Chapter Eight

Helena is reclining on her bed, a palatial confection piled high with silk sheets, fluffy cream damask duvet and mountains of pillows. She is wearing, appropriately, a black merry widow that accentuates her well-preserved assets. She reaches over to touch a sleeping Andreas’ bare leg sticking out of the sheets. As she strokes his leg with a soft up and down motion, she murmurs, "Wake up, Andreas. We have work to do." Helena’s eyes gleam with malice and revenge. "We must test the virus for effectiveness, and we must draw a Prince out of hiding." Andreas smiles and leans over to kiss Helena. "Whatever madam wants, she shall have." Helena sighs with contentment as she slips out of bed and into her black robe. She holds her hand to her chin as she glances behind her toward the bed. "Andreas, find my favorite Spencer." Helena’s tinkling laughter trails behind her as she heads toward her dressing room.


~Quartermaine Mansion~

"Luke and Laura Spencer to see you, sir." Reginald takes his announcements very seriously.

Edward crabs, "I don’t want those hooligans in my house. Send them away."

Monica walks into the room. "Edward, I spoke to Laura earlier about Emily. They might have news."

"Okay, okay, send in the dynamic duo."

"Why thank you Edward, how gracious of you," says Luke as he steps into the living room. "We got tired of cooling our heels in the foyer."

Laura walks over to Monica and gives her a hug. "How are you doing?"

Monica is a bit teary. "As best as we can. We haven’t heard one word from Emily. Have you found Lucky?"

"We think that Lucky and Emily may have run off together again," says Luke.

"What has that Spencer urchin done to Emily now," yells Edward.

"I don’t know, Edward, you tell me, says Luke. Has Emily been unhappy lately?"

Alan walks in. "She was a bit miserable at the restrictions we gave her after the rave murder and hostage incident." Monica nods in agreement.

Luke scratches his chin. "Last time the kids ran away, they went to find Emily’s aunt. Where do you think she might go if she wanted to run away again?"

Monica tears up. "Honestly, I don’t know." Monica looks over at Alan. "Our communication with our daughter has gone from bad to worse. I'm not even sure who her friends are anymore. I’m sorry, I don’t think we can help." Laura puts an arm around Monica.

Luke kicks in. "Maybe you can start making a list of Emily’s friends, parties she’s attended, modeling assignments. Something may turn up. In the meantime, I’ll start with my contacts. The kids can’t have traveled too far. I know Lucky has no cash, and Emily is probably using her credit card. We can trace that."

"I think this is a job for the police," Edward rants.

"Bubba, Taggert, and the PCPD?? Puhleeze, Edward," laughs Luke. Laura, Alan, and Monica laugh, too, grateful for a little mirth amid the pain.


Todd avidly listens as Lucky recounts his experience with computers. "So have you ever killed computer viruses, uh, what’s your name?"

Lucky’s cheek twitches. "It’s Jason. Jason Quartermaine. And, yes, I’ve worked with corporate networks and have designed software to immunize systems against virus attacks. I’m new in town and looking for contract work. I’d be interested in talking to you about your problem." After buying hot dogs and cokes in the bus station and paying the cab fare, I have exactly $8.50 left in my pocket. And I’m starving to death. This better work out. D*mn, I don’t have a degree, credentials or anything—thanks to Faison, Lucky thinks.

Todd is busy thinking, too, while he looks over this computer hacker kid standing in front of him in dirty jeans and a punky haircut. He’s too young for any fancy degree, so maybe I can get him at a cheap price. And I can probably snow him about the real reason I need this done.

Vicki interrupts their trains of thought. "Todd, why don’t you take Jason to the country club and buy him some lunch while you two discuss business? I can hear both of your stomachs rumbling from over here. Emily and I can do some girl stuff – a little shopping, lunch on the town. How’s that sound for your first day in Llanview, kids?"

Relief shows in both Lucky and Emily’s faces. "Great," they chime.

"Well, lets’ meet back here at the house by 5:00, then." Vicki and Emily move toward the door as Vicki grabs her purse and fumbles for her keys. Emily turns around to look at Lucky. "Bye, Lu…..Jason! I’ll see you later."

