A Quick Summary
The Illinois QSO Party is an 8-hour event,
usually held on the third Sunday in October.
The event is open to all amateur radio operators.
The event uses 160 meters through 2 meters.
CW contacts count 2 points each, while Phone contacts count 1 point each.
Stations are divided into two groups: Illinois stations and non-Illinois stations.
Stations inside IL try to work IL counties, states, and countries as multipliers.
Stations outside IL try to work IL counties as multipliers.
IL stations are further divided into fixed, mobile, or portable.
For further information, check out the latest rules below.
K9LY - Joe LeKostaj - IL QSO Party Chairman - joe_lekostaj at comcast dot net
N9JF - Jim Funk - Electronic Log Submissions - jfunk at fossnorthamerica dot com
KB9II - John Matz - Paper Log Submissions -jematz at megsinet dot net
Sponsored by RAMS
The Radio Amateur Megacycle Society
KB9II - John Matz - Secretary
7079 West Avenue
Hanover Park IL 60133
...with special thanks to WIARC
The Western Illinois Amateur Radio Club
*** !! NEW !! ***
** 2005 Rules Updates **
...View 2005 IL QSO Party Rules in HTML (.html)
...Download 2005 IL QSO Party Rules (.pdf)
...Download 2005 IL QSO Party Summary Sheet (.txt)
...Download 2005 IL QSO Party Activity Map (.pdf)
Note: If you send your log via email, you still must submit a summary sheet. There are two ways of doing this:
1) Fill one out by hand and mail it in, OR...
2) Download this text file, fill it in with a text editor and re-save it,
then email it with your log.
*** !!! Analysis !!! ***
...Top Ten ILQP - Cumulative
...Illinois QSO Party by IL County - Cumulative
*** !! The 2005 Contest Results !! ***
...2005 Illinois QSO Party Results (.pdf)
The winner of the QRP-Outside IL category should have been identified
as NJ4X, Dave Fischer of Missouri. He had the highest score in that
category (17,420 points) but his log was sorted into the wrong pile by
yours truly. Congratulations to Dave!
- Joe K9LY
*** Archival Information on Past Contests ***
...2004 Illinois QSO Party Results (.pdf)
...2003 Illinois QSO Party Analysis (.pdf)
...2003 Illinois QSO Party Results (.pdf)
...2002 Illinois QSO Party Analysis (.pdf)
...2002 Illinois QSO Party Results (.pdf)
...2001 Illinois QSO Party Analysis (.pdf)
...2001 Illinois QSO Party Results (.pdf)
...2000 Illinois QSO Party Analysis (.pdf)
...2000 Illinois QSO Party Results (.pdf)
*** ILQP Additional Related Links ***
...Illinois QSO Party E-Mail Reflector
...IL QSO Party Photos
...Link to W9DUA Photos
*** Club Winner's Award - 2004 Photo ***
...Club Winner's Plaque (2004 Photo)
*** Contest Aids ***
...Download IL QSO Party Listing for TR by K9PG (.dom)
...Link to ILQP Listing for Writelog by N9OH
...ILQP Cabrillo Template by N9OH
... last revised 5-8-2006 by KB9II.