2005 Illinois QSO Party
sponsored by the Radio Amateur Megacycle Society

(Rules and summary sheet may be downloaded in PDF format by clicking here.)

NEW FOR 2005: 1 hour earlier start and finish. 8-QSO bonus multiplier is eliminated.

Date/Time: 1700Z October 16 until 0100Z October 17, 2005

Bands: 160 through 2 meters, excluding 60, 30, 17, and 12 meters.

Special band activity times: IL stations are encouraged to spend some time on 20 meters in the afternoon to work DX stations seeking IL counties.

Exchange: IL stations give RST and county; others give RST and state, province, or country.

Scoring: Count 1 point per phone QSO, 2 points per CW QSO. No repeater QSOs. Stations may operate only one transmitter at a time. Stations may be worked once per band and mode, and once per band/mode/county for IL mobile stations. Each vehicle is considered one station and must use only one call. Contacts with/by stations at the border of 2 counties count as 2 counties and 2 QSOs; the border of 3 (or 4) counties count as 3 (or 4) counties and 3 (or 4) QSOs. IL stations multiply points by the sum of states, IL counties, VE provinces, and a maximum of 5 DXCC countries (W/K and VE included). Count additional DX as points but not multipliers. Non-IL stations multiply points by number of IL counties worked.

Awards: Plaques will be awarded to the highest-scoring IL fixed station, IL mobile station, IL county line station, and out-of-state station. A traveling plaque sponsored by the Western Illinois Amateur Radio Club will be given for top IL Club score. Certificates will be awarded to the top 10 IL fixed stations, the top 5 IL mobile stations, the top IL county line portable station, the top QRP score, and the highest score (reporting at least 10 IL contacts) in each state, province, and country. Any out-of-state operator who makes at least 200 IL QSOs or works at least 75 IL counties will receive a food item from Illinois, courtesy of N9JF.

Logs: An official ILQP summary sheet must accompany your log. Entries without a summary sheet will be considered to be check logs and won't be included in the final results. Log shall indicate UTC, the call of the station worked, the band and mode, RST sent and received, and the state, province, IL county, or DX country. IL mobiles must indicate county changes in the log. Any station with over 100 QSOs must submit a dupe sheet. Mobile entries send dupe sheet only for counties from which you make 100 or more contacts.

For handwritten logs: Please circle new multipliers as worked. Include a business-size SASE if you wish to receive printed results. Entries must be postmarked by November 15. Mail to: RAMS, c/o John Matz, KB9II, 7079 West Ave., Hanover Park, IL 60133.

For electronic logs: We ask anyone who produces a computer generated log to please submit their log via email. A summary sheet can be downloaded from the ILQP website and must be included with your entry. Send by November 15 to jfunk [at] fossnorthamerica [dot] com

Rules, summary sheet, and other information is available at http://my.core.com/~jematz/ilqp/ilqphome.htm  You are invited to join the ILQSO email reflector at http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/ilqso

Entries may be disqualified if the rules of the Illinois QSO Party are not followed. The decision of the Illinois QSO Party Committee shall be final.