Pleiku and the People 1963-1964

Camp Holloway employed many local Pleiku residents and they were industrious hard workers.  They helped build the roads, the buildings, and the water tower, and many other facilities on the base.  Both the women and the men carried dirt and stone in baskets or suspended from long poles supported on their shoulders and backs, working piece by piece and bit by bit, until it was a finished product.

College Student Pleiku People 1

The women took care of our living quarters, cleaned our boots and did our laundry and bedding which allowed us more time to concentrate on doing our jobs.  And they never complained about any of the tasks they performed.  These are photos of a few people who worked on the airbase.  One was a college student who worked during her time off from school writing up our receipts at the base laundry and barber shop facility.  She was a lot of fun to talk with, as were her family and friends, and learning a few of their customs and preferences in cuisine.

Vendor Frying Bananas Pleiku's Town Shops

I hope those pictured here are doing well and life has treated them kindly and I often wonder how they are doing.  These are pictures of Pleiku's people, the children, the flavor of the open street markets and the vendor frying bananas, the town's numerous tailor shops, photo shops, bars, laundries and general supplies...and a woman carrying her burden in baskets hanging from the long pole I described earlier.

Pleiku People 2 The Children

Pleiku Market

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