chapter…

Helena gets some satisfaction

Spencers and Q’s: "We don’t need no PCPD"

Todd and Lucky in cheese fry heaven