"Bye Emily," says Lucky. Todd heads back toward the French doors with Lucky following as Todd yells back at Vicki. "We’ll take the back way. It’s quicker."


Todd and Lucky are sitting in the Llanview country club dining room, stuffing their faces with cheeseburgers and french fries. Lucky is too hungry and too busy concentrating on inhaling his cheeseburger to notice the hostile stares from almost every other patron -- stares directed at his dining companion.

Todd ignores the silver spoon in the fine porcelain bowl that contains the condiments. He tears off a bite of his cheeseburger and dips it into the bowl, leaving a trail of ketchup along the fine linen tablecloth. Todd takes his napkin and stuffs it into his collar, pausing only to wipe the excess ketchup from his fingers onto his makeshift bib.

"Hey!" Todd grabs a passing waiter’s arm. "Bring me and my friend another round of cheeseburgers and fries. And this time, put some of that cheese….uh…. whizzy stuff on the fries," Todd says as he makes a swirling motion over his plate.

Lucky looks up from his meal with twinkling eyes at the mention of cheesefries. "Cool," he says. "Hey man, you seem to have had an accident there." Lucky points to the trail of ketchup from the porcelain bowl all the way up to Todd’s chin. There is even a big splotch of ketchup on Todd’s bit of scruff beard.

Todd looks down at himself and over to Lucky. "Better read your own book, Miss Manners," he retorts as he gestures over to Lucky’s shirt. Lucky looks down and sees a big spot of mustard near his stomach. Lucky shrugs and digs into his second round of fries.

A tall, older gentlemen walks over to the table and towers over Todd. "Manning, what are you doing here? Haven’t they revoked your membership yet? Folks don’t feel comfortable dining with common…murderers." Asa Buchanan sneers at Todd.

Todd’s eyes narrow as he looks up at his old enemy. "Cattle getting restless, Asa? Shouldn’t you mosey back down to your Texas dude ranch? And, yeah, I’m NOT a murderer. RJ is still walkin’ around." Lucky’s brow furrows at this talk of murder. Todd dismisses Asa with the wave of a hand, "Git along little dogie!"

Asa turns an unattractive shade of purple. He steps closer to Todd and grits his teeth as his eyes drill holes into Todd’s head. "I’ll see you in hell, Manning!" Asa straightens his tie and makes for the door.

Todd snorts and bends conspiratorially toward Lucky as he loudly whispers. "That’s the stupid b**tard that we’re going to save from the computer virus. My ex-wife is hot for his brain-damaged son. She got a little upset with him and hired a goon to trash his corporate network. Now, she’s had a change of mind and wants to fix it."

Lucky shifts in his seat, feeling uncomfortable at the drama that is unfolding before him. If there’s anything Lucky wants to avoid, it’s drama, especially the soap opera variety. "What are you trying to get me involved in, Todd? I’m not sure if I want this job." Lucky picks up his napkin and flings it onto the table as he pulls back his chair, and stands up, ready to leave.

"Sit down, kid," Todd motions with his hand. "All I want you to do is handle this technical, geekoid stuff. Leave the human relations to me."

"That’s what I’m afraid of," Lucky says tersely as he takes his seat again. "What’s in it for you anyway? Why would you want to help your ex-wife?"

Todd’s faces tenses up, and he says, "I want what’s MINE. I want my daughter, and I want my newspaper back. If working with Blair is what it takes, then so be it." A sad, wistful expression briefly plays across his face as he picks up a stray french fry, stabs it into the ketchup and loudly chews it with his mouth open. Todd gestures at Lucky. "Hurry up and finish that cheese goop so we can blow this joint and get down to work!"

As Lucky and Todd finish their lunch, a dark, shadowy figure talks into a cell phone while glancing over at the two young men. He places the cell phone back into his jacket and adjusts his position, hiding behind the large, potted plant.

Next chapter…

Jason loves ? Liz loves ?

Stefan steals a line from Luke

Lucky experiences major car lust